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Top 6 Meme Coins That Could Skyrocket 300x Soon!

排名前 6 的 Meme 代币可能很快就会飙升 300 倍!

发布: 2024/04/25 17:34 阅读: 430

原文作者:CryptoTicker ENG


排名前 6 的 Meme 代币可能很快就会飙升 300 倍!

Currently, there are more than 300 meme coins buzzing around in the crypto world. Figuring out which one to invest in might feel daunting, but fret not! This article is here to guide you through the top 6 meme coins poised for potential profit in 2024 after Bitcoin halving.

目前,加密世界中有超过 300 种 Meme 币。弄清楚要投资哪一个可能会让人感到畏惧,但不要担心!本文旨在引导您了解比特币减半后有望在 2024 年获利的 6 大模因币。

A meme coin is a cryptocurrency that finds its roots in memes, animals, or humorous characters. These digital currencies often gain traction thanks to dedicated communities sharing a mutual interest. The enthusiasm within these communities can transform a meme into a legitimate cryptocurrency.


However, while meme coins offer entertainment value, they also come with significant risks. They’re highly volatile and notoriously difficult to forecast. Investing in meme coins can be precarious, as their value may fluctuate wildly or even plummet, presenting a considerable risk for traders. Nonetheless, let’s explore some of the top meme coins that might experience explosive growth in 2024.

然而,虽然模因币提供娱乐价值,但它们也伴随着巨大的风险。它们的波动性很大,而且非常难以预测。投资模因币可能不稳定,因为它们的价值可能大幅波动甚至暴跌,给交易者带来相当大的风险。尽管如此,让我们来探讨一些可能在 2024 年经历爆炸性增长的顶级模因币。

Top 6 Meme Coins With 300x Potential

具有 300 倍潜力的前 6 个 Meme 代币

  1. Pepe (PEPE)


    • Market Cap: $1.78B
    • Monthly Return: 355.96%
    • Pepe, born out of the iconic internet meme “Feels Good Man” frog, also known as Pepe the Frog, made its entrance in April 2023. Since then, it’s been riding a wave of bullish energy, with its price shooting up by a whopping 355% in just the last 30 days. With a total circulating supply of 420 trillion tokens, Pepe stands out, especially since more than 90% of them are snugly locked in liquidity pools.
  2. Dogwifhat (WIF)

    市值:1.78美元月回报率:355.96%Pepe,脱胎于标志性的互联网模因“Feels Good Man”青蛙,也被称为 Pepe the Frog,于 2023 年 4 月上市。从那时起,它就一直乘着看涨能量的浪潮,其价格在过去 30 天内飙升了 355%。 Pepe 的总流通供应量为 420 万亿枚代币,尤其是其中 90% 以上都紧紧锁定在流动性池中。Dogwifhat (WIF)

    • Market Cap: $1,670,708,124
    • Monthly Return: 648%
    • Imagine Dogwifhat as that fun-loving digital token hanging out in the Solana system, where cryptocurrencies zip around with ease and speed. It’s like having a playful pup sporting a cool hat as its logo. Dogwifhat belongs to the meme coin gang, a crew of cryptocurrencies known for their lighthearted, often joke-themed nature, which has gained massive popularity online.
    • This memecoin burst onto the scene in December 2023 and swiftly stole the spotlight. Its value skyrocketed to $0.53, catching the attention of many. But hold onto your hats—between January 8 and January 18, it went through a jaw-dropping 700% surge! Big names like Binance and BitMEX giving it a thumbs-up definitely helped fuel this rise. And as of now, Dogwifhat is proudly standing at 1.69.
    • In some interesting news, Lookonchain, the on-chain data provider, spilled the beans on some cool stuff happening with Dogwifhat (WIF). It seems a big fish or whale in crypto speak, recently made a splash by pulling out a chunk of Solana from Binance, worth about $918,000. They used this stash to scoop up 673,394 WIF tokens at $1.36 each.
    • What’s even more intriguing is this whale’s belief in WIF’s potential. They’ve already tossed in $2 million to snag a massive 2.82 million WIF tokens, with an average price tag of $0.71 per token. With an unrealized profit of roughly $1.35 million, it’s clear this whale is doubling down on Dogwifhat (WIF), fueling the buzz about its potential for major gains in the near future.
  3. Bonk (BONK)

    市值:1,670,708,124 美元月回报率:648% 将 Dogwifhat 想象成 Solana 系统中有趣的数字代币,加密货币在其中轻松快速地流通。这就像一只顽皮的小狗戴着一顶很酷的帽子作为其标志。 Dogwifhat 属于 meme coin 帮派,这是一群以轻松、经常以笑话为主题的加密货币,在网上广受欢迎。这种 memecoin 于 2023 年 12 月突然出现,并迅速抢尽风头。它的价值飙升至0.53美元,引起了很多人的关注。但别着急——从 1 月 8 日到 1 月 18 日,它经历了令人瞠目结舌的 700% 飙升! Binance 和 BitMEX 等大牌机构对其竖起大拇指,无疑推动了这一增长。截至目前,Dogwifhat 自豪地达到 1.69。 在一些有趣的消息中,链上数据提供商 Lookonchain 透露了 Dogwifhat (WIF) 发生的一些很酷的事情。从加密货币的角度来看,它似乎是一条大鱼或鲸鱼,最近因从 Binance 拿出一块价值约 918,000 美元的 Solana 而引起了轰动。他们用这些藏品以每个 1.36 美元的价格挖出了 673,394 个 WIF 代币。更耐人寻味的是,这只鲸鱼对 WIF 潜力的信念。他们已经投入 200 万美元购买了 282 万个 WIF 代币,每个代币的平均价格为 0.71 美元。未实现利润约为 135 万美元,很明显,这头鲸鱼正在加倍押注 Dogwifhat (WIF),加剧了有关其在不久的将来可能获得重大收益的热议。 Bonk (BONK)

    • Market Cap: $1.6B
    • Monthly Return: 132%
    • Bonk entered the scene on the Solana blockchain back in December 2022, quickly grabbing attention thanks to its ties to Solana’s meme culture and its fun, meme-focused marketing. While Bonk faced some challenges in recent months, it’s made an impressive leap with growth shooting up by over 2233% in the past year alone.
    • But here’s the kicker: Bonk’s success is tightly intertwined with Solana’s own triumphs and the various projects thriving on its blockchain. Being a native token of Solana, Bonk’s fate is closely linked to how well Solana performs. And there’s plenty of optimism surrounding Solana-based ventures like Pyth, the Jupiter aggregator, JITO MEV infrastructure, MadLads, and Tensorians NFT projects, all adding to the excitement surrounding Bonk’s potential journey ahead.
  4. Corgi AI (CORJIAI)

    市值:1.6 美元月回报率:132%Bonk 早在 2022 年 12 月就进入了 Solana 区块链,由于其与 Solana 的 meme 文化的联系以及有趣的、以 meme 为中心的营销,迅速引起了人们的关注。虽然 Bonk 最近几个月面临一些挑战,但它取得了令人印象深刻的飞跃,仅在过去一年就增长了 2233% 以上。但更精彩的是:Bonk 的成功与 Solana 自身的成功以及在其区块链上蓬勃发展的各种项目紧密相连。作为 Solana 的原生代币,Bonk 的命运与 Solana 的表现息息相关。人们对基于 Solana 的企业充满乐观情绪,例如 Pyth、Jupiter 聚合器、JITO MEV 基础设施、MadLads 和 Tensorians NFT 项目,所有这些都增加了人们对 Bonk 未来潜在旅程的兴奋感。 Corgi AI (CORJIAI)

    • Market Cap: $1.16B
    • Monthly Return: 91%
    • Meet CorgiAI, the one-of-a-kind meme coin cruising through the Cronos blockchain scene. What sets it apart? Well, it’s all about blending the playful vibes of meme coins with the latest in artificial intelligence tech. CorgiAI has big dreams—it’s here to back various AI ventures, from whipping up and trading AI-generated artworks and NFTs to dishing out opportunities in the AI job market.
    • Sporting a total supply of 500 billion tokens and boasting a market cap of $1.16B, CorgiAI puts a spotlight on community involvement and pushing the boundaries in the ever-expanding realm of artificial intelligence.
  5. Memecoin (MEME)

    市值:1.16 美元月回报率:91% 来认识一下 CorgiAI,这是一种在 Cronos 区块链场景中巡游的独一无二的模因硬币。是什么让它与众不同?好吧,这一切都是为了将​​模因币的俏皮氛围与最新的人工智能技术相结合。 CorgiAI 有着远大的梦想——它支持各种人工智能企业,从创造和交易人工智能生成的艺术品和 NFT,到在人工智能就业市场上提供机会。总供应量为 5000 亿枚代币,市值为 $1.16B ,CorgiAI 重点关注社区参与并突破不断扩展的人工智能领域的界限。 Memecoin (MEME)

    • Market Cap: $444,627,664
    • Monthly Return: 53%
    • Memecoin (MEME) takes center stage as the native ecosystem token of Memeland. Picture it as the beating heart of a digital realm crafted by none other than 9GAG, the global meme sensation. Welcome to Memeland, where memes reign supreme and creativity knows no bounds. You can read more about this here.
    • Now, this one’s a bit of a wild card. Memecoin isn’t about utility or grand promises. Nope, it’s all about one thing: memes. There’s no roadmap or financial forecasts to fuss over here—just pure, unfiltered meme magic. It’s like stepping into a digital playground where laughter reigns supreme, and memes are the currency of choice.
  6. Shiba Inu (SHIB)

    市值:444,627,664 美元月回报率:53% Memecoin (MEME) 作为 Memeland 的原生生态系统代币占据中心舞台。将其想象为数字领域跳动的心脏,由轰动全球的模因 9GAG 打造。欢迎来到 Memeland,这里模因至高无上,创造力无极限。您可以在这里阅读更多相关信息。现在,这个有点不确定。 Memecoin 与实用性或宏伟承诺无关。不,这一切都与一件事有关:模因。这里没有值得大惊小怪的路线图或财务预测——只有纯粹的、未经过滤的迷因魔法。这就像走进一个数字游乐场,那里的笑声至高无上,模因是首选货币。柴犬 (SHIB)

    • Market Cap: $12.92B
    • Monthly Return: 128%
    • Debuting in August 2020, Shiba Inu surged in popularity throughout 2021 and is poised to keep up its momentum in 2024. Known for its playful Shiba-themed concept and decentralized structure, SHIB has become a standout among meme coins.
    • Beyond its meme status, SHIB’s integration with the Ethereum network enables it to manage smart contracts. Presently, there are endeavors in progress to introduce an auto-burn mechanism designed to curb its vast token supply, which currently stands at trillions.
    • Shibarium, the transaction network tailored for Shiba Inu, is teetering on the brink of hitting a whopping 400 million transactions. This milestone isn’t just a number—it’s a testament to the substantial usage Shibarium is experiencing. What’s more, the network is on the cusp of locking in nearly $1 million, indicating a significant amount of capital flowing through the system.

Where to Buy Crypto?

市值:12.92 美元月回报率:128% 柴犬于 2020 年 8 月首次亮相,在 2021 年人气飙升,并有望在 2024 年保持势头。SHIB 以其有趣的柴犬主题概念和去中心化结构而闻名,已成为其中的佼佼者。 meme 币。除了 meme 地位之外,SHIB 与以太坊网络的集成使其能够管理智能合约。目前,人们正在努力引入自动销毁机制,旨在遏制其庞大的代币供应量,目前代币供应量达数万亿美元。Shibaium,为柴犬量身定制的交易网络,正徘徊在高达 4 亿笔交易的边缘。这个里程碑不仅仅是一个数字,它证明了 Shibarium 正在经历的大量使用。更重要的是,该网络即将锁定近 100 万美元,这表明有大量资金流经该系统。 在哪里购买加密货币?

Bitget stands out as a viable platform to purchase crypto. Known for its security and user-friendly interface, Bitget makes starting your cryptocurrency investment journey straightforward. To buy crypto on Bitget, simply create an account, complete the necessary KYC procedures, deposit funds, and execute your purchase.

Bitget 作为购买加密货币的可行平台脱颖而出。 Bitget 以其安全性和用户友好的界面而闻名,让您轻松开始加密货币投资之旅。要在 Bitget 上购买加密货币,只需创建一个帐户、完成必要的 KYC 程序、存入资金并执行购买即可。


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