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Whales Are Jumping into Dogecoin, Ripple and Everlodge – Top Picks According to Onchain Data

鲸鱼纷纷涌入狗狗币、Ripple 和 Everlodge——链上数据显示,它们是首选

发布: 2023/11/02 18:15 阅读: 926



The Dogecoin (DOGE) cryptocurrency saw a rapid upswing in its trading volume by 56% in the past 24 hours, indicating that it is being moved around by crypto whales. XRP (XRP) also saw a surge in trading volume by 58%. But they aren’t alone, as Everlodge (ELDG) has seen massive momentum with its presale and 53% done with Stage 6. According to the on-chart data, each crypto can surge in value, but which one can climb the most?

狗狗币(DOGE)加密货币的交易量在过去 24 小时内迅速上涨 56%,表明它正在被加密鲸鱼转移。 XRP(XRP)的交易量也激增了 58%。但他们并不孤单,Everlodge (ELDG) 的预售势头强劲,第 6 阶段完成了 53%。根据图表数据,每种加密货币的价值都可能飙升,但哪一种的涨幅最大呢?

Dogecoin (DOGE) Appeals to Whales After Significant On-Chart Activity


Dogecoin (DOGE) moved in value from $0.065229 at the low end to $0.074175 at the high end. In addition, during the past two weeks, the Dogecoin crypto is up 15%, grabbing the attention of crypto whales.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价值从低端的 0.065229 美元升至高端的 0.074175 美元。此外,在过去两周内,狗狗币加密货币上涨了 15%,吸引了加密鲸鱼的注意力。

The Dogecoin market cap is at $9,588,986,779, making it the 10th largest crypto, and based on the on-chart data, its trading volume spiked by 56% in the last 24 hours. At the current rate of growth, according to the Dogecoin price prediction, it can reach $0.098 in value by the end of this year.

狗狗币市值为 9,588,986,779 美元,成为第十大加密货币,根据图表数据,其交易量在过去 24 小时内飙升 56%。按照目前的增长速度,根据狗狗币的价格预测,到今年年底它的价值可以达到 0.098 美元。

Ripple (XRP) Sees a Massive Upswing in Trading Volume


Ripple (XRP) has seen a significant spike in its on-chart activity as well. The Ripple trading volume, for example, jumped by 58% in the last 24 hours. With a market cap of $32,176,245,371, Ripple is also the 5th largest crypto. In the past two weeks, the total price increase was by 22.2%, while in the last year, it was up 32.7%.

Ripple(XRP)的图表上的活动也显着激增。例如,Ripple 交易量在过去 24 小时内猛增 58%。 Ripple 的市值为 32,176,245,371 美元,也是第五大加密货币。过去两周,总价格上涨22.2%,而去年同期上涨32.7%。

During the previous week, Ripple saw its low point of value at $0.542061, with its high point at $0.605580. Moreover, according to the Ripple price prediction, it can reach $0.79 as its maximum value for this year, and this has resulted in an appeal from crypto whales.

上周,瑞波币的最低价为 0.542061 美元,最高价为 0.605580 美元。此外,根据Ripple价格预测,今年其最高价值可达0.79美元,这引起了加密鲸鱼的吸引力。

Everlodge (ELDG) to Make the Vacation Home Ownership Market Accessible to Anyone

Everlodge (ELDG) 让任何人都可以进入度假屋所有权市场

Aside from Dogecoin and Ripple, another crypto that is heavily accumulated is Everlodge. The global vacation market was estimated to be worth $82.63 billion in 2022. It will grow at a CAGR of 4.7%.

除了狗狗币和瑞波币之外,另一个积累颇丰的加密货币是 Everlodge。预计 2022 年全球度假市场价值 826.3 亿美元,复合年增长率为 4.7%。

Everlodge is an upcoming platform that will be a part of the industry and will make it accessible to just about anyone globally at a far lower cost. Specifically, anyone will be able to invest in luxury properties, as the platform will partner with well-known hotel chains and luxury property developers.

Everlodge 是一个即将推出的平台,它将成为该行业的一部分,并使全球几乎任何人都可以以低得多的成本使用它。具体来说,任何人都可以投资豪华房产,因为该平台将与知名连锁酒店和豪华房地产开发商合作。

The platform will work by minting these properties as NFTs, after which they will get fractionalized. If a property is worth upwards of $7,000,000, it will not be accessible to the everyday person but only to the elite. Everlodge will split it across 70,000 pieces worth $100 each.

该平台将通过将这些财产铸造为 NFT 来工作,之后它们将被分割。如果一处房产价值超过 7,000,000 美元,那么它就不是普通人能买得起的,只有精英才能买得起。 Everlodge 将把它分成 70,000 块,每块价值 100 美元。

Now, anyone can buy a fraction and co-own it. This way, they can get access to the benefits like value appreciation and rental income without the high upfront cost. This innovative, blockchain-based approach will differentiate the platform and make it a major player in the industry. During Stage 6, which is 53% complete, ELDG trades at $0.023. At launch, it can spike by 45x.

现在,任何人都可以购买一部分并共同拥有。这样,他们就可以获得增值和租金收入等好处,而无需支付高昂的前期成本。这种基于区块链的创新方法将使该平台脱颖而出,并使其成为行业的主要参与者。在已完成 53% 的第 6 阶段,ELDG 的交易价格为 0.023 美元。发布时,它可以飙升 45 倍。

For more information about the Everlodge (ELDG) Presale you can visit their website or join their community here.

有关 Everlodge (ELDG) 预售的更多信息,您可以访问他们的网站或在此处加入他们的社区。

Disclaimer: This article is a press release. COINTURK NEWS is not responsible for any damage or loss related to any product or service mentioned in this article. COINTURK NEWS recommends that readers carefully research the company mentioned in the article.

免责声明:本文是新闻稿。 COINTURK NEWS 对与本文提及的任何产品或服务相关的任何损坏或损失不承担任何责任。 COINTURK NEWS建议读者仔细研究文章中提到的公司。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/whales-are-jumping-into-dogecoin-ripple-and-everlodge-top-picks-according-to-onchain-data/



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