首页 > 资讯新闻 > 实用代币 Solana (SOL) 和 Retik Finance (RETIK) 的表现将在 2024 年优于模因币 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Dogecoin

Utility tokens Solana (SOL) and Retik Finance (RETIK) to perform better than meme coins Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin in 2024

实用代币 Solana (SOL) 和 Retik Finance (RETIK) 的表现将在 2024 年优于模因币 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Dogecoin

发布: 2023/12/12 16:10 阅读: 456



As we have experienced the growth of the cryptocurrency market, leading that charge has been the continuous innovation from projects with value and progressive use cases.


While many crypto assets have come and several others have become buried under the ashes because they have refused to upgrade their platforms, Solana has stood the test of time coupled with the project that is making waves at the moment, Retik Finance - heralded as the next big thing in the crypto world.

虽然许多加密资产已经到来,而其他一些资产由于拒绝升级平台而被埋在灰烬中,但 Solana 以及目前正在掀起波澜的项目经受住了时间的考验,Retik Finance 被誉为下一个加密世界中的一件大事。

Analysts believe that these two Utility tokens will perform better than meme tokens like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin in 2024. A major bias is that more investors and new users will find the utility nature of Solana and Retik Finance, a welcomed development over the speculative nature of the meme coins.

分析师认为,到 2024 年,这两种实用型代币的表现将优于 Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 等 meme 代币。一个主要的偏见是,更多投资者和新用户会发现 Solana 和 Retik Finance 的实用性,这是相对于投机性而言受欢迎的发展。模因硬币。

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Utility Tokens over Memecoins

实用代币优于 Memecoin

Utility tokens are superior to meme coins by a clear margin. They are made to fulfil certain roles in a blockchain ecosystem, giving users access to a range of features and programs. This intrinsic value builds a solid basis for future expansion and value generation.


For example, SOL is the native token of the Solana blockchain, a high-performance network optimized for smart contracts and decentralized applications. It is the perfect platform for developers and users alike because of its quick transaction speeds, affordable fees, and scalability. 

例如,SOL 是 Solana 区块链的原生代币,Solana 区块链是一个针对智能合约和去中心化应用程序进行优化的高性能网络。由于其快速的交易速度、实惠的费用和可扩展性,它是开发人员和用户的完美平台。

Similarly, Retik Finance is a trailblazer utilizing open-source protocols and rapid product development platforms to construct crypto-fiat bridging systems. Leveraging decentralized smart contracts and blockchain consensus mechanisms, Retik Finance empowers participants in both fiat and crypto ecosystems with swift, secure, convenient, flexible, and scalable global payment solutions.

同样,Retik Finance 是利用开源协议和快速产品开发平台构建加密货币桥接系统的开拓者。利用去中心化智能合约和区块链共识机制,Retik Finance为法币和加密货币生态系统的参与者提供快速、安全、方便、灵活和可扩展的全球支付解决方案。

The world of meme-coins presents danger and instability to investors since they are prone to volatility, rumours, and speculations. The prices of DOGE and SHIB have both fluctuated earlier in the year, rising due to manipulation before crashing further down massively. Both tokens have been seeing eroding investor confidence and lesser demand.

模因币的世界给投资者带来了危险和不稳定,因为它们容易出现波动、谣言和投机。今年早些时候,DOGE 和 SHIB 的价格均出现波动,先是因操纵而上涨,然后又大幅下跌。这两种代币都出现了投资者信心下降和需求减少的情况。

Top Priorities for Retik Finance & Solana

Retik Finance 和 Solana 的首要任务

Technology advancement and continuous innovation are the core visions of Retik Finance and Solana: 

技术进步和持续创新是Retik Finance和Solana的核心愿景:

Retik Finance aims to revolutionize the global financial landscape through its innovative decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions. With a vision to decentralize the banking sector, Retik Finance introduces a comprehensive ecosystem designed to empower individuals and businesses worldwide. 

Retik Finance 旨在通过其创新的去中心化金融(DeFi)解决方案彻底改变全球金融格局。怀着去中心化银行业的愿景,Retik Finance 推出了一个旨在为全球个人和企业提供支持的综合生态系统。

Through the Retik Wallet, DeFi Debit Cards, and Retik Pay, this platform offers a seamless fusion of digital and traditional finance, enabling users to transact, earn, and spend cryptocurrencies effortlessly.

通过 Retik 钱包、DeFi 借记卡和 Retik Pay,该平台提供了数字金融和传统金融的无缝融合,使用户能够轻松交易、赚取和消费加密货币。

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Because of its distinct Proof-of-History consensus mechanism, which offers almost instantaneous transaction confirmation and low fees, Solana has drawn developers and users looking for a platform that is more effective and scalable. Retik Finance, on the other hand, is leading a charge toward financial freedom through facilities like the Retik Card which is a DeFi Debit card system that integrates cryptocurrency and fiat system into real-world application.

由于其独特的历史证明共识机制可以提供几乎即时的交易确认和低廉的费用,Solana 吸引了寻求更有效和可扩展平台的开发人员和用户。另一方面,Retik Finance 正在通过 Retik Card 等设施引领财务自由,Retik Card 是一种 DeFi 借记卡系统,将加密货币和法币系统集成到现实世界的应用中。

The Debit Card facility makes users enjoy an unparalleled experience of the DeFi and Traditional finance system together via Cash Withdrawals on ATMs globally, Fast transactions and payment, and Instant conversion of Crypto to fiat, while also benefiting $RETIK cashback rewards for every transaction.

借记卡设施使用户可以通过全球 ATM 机提现、快速交易和支付以及加密货币即时转换为法定货币,享受 DeFi 和传统金融系统无与伦比的体验,同时每笔交易还可获得 $RETIK 现金返还奖励。

Furthermore, to accelerate the adoption and growth of a project, it is imperative to establish strategic partnerships and integrations with well-established players in the financial and technology sectors. By collaborating with industry leaders like Google Cloud, Solana has been able to increase its capabilities and reach. 

此外,为了加速项目的采用和发展,必须与金融和技术领域的知名参与者建立战略合作伙伴关系和整合。通过与 Google Cloud 等行业领导者合作,Solana 已经能够提高其功能和覆盖范围。

Additionally, Retik Finance has partnered with well-known companies such as Visa and Mastercard to expand its user base and enhance its integration with conventional banking systems.

此外,Retik Finance还与Visa和Mastercard等知名公司合作,扩大其用户群并增强与传统银行系统的集成。

Final Words


Utility tokens like SOL and RETIK are expected to perform better than meme coins like SHIB and DOGE in 2024 due to the convergence of several factors, including growing utility demand, technological innovation, strong communities, strategic partnerships, and positive market trends. 

由于多种因素的融合,包括不断增长的公用事业需求、技术创新、强大的社区、战略合作伙伴关系和积极的市场趋势,预计 SOL 和 RETIK 等实用代币在 2024 年的表现将优于 SHIB 和 DOGE 等 meme 代币。

Prioritizing projects with practical applications and a clear future roadmap is advised for investors who are looking for long-term value and sustainable growth. Both Solana and Retik Finance are suitable options to spearhead this fascinating revolution; the future of cryptocurrency belongs to projects that create, invent, and empower users.

对于寻求长期价值和可持续增长的投资者来说,建议优先考虑具有实际应用和清晰的未来路线图的项目。 Solana 和 Retik Finance 都是引领这场引人入胜的革命的合适选择;加密货币的未来属于创造、发明和赋予用户权力的项目。

Both SOL and $RETIK are expected to perform significantly well in the coming year, a profit margin that is no less than 1000% is expected of $RETIK. 


SOL too is tipped to perform better than SHIB and DOGE, whose prices are forecasted to depreciate further given their continuous inflationary supply and dropping demand.

SOL 的表现也有望优于 SHIB 和 DOGE,鉴于供应持续通胀和需求下降,预计它们的价格将进一步贬值。

Click Here To Take Part In Retik Finance Presale

点击此处参加 Retik Finance 预售

Visit the links below for more information about Retik Finance (RETIK):

请访问以下链接,了解有关 Retik Finance (RETIK) 的更多信息:

Website: https://retik.com/


Linktree: https://linktr.ee/retikfinance


Source: https://thebittimes.com/utility-tokens-solana-sol-and-retik-finance-retik-to-perform-better-than-meme-coins-shiba-inu-shib-and-dogecoin-in-2024-tbt73371.html

资料来源:https://thebittimes.com/utility-tokens-solana-sol-and-retik-finance-retik-to-perform-b​​etter-than-meme-coins-shiba-inu-shib-and-dogecoin-in- 2024-tbt73371.html


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