首页 > 资讯新闻 > 似曾相识:Kaspa Rival 的算力飙升——另一个类似 KAS 的 20 倍运行正在酝酿之中?

Déjà Vu: Kaspa Rival’s Hashrate Skyrockets – Another KAS-like 20X Run in the Making?

似曾相识:Kaspa Rival 的算力飙升——另一个类似 KAS 的 20 倍运行正在酝酿之中?

发布: 2024/09/28 16:31 阅读: 386



似曾相识:Kaspa Rival 的算力飙升——另一个类似 KAS 的 20 倍运行正在酝酿之中?

Kaspa faces a formidable rival in the crypto space: Alephium. This emerging project boasts a unique sharding algorithm called BlockFlow, allowing it to efficiently handle high transaction volumes while maintaining robust security measures.

Kaspa 在加密领域面临着强大的竞争对手:Alephium。这个新兴项目拥有名为 BlockFlow 的独特分片算法,使其能够有效处理高交易量,同时保持强大的安全措施。

Alephium's hashrate has recently seen a significant surge, reminiscent of Kaspa's pre-pump trajectory. House of Chimera analysts highlighted this trend in a viral tweet.

Alephium 的算力最近出现了大幅飙升,让人想起 Kaspa 之前的发展轨迹。 House of Chimera 分析师在一条病毒式推文中强调了这一趋势。

Hashrate Explosion: A Catalyst for Growth?


From April to mid-May 2024, Alephium's hashrate remained near zero PH/s. However, a gradual uptick commenced in June, indicating growing interest in mining. This steady growth continued through July, setting the stage for a dramatic shift.

从 2024 年 4 月到 5 月中旬,Alephium 的算力保持在 PH/s 附近。然而,六月份开始逐渐上升,表明人们对采矿业的兴趣日益增长。这种稳定的增长持续到了 7 月份,为戏剧性的转变奠定了基础。

In late August 2024, Alephium's hashrate experienced an explosive increase. The chart shows a sharp spike, with the hashrate surpassing 20 PH/s by late September. This sudden surge suggests a substantial influx of mining power and network activity.

2024 年 8 月下旬,Alephium 的算力出现爆炸性增长。该图表显示了急剧上升,到 9 月底,算力已超过 20 PH/s。这种突然激增表明挖矿算力和网络活动大量涌入。

Driving Forces of the Hashrate Boom


According to House of Chimera, the hashrate surge is attributed to increased network adoption and intensified competition among miners. This not only reflects growth in mining activity but also indicates growing confidence in Alephium's network, both in terms of security and potential rewards.

House of Chimera 表示,算力激增归因于网络采用率的提高和矿工之间竞争的加剧。这不仅反映了挖矿活动的增长,还表明人们对 Alephium 网络的信心不断增强,无论是在安全性还是潜在回报方面。

Ripple Effects of Rising Hashrate


A skyrocketing hashrate has significant implications for the Alephium ecosystem:

飙升的算力对 Alephium 生态系统具有重大影响:

  • Enhanced Security: With more miners joining the network, it becomes more difficult for malicious actors to manipulate transactions.
  • Magnet for Miners: The hashrate surge attracts miners seeking potential profits, technological advancements, or the anticipation of Alephium's future growth.
  • Rapid Adoption: The spike suggests broader adoption of Alephium's protocol, not just by miners but also by the wider crypto community.

Analysts like Giba foresee significant potential for Alephium. Giba compares its trajectory to Kaspa's meteoric rise, noting similarities in liquidity, team strength, scalability, and growing mining power.

增强的安全性:随着越来越多的矿工加入网络,恶意行为者操纵交易变得更加困难。对矿工的吸引力:算力激增吸引了寻求潜在利润、技术进步或对 Alephium 未来增长的预期的矿工。快速采用:峰值建议更广泛地采用 Alephium 协议,不仅是矿工,还包括更广泛的加密社区。Giba 等分析师预见了 Alephium 的巨大潜力。 Giba 将其发展轨迹与 Kaspa 的迅速崛起进行了比较,指出其在流动性、团队实力、可扩展性和不断增长的挖矿能力方面的相似之处。



Alephium's recent hashrate surge mirrors the pre-pump trajectory of Kaspa, a project that experienced a significant growth spurt. While it remains uncertain if Alephium will follow a similar path, the growing confidence in its network, coupled with the surge in mining power, suggests a promising future for this crypto rival.

Alephium 最近的算力激增反映了 Kaspa 的预抽轨迹,Kaspa 是一个经历了显着增长的项目。虽然目前还不确定 Alephium 是否会走类似的道路,但对其网络的信心不断增强,加上挖矿能力的激增,表明这个加密货币竞争对手的未来充满希望。


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