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New utility-based memecoin Shiba Shootout nears $500k at presale

新的基于实用程序的 memecoin Shiba Shootout 预售接近 50 万美元

发布: 2024/07/03 21:02 阅读: 959



新的基于实用程序的 memecoin Shiba Shootout 预售接近 50 万美元

Disclaimer: This article does not provide investment guidance. The information contained herein is solely for educational purposes.


Crypto investors are eagerly awaiting the presale launch of Shiba Shootout (SHIBASHOOT), a Wild West-themed memecoin that has garnered considerable attention. In its initial stretch, the project has raised nearly $500k, demonstrating the enthusiasm of enthusiasts.

加密货币投资者正在热切等待 Shiba Shootout (SHIBASHOOT) 的预售启动,这是一种以狂野西部为主题的模因币,引起了相当大的关注。在最初阶段,该项目已筹集了近 50 万美元,展现了爱好者的热情。

Investors anticipate significant gains when the token launches on exchanges later in 2024, as the presale continues to perform well.

由于预售继续表现良好,投资者预计 2024 年晚些时候该代币在交易所推出时将获得显着收益。

Shiba Shootout: A Memecoin with Real Utility

Shiba Shootout:具有真正实用性的 Memecoin

Drawing inspiration from the frontier spirit of crypto enthusiasts, Shiba Shootout presents a Wild West-themed memecoin. However, its appeal extends beyond its theme.

Shiba Shootout 从加密货币爱好者的前沿精神中汲取灵感,推出了一款以狂野西部为主题的模因币。然而,它的吸引力超出了它的主题。

The project features Shiba Inu characters engaging in classic western standoffs, offering undeniable memetic potential. Moreover, it serves as a vibrant ecosystem with multiple utilities.


The developers envision a blockchain-based game that rewards players in crypto for their progress. Additionally, the "Cactus staking protocol" allows the community to lock up their tokens and generate passive rewards.


These features alone elevate Shiba Shootout above its memecoin counterparts, but the project offers more. It includes a referral program ("Posse Rewards") that incentivizes users to refer others to the presale.

仅这些功能就将 Shiba Shootout 提升到了 memecoin 同类产品之上,但该项目还提供了更多功能。它包括一个推荐计划(“Posse Rewards”),激励用户推荐其他人参与预售。

Other noteworthy utilities outlined in the whitepaper include Campfire Stories, on-chain voting, and a lottery with charitable initiatives.

白皮书中概述的其他值得注意的实用程序包括 Campfire Stories、链上投票和慈善活动彩票。

While its memecoin facade attracts buzz, Shiba Shootout's utilities provide long-term sustainability.

虽然它的 memecoin 外观吸引了人们的关注,但 Shiba Shootout 的实用程序提供了长期的可持续性。

Presale Reaches $500k Milestone

预售达到 50 万美元里程碑

As the Shiba Shootout presale approaches the $500k mark, investors are securing tokens at $0.0194. The presale price will increase incrementally, with the next adjustment occurring in one day or when the total raise reaches $1.2 million.

随着 Shiba Shootout 预售接近 50 万美元大关,投资者以 0.0194 美元的价格购买代币。预售价格将逐步上涨,下一次调整将在一天内或筹集总额达到 120 万美元时进行。

Purchasing tokens during the presale is straightforward. Investors can utilize ETH, USDT, BNB, or a bank card. Participants will receive their tokens upon presale completion.

在预售期间购买代币非常简单。投资者可以使用 ETH、USDT、BNB 或银行卡。预售完成后,参与者将收到他们的代币。

The project's roadmap includes exciting plans, beginning with listings on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko. Phase 2 focuses on CEX listings and targets 10,000 holders.

该项目的路线图包括令人兴奋的计划,首先是在 CoinMarketCap 和 CoinGecko 上上市。第二阶段的重点是在 CEX 上市,目标是 10,000 名持有者。

Tokenomics and Social Media Buzz


Shiba Shootout's tokenomics are well-structured. 30% of the tokens are dedicated to the community via the presale, while another 20% will be allocated as staking rewards.

Shiba Shootout 的代币经济结构良好。 30% 的代币通过预售奉献给社区,另外 20% 将作为质押奖励分配。

The remaining tokens are distributed among project funds, liquidity, marketing, and the "Rootin' Tootin' Shooter Fund." This structure ensures long-term growth while maintaining community support.

剩余的代币分配给项目资金、流动性、营销和“Rootin' Tootin' Shooter 基金”。这种结构确保长期增长,同时保持社区支持。

Shiba Shootout's presale has generated considerable interest, with approximately $500k raised. Social media coverage has been instrumental in its success, with leading industry analysts recognizing its potential.

Shiba Shootout 的预售引起了相当大的兴趣,筹集了大约 50 万美元。社交媒体报道对其成功发挥了重要作用,领先的行业分析师认识到了其潜力。

Michael Wrubel, with over 300k subscribers, has described the presale as "the next 100x Shiba Inu," citing its utility as a differentiating factor.

拥有超过 30 万订阅者的迈克尔·鲁贝尔 (Michael Wrubel) 将预售描述为“下一个 100 倍柴犬”,并称其实用性是一个差异化因素。

Wrubel's endorsement, combined with the resurgence of the memecoin market, suggests a potentially explosive debut for Shiba Shootout.

鲁贝尔的认可,加上 memecoin 市场的复苏,表明 Shiba Shootout 的首次亮相可能会带来爆炸性的结果。

Investors seeking exceptional returns may find that Shiba Shootout meets their expectations. To learn more, visit the project's website or connect with its growing community on Telegram.

寻求非凡回报的投资者可能会发现“Shiba Shootout”满足了他们的期望。要了解更多信息,请访问该项目的网站或在 Telegram 上联系其不断壮大的社区。


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