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Top Meme Coins Enter A Bull Run: DOGE, SHIB, and BONK Price Analysis

顶级 Meme 币进入牛市:DOGE、SHIB 和 BONK 价格分析

发布: 2024/02/16 06:06 阅读: 382

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顶级 Meme 币进入牛市:DOGE、SHIB 和 BONK 价格分析一文首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

With the Bitcoin price touching the peak of $52,000 after almost two years of blackout, the markets are moving like a bullet train from Japan. Amidst such recovery, the meme coins are the exciting sector with breakout opportunities. 

在近两年的停电之后,比特币价格触及 52,000 美元的峰值,市场就像来自日本的子弹头列车一样移动。在这样的复苏中,模因币是令人兴奋的、具有突破机会的领域。

Further, known for their sharp, volatile jumps, the top meme coins are closely followed by investors ready to catch the breakout run. With the potential for triple-digit jumps in a matter of weeks, let’s have a look at the Top Meme Coins, which are Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Bonk (BONK).

此外,顶级模因币以其急剧、波动性的跳跃而闻名,受到准备抓住突破的投资者的密切关注。由于有可能在几周内实现三位数的跳跃,让我们来看看顶级 Meme 币,它们是狗狗币 (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB) 和 Bonk (BONK)。

  1. Dogecoin (DOGE)
  2. 狗狗币 (DOGE)

With a bullish breakout of a resistance trendline, the DOGE price trend is ready for a bullish reversal. The spike in trading volume supports the breakout event projecting a sharper move for for Dogecoin. 

随着阻力趋势线的看涨突破,DOGE 价格趋势已准备好看涨逆转。交易量的激增支持了突破事件,预示着狗狗币将出现更剧烈的走势。

Moreover, the DOGE price jumps almost 11% in the last two weeks, resulting in bullish engulfing candles. Further, the price jump exceeds the 38.20% Fib level, teasing an uptrend continuation. 

此外,过去两周 DOGE 价格上涨近 11%,导致看涨吞没蜡烛。此外,价格上涨超过 38.20% 斐波那契水平,预示着上升趋势将持续。

Currently, the DOGE price trades at $0.08630 with an intraday move of 0.95% jump. Despite the higher price rejection in the daily candle, the weekly momentum could push the DOGE price higher to $0.10 this month. 

目前,DOGE 价格交易价格为 0.08630 美元,盘中上涨 0.95%。尽管每日蜡烛图价格上涨,但本周的势头可能会推动 DOGE 价格本月上涨至 0.10 美元。

  1. Shiba Inu (SHIB)
  2. 柴犬 (SHIB)

Being the second biggest meme coin per market cap, the SHIB price signals a positive sign in the weekly chart. Hampering the continuation of Lower high formations, the Shiba Inu projects a potential breakout trend for a bullish reversal. 

作为按市值计算的第二大模因币,SHIB 的价格在周线图中发出了积极的信号。柴犬形态阻碍了较低高位形态的延续,预示着看涨逆转的潜在突破趋势。

With a cup and handle pattern breakout, the SHIB price challenges the psychological neckline at $0.000010. Approaching the upper line of Bollinger bands, the 10% jump in the last ten days signals a seismic shift in underlying sentiments. 

随着杯柄形态的突破,SHIB 价格挑战 0.000010 美元的心理颈线。接近布林线上限时,过去 10 天内上涨 10% 标志着潜在情绪发生了巨大变化。

Considering the buyers sustain the momentum, the SUIB price can start a new run above $0.000010. Further, the bounce back from the 50-week EMA adds brownie points to the bullish side. 

考虑到买家维持势头,SUIB 价格可能会在 0.000010 美元上方开始新一轮上涨。此外,从 50 周均线的反弹为看涨面增加了布朗尼点。

Optimistically, the Shiba Inu price jump can scale to $0.000015 in the coming weeks and ignite a new higher high formation.

乐观的是,柴犬价格在未来几周内可能会上涨至 0.000015 美元,并引发新的更高高点。

  1. BONK
  2. 邦克

Finding a solid ground at 61.80% Fibonacci retracement level, the BONK price concludes the pullback phase. With the bullish reversal cracking the overhead resistance trendline and the 50-day EMA, the meme coin is ready for a bull run. 

BONK 价格在 61.80% 斐波那契回撤位站稳脚跟,结束了回调阶段。随着看涨反转突破上方阻力趋势线和 50 日均线,米姆币已准备好迎接牛市。

Challenging and stretching the upper band of Bollinger bands, the uptrend approaches the 38.20% Fibonacci level. Coinciding with the psychological mark of $0.000015, the uptrend is up against a solid line of supply. 

上升趋势挑战并拉伸布林线的上轨,逼近 38.20% 斐波那契水平。与 0.000015 美元的心理关口相一致,上升趋势是沿着一条坚实的供应线向上的。

Further, the double bottom breakout signals a trend reversal for the meme coin. Considering the buyers manage to surpass the 38.20% Fib level, the BONK price can shoot up to the previous peak at $0.000025.  

此外,双底突破标志着模因币的趋势逆转。考虑到买家成功突破 38.20% Fib 水平,BONK 价格可能会飙升至之前的峰值 0.000025 美元。

In conclusion, the Top Meme Coins are ready to skyrocket with a breakout rally and teases a sharp jump in the coming weeks. 

总之,顶级 Meme 代币已准备好通过突破性反弹而飙升,并在未来几周内出现大幅上涨。


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