首页 > 资讯新闻 > 2024 年顶级 Meme 币将 Meme 文化与 GameFi 融合:数字游戏化的新时代

Top Meme Coins in 2024 Merging Meme Culture with GameFi: A New Era in Digital Gamification

2024 年顶级 Meme 币将 Meme 文化与 GameFi 融合:数字游戏化的新时代

发布: 2024/01/24 15:04 阅读: 428

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


2024 年顶级 Meme 币将 Meme 文化与 GameFi 融合:数字游戏化的新时代

Table of Contents


Meme coins started as cryptocurrencies inspired by internet memes or social phenomena. Dogecoin (DOGE), inspired by the popular "Doge" meme featuring a Shiba Inu dog, is the most notable example. These coins often begin with little to no intrinsic value or utility but can gain significant market value driven by community support and social media hype. The phenomenon reflects a shift in how value is perceived and assigned in 2024, where community consensus can trump traditional financial metrics.

模因币最初是受互联网模因或社会现象启发的加密货币。狗狗币(DOGE)的灵感来自流行的以柴犬为主题的“Doge”模因,是最显着的例子。这些代币通常一开始几乎没有内在价值或实用性,但可以在社区支持和社交媒体炒作的推动下获得巨大的市场价值。这一现象反映了 2024 年价值感知和分配方式的转变,社区共识可以胜过传统的财务指标。

New Meme Coins Innovating with GameFi

The integration of meme coins into the GameFi sector is a natural progression in the blockchain world. This merger leverages the viral nature of meme tokens and the economic opportunities of GameFi, creating a unique synergy.

新 Meme 币与 GameFi 一起创新 Meme 币融入 GameFi 领域是区块链世界的自然发展。此次合并利用了 Meme 代币的病毒式传播特性和 GameFi 的经济机会,创造了独特的协同效应。

Meme Fighter

Meme Fighter which is under-going its coin presale, is a prime example of a project looking to disrupt the meme space by providing a social network of casual competitive games in which players can compete for cash prizes and even wager their favourite meme tokens against each other. By playing quick 2-minute skill and puzzle-based games on their mobile, their MoFo token will be used as way to benefit from the fees generated by regular players competing. Tapping into a 2 billion strong casual gamer base there are serious opportunities from innovators in 2024.

Meme FighterMeme Fighter 正在进行代币预售,它是一个寻求颠覆 Meme 空间的项目的一个典型例子,它提供了一个休闲竞技游戏的社交网络,玩家可以在其中争夺现金奖励,甚至可以用自己最喜欢的 Meme 代币进行下注彼此。通过在手机上玩 2 分钟的快速技能和益智游戏,他们的 MoFo 代币将被用来从普通玩家竞争产生的费用中受益。 2024 年,创新者将迎来 20 亿强大休闲游戏玩家群体的巨大机遇。


Bonk by now is a household name for crypto meme enthusiasts and meme savvy enthusiasts will have heard of Bonk and its meteoric rise in late 2023 on Solana.

到目前为止,BonkBonk 对于加密 meme 爱好者来说是一个家喻户晓的名字,精通 meme 的爱好者将会听说过 Bonk 及其于 2023 年底在 Solana 上的迅速崛起。

But Bonk isn’t just a meme coin, it has allowed a variety of independent game developers to integrate the Bonk coin into various gambling and play to earn games. While some of the games are rather simple others show promise of future development, but for now all are currently purely driven by speculating and gamble-fi use cases.


It will be interesting to see how their ecosystem develops in 2024 and whether we will see some play to earn or other types of games emerging from their network.

看看他们的生态系统在 2024 年如何发展,以及我们是否会看到一些赚钱游戏或其他类型的游戏从他们的网络中涌现,将会很有趣。


Snek is fast becoming a recognized Memecoin and Cardanos number one. It has launched it’s first game based on the original arcade game “Snake” in which you have to control a blue snake modelled after their meme mascot and eat pellets to grow larger while not crashing into obstacles.

SnekSnek 正在迅速成为公认的 Memecoin 和 Cardanos 第一名。它推出了第一款基于原始街机游戏“贪吃蛇”的游戏,在游戏中,你必须控制一条以他们的模因吉祥物为蓝本的蓝蛇,吃掉颗粒使其变大,同时不撞到障碍物。

Purely a browser-based desktop game with no mobile support yet you can deposit ADA and win from an ongoing prize pool vs other players.

纯粹基于浏览器的桌面游戏,没有移动支持,但您可以存入 ADA 并从持续的奖池中与其他玩家竞争。

While not revolutionary in any way it is a positive start for a meme coin on Cardano and could lead to a much broader catalogue of games for the Snek community to enjoy. 20% of the deposits from ADA go back to buying and burning Snek token itself.

虽然在任何方面都不是革命性的,但它对于卡尔达诺上的模因硬币来说是一个积极的开始,并且可能会为 Snek 社区带来更广泛的游戏目录。 ADA 存款的 20% 会用于购买和销毁 Snek 代币本身。

Far More Innovation Still to Come with Memes and Game-Fi

Both meme tokens and GameFi heavily rely on active and engaged communities. The incorporation of meme tokens into games can enhance player engagement and loyalty so you can expect this trend to strengthen further into the year.

Meme 和 Game-Fi 仍将带来更多创新 Meme 代币和 GameFi 都严重依赖活跃且参与的社区。将模因代币纳入游戏可以提高玩家的参与度和忠诚度,因此您可以预期这一趋势将在今年进一步加强。

While Meme coins can serve as in-game currencies, providing real-world value and incentives for players. This integration can attract a broader audience to GameFi platforms.

而 Meme 币可以作为游戏内货币,为玩家提供现实世界的价值和激励。这种集成可以吸引更广泛的受众使用 GameFi 平台。

Viral Nature

Known for their viral nature on social media. Integrating crypto Memes into games can boost the visibility and popularity of GameFi projects so we can only expect more characters to be spontaneously added to blockchain games as their level of quality and depth increase further.

病毒性质以其在社交媒体上的病毒性质而闻名。将加密 Memes 集成到游戏中可以提高 GameFi 项目的知名度和受欢迎程度,因此随着区块链游戏质量和深度的进一步提高,我们只能期望更多的角色会自发地添加到区块链游戏中。

Innovation in Tokenomics:

Meme coins in GameFi can lead to innovative tokenomics models, blending humor and meme culture with serious financial mechanisms.

代币经济的创新:GameFi 中的 Meme 币可以带来创新的代币经济模型,将幽默和 Meme 文化与严肃的金融机制融为一体。

But despite the potential benefits, integrating these tokens into GameFi is not without challenges:

但尽管有潜在的好处,将这些代币集成到 GameFi 中也并非没有挑战:

Volatility and sustainability are both major factors for game developers to consider with meme tokens notoriously volatile, which could impact the stability of GameFi economies.

波动性和可持续性都是游戏开发商需要考虑的主要因素,因为 meme 代币的波动性众所周知,这可能会影响 GameFi 经济的稳定性。

Maintaining the balance between gaming for fun and for financial gain is crucial to avoid turning GameFi into purely speculative platforms.

保持游戏乐趣和经济利益之间的平衡对于避免 GameFi 变成纯粹的投机平台至关重要。

The Future of Two Markets

Looking ahead, the integration of meme coins into GameFi is poised for growth. As both sectors mature, we can expect more sophisticated collaborations, with meme tokens adding an extra layer of engagement and value to gaming experiences. Innovations in blockchain technology, NFTs, and decentralized governance will further facilitate this merger.

两个市场的未来展望未来,Meme 币与 GameFi 的整合有望实现增长。随着这两个行业的成熟,我们可以期待更复杂的合作,模因代币会为游戏体验增加额外的参与度和价值。区块链技术、NFT 和去中心化治理方面的创新将进一步促进此次合并。

Potential Developments

Future platforms could offer more complex and rewarding experiences, with meme tokens playing central roles in game economies and narratives while cross-platform integrations mean coins could be used across multiple games and platforms, creating interconnected gaming ecosystems.



The merger of two markets represents an exciting development in the world of digital assets. It embodies the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency sector, where innovation, community, and humor intersect with serious financial concepts. While challenges remain, the potential for growth and innovation in this space is vast especially when considering the traditional gaming market has yet to be truly tapped into within Web 3. As the line between gaming and finance continues to blur, the integration of meme tokens into GameFi could redefine the gaming experience, making it not just a source of entertainment but also a new frontier for economic opportunity and community-driven innovation.

结论两个市场的合并代表了数字资产领域令人兴奋的发展。它体现了加密货币领域的动态本质,其中创新、社区和幽默与严肃的金融概念相交叉。尽管挑战依然存在,但该领域的增长和创新潜力巨大,尤其是考虑到传统游戏市场尚未在 Web 3 中真正得到利用。随着游戏和金融之间的界限不断模糊,Meme 代币与GameFi 可以重新定义游戏体验,使其不仅是一种娱乐来源,而且成为经济机会和社区驱动创新的新领域。

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. 




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