首页 > 资讯新闻 > 今日值得关注的热门 Meme 币,6 月 20 日星期二 – Wojak、SafemoonTon、Solabrado、PlayDoge

Top Meme Coins To Watch Today Tuesday, June 20 – Wojak, SafemoonTon, Solabrado, PlayDoge

今日值得关注的热门 Meme 币,6 月 20 日星期二 – Wojak、SafemoonTon、Solabrado、PlayDoge

发布: 2024/06/21 04:04 阅读: 506

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


今日值得关注的热门 Meme 币,6 月 20 日星期二 – Wojak、SafemoonTon、Solabrado、PlayDoge

Aside from meme tokens, the broader crypto market, including Bitcoin, has been struggling to escape a downtrend that started on June 14. The decline saw Bitcoin hitting a low of $60,005 on June 14, coinciding with negative ETF flows. The recent price movement may be linked to mixed macroeconomic data from the U.S. and the FOMC's hawkish tone, which reduced the anticipated Fed rate cuts for 2024 from four to one.

除了 meme 代币之外,包括比特币在内的更广泛的加密市场一直在努力摆脱 6 月 14 日开始的下跌趋势。比特币在 6 月 14 日跌至 60,005 美元的低点,与 ETF 流量负值同时发生。最近的价格走势可能与美国宏观经济数据好坏参半以及联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)的强硬基调有关,这使得美联储2024年的降息预期从四次降到了一次。

Given the history of meme coin markets outperforming Bitcoin and other altcoins during bull seasons, investors are once again searching for the best meme coins. Based on fundamental analysis and expert predictions, this article presents the most promising meme coins that offer potential for maximum profits.


Top Meme Coins to Watch

值得关注的热门 Meme 币

1. Solabrado (SOBER)


SOBER is a community-driven meme coin built on the Solana blockchain. Its positioning differentiates it from the Ethereum-dominated meme coin landscape. SOBER prioritizes community initiatives, aiming for lower transaction fees, efficiency, and scalability.

SOBER 是一种建立在 Solana 区块链上的社区驱动的模因币。它的定位使其有别于以太坊主导的模因币格局。 SOBER 优先考虑社区倡议,旨在降低交易费用、效率和可扩展性。

Additionally, Solabrador offers a reward system for holders through a unique tier system. It incentivizes holding SOBER by rewarding holders weekly. The project also enables holders to transact quickly and efficiently on its platform.

此外,Solabrador 通过独特的等级系统为持有者提供奖励系统。它通过每周奖励持有者来激励持有 SOBER。该项目还使持有者能够在其平台上快速高效地进行交易。

2. Wojak (WOJAK)


WOJAK is a meme project inspired by the popular internet meme of cartoon faces expressing various emotions. It aims to create a decentralized platform for meme enthusiasts, allowing them to interact with other meme fans, join local forums, and buy and sell memes.

WOJAK 是一个模因项目,其灵感来自流行的网络模因,即表达各种情感的卡通面孔。它旨在为模因爱好者创建一个去中心化平台,使他们能够与其他模因粉丝互动、加入当地论坛以及买卖模因。

The platform leverages blockchain technology for transparency and security. It integrates art, AI, and NFTs into a compelling concept for holders. WOJAK features unique NFTs tradable on various marketplaces and allows for staking, farming, and DAO components.

该平台利用区块链技术来实现透明度和安全性。它将艺术、人工智能和 NFT 融入到一个对持有者来说引人注目的概念中。 WOJAK 具有可在各种市场上交易的独特 NFT,并允许质押、农业和 DAO 组件。

3. PlayDoge (PLAY)

3. 玩狗(玩)

In just days after its launch, PlayDoge raised nearly $4.9 million in its ongoing presale. Inspired by Dogecoin, PLAY is a unique meme coin centered around the Shiba Inu dog breed. However, the token goes beyond the popular meme coin concept.

推出后仅几天,PlayDoge 就通过正在进行的预售筹集了近 490 万美元。受到狗狗币的启发,PLAY 是一种以柴犬品种为中心的独特模因硬币。然而,该代币超出了流行的模因硬币概念。

PlayDoge is an innovative mobile-based Play-to-Earn game. Players can care for virtual pets, take them on adventures, and earn PLAY tokens. The P2E strategy incentivizes players and encourages community growth.

PlayDoge 是一款创新的移动端 Play-to-Earn 游戏。玩家可以照顾虚拟宠物,带它们去冒险,并赚取 PLAY 代币。 P2E 策略激励玩家并鼓励社区成长。

4. SafemoonTon (SAFET)

4. 安全月通 (SAFET)

SafemoonTon is a relatively new meme coin that utilizes a multifaceted strategy to build a robust ecosystem on the TON blockchain. It aims to develop a sustainable, community-centric platform while introducing innovative features.

SafemoonTon 是一种相对较新的模因币,它利用多方面的策略在 TON 区块链上构建强大的生态系统。它旨在开发一个可持续的、以社区为中心的平台,同时引入创新功能。

SafemoonTon has a Decentralized Launchpad for launching new crypto projects, empowering innovative ideas and supporting community-driven initiatives. Additionally, it offers a Web3 Job Marketplace to connect professionals with opportunities in the blockchain industry.

SafemoonTon 拥有一个去中心化启动板,用于启动新的加密项目、赋予创新理念并支持社区驱动的举措。此外,它还提供 Web3 就业市场,将专业人士与区块链行业的机会联系起来。


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