首页 > 资讯新闻 > 根据狗狗币价格预测,唯链和 Everlodge 看起来更有前途

VeChain and Everlodge look more promising following this Dogecoin price prediction

根据狗狗币价格预测,唯链和 Everlodge 看起来更有前途

发布: 2023/12/29 14:31 阅读: 673

原文作者:CoinPedia News


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在狗狗币价格预测首次出现在 Coinpedia 上后,唯链和 Everlodge 看起来更有前途

After a significant price rally in November, Dogecoin’s growth has started to slow. The number of investors buying Dogecoin has dropped dramatically, and its price has fallen by 3.39% over the last week. Now, as experts begin to make bearish Dogecoin price predictions, investors are buying VeChain and Everlodge. Both projects look significantly more promising and could offer strong returns in 2024. Here’s why. 

在 11 月份价格大幅上涨之后,狗狗币的增长开始放缓。购买狗狗币的投资者数量大幅下降,其价格上周下跌了 3.39%。现在,随着专家开始对狗狗币价格做出看跌预测,投资者正在买入唯链和 Everlodge。这两个项目看起来都更有前景,并可能在 2024 年带来丰厚的回报。原因如下。

Dogecoin Miners Cash Out Following Price Hike


At first glance, Dogecoin’s performance looks strong. DOGE is up 17.70% in the last 30 days, and the project is on track to hit $0.1 by the end of December. However, further examination of Dogecoin’s on-chain data shows that perspectives and behavior are shifting. While prices have looked bullish, miners are acting bearish towards Dogecoin.

乍一看,狗狗币的表现看起来很强劲。 DOGE 在过去 30 天内上涨了 17.70%,该项目有望在 12 月底达到 0.1 美元。然而,对狗狗币链上数据的进一步检查表明,观点和行为正在发生转变。虽然价格看起来看涨,但矿工们对狗狗币持看跌态度。

Over the last three weeks, Dogecoin miners have been offloading their reserves. Data from IntoTheBlock shows that the reserves held by Dogecoin miners have decreased from 4.64 billion DOGE to 4.4 billion since November 21st. This 240 million DOGE decline (estimated to be worth $25 million) signals that Dogecoin miners may be trying to cash out at the project’s peak. 

在过去的三周里,狗狗币矿工一直在抛售他们的储备。 IntoTheBlock的数据显示,自11月21日以来,狗狗币矿工持有的储备金已从46.4亿DOGE减少至44亿。 DOGE 下跌 2.4 亿枚(估计价值 2500 万美元)表明狗狗币矿工可能正试图在项目高峰期兑现。

This interpretation is supported by recent Dogecoin whale movements. Over the last week, one large investor moved 450 million DOGE between wallets and converted approximately $41.5 million DOGE into fiat. Due to this bearish activity, experts predict that Dogecoin’s value could fall during Q1.

最近的狗狗币鲸鱼运动支持了这种解释。上周,一位大型投资者在钱包之间转移了 4.5 亿 DOGE,并将约 4,150 万美元 DOGE 兑换为法定货币。由于这种看跌活动,专家预测狗狗币的价值可能会在第一季度下跌。

New VeChain Partnership Could Drive Up VET In 2024

新的唯链合作伙伴关系可能会在 2024 年推动职业教育与培训 (VET) 的发展

VeChain has experienced a dramatic price rally of over 50% in the last month. This was triggered by general market trends, as well as a new partnership and rebranding. VeChain has rebranded to VeChain Thor and partnered with Boston Consulting Group (BCG). BCG is an American global management consulting firm and is ranked among the world’s three largest management consulting firms.

上个月,唯链的价格大幅上涨了 50% 以上。这是由总体市场趋势以及新的合作伙伴关系和品牌重塑引发的。唯链已更名为VeChain Thor,并与波士顿咨询集团(BCG)合作。 BCG是一家美国全球管理咨询公司,位列全球三大管理咨询公司之一。

This new partnership with BCG is designed to help VeChain penetrate real-world markets. Such adoption would be a significant boost for the VeChain ecosystem, and would drive up the value of VET, which is currently trading at $0.03283. 

与 BCG 的这一新合作伙伴关系旨在帮助唯链渗透现实市场。这种采用将极大地促进唯链生态系统的发展,并将推高 VET 的价值,目前 VET 的交易价格为 0.03283 美元。

Crypto analysts are now extremely bullish about VeChain’s long-term developments, though in the short term, some believe that Everlodge could be a more profitable investment. 

加密货币分析师现在非常看好唯链的长期发展,尽管在短期内,一些人认为 Everlodge 可能是一项更有利可图的投资。

Everlodge Offers A Plethora Of Income Opportunities 

Everlodge 提供大量收入机会

Everlodge has become one of the most promising DeFi presales. It’s already offered significant returns to early investors, and its ecosystem is unlike anything currently available. Everlodge is a DeFi marketplace that lets investors fractionally invest in travel properties. It removes many of the barriers to entry and allows investors to invest within minutes. 

Everlodge 已成为最有前途的 DeFi 预售之一。它已经为早期投资者提供了可观的回报,其生态系统与当前可用的任何生态系统都不同。 Everlodge 是一个 DeFi 市场,让投资者可以对旅游地产进行部分投资。它消除了许多进入壁垒,并允许投资者在几分钟内进行投资。

Properties on the Everlodge marketplace are first minted as NFTs. These NFTs are then fractionalized, and investors can buy fractions for as little as $100. Every NFT holder will earn an income based on how much of a property they own, and their NFT’s value will rise if the property’s value increases. 

Everlodge 市场上的房产首先被铸造为 NFT。然后这些 NFT 会被分割,投资者可以以低至 100 美元的价格购买碎片。每个 NFT 持有者都会根据他们拥有的房产数量获得收入,如果房产价值增加,他们的 NFT 价值也会上升。

This seamless investment process lets Everlodge users build a diversified portfolio with ease, removing red tape and market barriers that currently surround the industry. Everlodge’s ecosystem will be powered by ELDG tokens. Tokens are currently trading at $0.027 and are expected to rally 30x on the project’s launch day. 

这种无缝的投资流程让 Everlodge 用户能够轻松构建多元化的投资组合,消除目前围绕该行业的繁文缛节和市场障碍。 Everlodge 的生态系统将由 ELDG 代币提供支持。代币目前的交易价格为 0.027 美元,预计在项目启动当天将上涨 30 倍。

ELDG token holders will be granted a myriad of benefits, though one that stands out is a timeshare-like reward. Token holders will be granted free stays at properties within the Everlodge ecosystem, giving them a free holiday. Alternatively, they can sell this timeshare on a platform such as AirBnb for additional profit. 

ELDG 代币持有者将获得多种福利,其中最突出的是类似分时度假的奖励。代币持有者将获准免费入住 Everlodge 生态系统内的酒店,享受免费假期。或者,他们可以在 AirBnb 等平台上出售分时度假,以获得额外利润。

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