首页 > 资讯新闻 > 2017 年购买狗狗币的交易员预计其价格将飙升 37500% 至 26 美元

Trader Who Bought Dogecoin In 2017 Maps Out Meteoric 37500% Rise To $26

2017 年购买狗狗币的交易员预计其价格将飙升 37500% 至 26 美元

发布: 2023/11/17 18:00 阅读: 820

原文作者:Scott Matherson


Dogecoin still boasts one of the most active following of any cryptocurrency and the community’s involvement has been one of the most bullish use cases for it. One community member, who bought the meme coin over five years ago, has come forward to explain why they still hold the coin with expectations for where the DOGE price is headed.

狗狗币仍然是所有加密货币中最活跃的追随者之一,社区的参与一直是它最乐观的用例之一。一位五年前购买了 Meme 币的社区成员出面解释了为什么他们仍然持有该币,并对 DOGE 价格的走势抱有期望。

Dogecoin Price Rise To $26

狗狗币价格上涨至 26 美元

The trader first posted a chart to TradingView in September outlining why they believe that the Dogecoin price would see such a meteoric rise. According to the trader who goes by John Burr, he had been holding the altcoin for a long time after initially getting into it in 2017.

该交易员于 9 月份首次在 TradingView 上发布了一张图表,概述了他们认为狗狗币价格会如此迅速上涨的原因。据一位名叫约翰·伯尔 (John Burr) 的交易员表示,自 2017 年首次买入这种山寨币以来,他已经持有这种山寨币很长时间了。

Going forward, the trader had seen the meteoric rise of Dogecoin through 2017 and 2018, and then again through 2021, sitting on a profitable bag since then. However, the trader is convinced that there is more to come as he says, “I am waiting the bullish wave again.”

展望未来,这位交易员见证了狗狗币在 2017 年和 2018 年的迅速崛起,然后在 2021 年再次实现了盈利。然而,这位交易员坚信还会有更多的事情发生,正如他所说,“我正在等待看涨浪潮再次出现。”

The chart shared by Burr starts out at the $0.0615 level and then shows a similar bounce to the 2020-2021 rally. This bounce in the chart puts the DOGE price at an initial price target of $0.7, effectively returning it back to its previous all-time high levels. However, it doesn’t end there because another bounce takes place to take DOGE all the way to the $27 mark.

Burr 分享的图表从 0.0615 美元的水平开始,然后显示出与 2020-2021 年反弹类似的反弹。图表中的这次反弹将 DOGE 价格设定为 0.7 美元的初始价格目标,有效地将其返回到之前的历史高位。然而,事情并没有就此结束,因为另一次反弹发生,DOGE 一路升至 27 美元大关。

Source: Tradingview.com


In total, the cumulation of the rally would see Dogecoin rally more than 37,500% to reach this level. This could easily rival the 2021 price jump and mark two mega pumps in the history of the coin.

总的来说,反弹的累积将使狗狗币上涨超过 37,500%,达到这一水平。这很容易与 2021 年的价格上涨相媲美,并标志着代币历史上的两次巨大上涨。

Explaining his reasoning, the trader said:


When I have a conversation about securities with my buddies, the conversation typically involves action-forcing events that trigger pumps and dumps. All of this is noise because we are talking about what happens on a daily interval. When I zoom out, none of the bear arguments matter, valid or not.


Explaining The Pattern Behind The Rally


The trader points to an M pattern in the chart that backs up this forecast. This has appeared before when the price starts to rise before falling back down. But then as the trader points out, the altcoin goes on to form a W pattern which cements the bull rally.

交易员指出图表中的 M 模式支持了这一预测。当价格开始上涨然后回落时,这种情况以前就出现过。但正如交易员指出的那样,山寨币继续形成 W 形态,巩固了牛市反弹。

One thing that was missing from this analysis, however, is what the trader referred to as “THE DIP”. Apparently, this is a dip in DOGE price that comes once the W pattern forms. At the time, Burr was unsure if this dip had happened, saying, “I can’t tell if we have experienced that Dip recently or if there is a big Dip coming soon. Whichever the case, I see the next bullish wave coming. And I am not going to get shaken out if the Dip does come.”

然而,这一分析中遗漏的一件事是交易员所说的“下跌”。显然,这是 W 形态形成后 DOGE 价格的下跌。当时,伯尔不确定这次下跌是否发生过,他说:“我不知道我们最近是否经历过这种下跌,或者是否很快就会出现大幅下跌。无论哪种情况,我都认为下一波看涨浪潮即将到来。即使经济衰退真的到来,我也不会被吓倒。”

However, on October 31, Burr updated his analysis to include a confirmation of the dip. “I am now comfortable to say that “THE DIP” has passed. I expect generally sideway action until December 2023,” the trader said. “Then I expect the bull run to last throughout the year until December of 2024.”

然而,10 月 31 日,伯尔更新了他的分析,确认了价格下跌。 “我现在可以放心地说,‘衰退’已经过去了。我预计到 2023 年 12 月之前都会出现横盘整理,”该交易员表示。 “那么我预计牛市将持续全年,直到 2024 年 12 月。”

DOGE price settles at $0.07 | Source: DOGEUSD On Tradingview.com

DOGE 价格定于 0.07 美元 |资料来源:Tradingview.com 上的 DOGEUSD


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