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WienerAI Reveals Presale End Date After Rocketing Past $7.4 Million In Funds Raised

WienerAI 在筹集资金超过 740 万美元后公布预售结束日期

发布: 2024/07/15 16:01 阅读: 775

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


WienerAI 在筹集资金超过 740 万美元后公布预售结束日期

WienerAI: The AI-Powered Crypto Trading Revolution Concludes Presale Soon


With over $7.4 million raised, WienerAI ($WAI) is set to conclude its presale by the end of July. In just two months, WienerAI has garnered significant attention in the crypto space for its advanced AI-powered crypto trading capabilities.

WienerAI ($WAI) 已筹集超过 740 万美元,将于 7 月底完成预售。在短短两个月的时间里,WienerAI 因其先进的人工智能加密交易功能而在加密领域获得了广泛关注。

Dubbed the "ChatGPT of crypto," this AI meme coin features a charming mascot, a hybrid dog and dachshund, that also serves as a user-friendly trading chatbot. Designed to simplify cryptocurrency trading for all levels, WienerAI's presale has 16 days remaining.

这款 AI Meme 硬币被称为“加密货币领域的 ChatGPT”,它有一个迷人的吉祥物,一只狗和腊肠犬的混合体,它也可以用作用户友好的交易聊天机器人。 WienerAI 旨在简化各个级别的加密货币交易,预售还剩 16 天。

Investors who want to stake a claim in the future of crypto trading can still acquire $WAI tokens at their current low price of $0.00073 per token. After the presale period, WienerAI aims to list on global exchanges, which could significantly boost its value.

想要在加密货币交易的未来中占有一席之地的投资者仍然可以以当前每个代币 0.00073 美元的低价购买 $WAI 代币。预售期过后,WienerAI 的目标是在全球交易所上市,这将显着提升其价值。

WienerAI: Combining the Hottest Trends in Crypto


WienerAI combines the exciting intersections of meme coins and artificial intelligence. The fusion of AI and cryptocurrencies has proven to be a match made in heaven, with numerous projects leveraging their popularity. AI applications in crypto have amassed a market value of $25.96 billion.

WienerAI 结合了模因币和人工智能令人兴奋的交叉点。事实证明,人工智能和加密货币的融合是天作之合,许多项目都利用了它们的受欢迎程度。加密领域的人工智能应用已积累了 259.6 亿美元的市场价值。

Meanwhile, meme coins have emerged as rising stars in the crypto world, surpassing Bitcoin's returns. Despite market corrections, meme coins like Pepe and Floki have shown significant gains.

与此同时,迷因币已成为加密世界的后起之秀,其回报率超过了比特币。尽管市场出现调整,Pepe 和 Floki 等模因币仍显示出显着上涨。

WienerAI has fostered a passionate community known as the "sausage army," with over 15,000 members on and 13,000 on Telegram. Its AI-driven capabilities are setting new standards in simplicity and efficiency in crypto trading.

WienerAI 培育了一个被称为“香肠大军”的热情社区,拥有超过 15,000 名会员和 13,000 名 Telegram 会员。其人工智能驱动的功能正在为加密货币交易的简单性和效率设定新标准。

Crypto Trading Made Easy with AI


WienerAI's trading bot, powered by AI predictive technology, allows traders to navigate the crypto market with ease. Using a chatbot interface similar to ChatGPT, traders can ask trading-related questions.

WienerAI 的交易机器人由人工智能预测技术提供支持,使交易者能够轻松驾驭加密货币市场。使用类似于 ChatGPT 的聊天机器人界面,交易者可以提出与交易相关的问题。

The bot analyzes the market and provides optimal trade setups, recommending the best decentralized exchanges (DEX) for executing trades. WienerAI also offers full market analysis to aid traders in making informed decisions.

该机器人分析市场并提供最佳交易设置,推荐最佳的去中心化交易所(DEX)来执行交易。 WienerAI 还提供全面的市场分析,帮助交易者做出明智的决策。

The modular capabilities of WienerAI's technology ensure its adaptability to changing market conditions. Traders can execute trades directly from the chat interface at no cost. Additionally, WienerAI provides MEV protection, safeguarding users from price manipulation by trading bots.

WienerAI 技术的模块化功能确保其能够适应不断变化的市场条件。交易者可以直接从聊天界面免费执行交易。此外,WienerAI 还提供 MEV 保护,保护用户免受交易机器人的价格操纵。

WienerAI ICO Ends in July: Token Staking with 152% APY

WienerAI ICO 将于 7 月结束:代币质押年化率为 152%

The opportunity to purchase $WAI at its current price is dwindling. Out of a total supply of 69 billion $WAI, 20.7 billion are allocated for presale. Investors who missed out are now scrambling to acquire more tokens before potential price increases.

以当前价格购买 $WAI 的机会正在减少。在 690 亿美元 WAI 的总供应量中,207 亿用于预售。错过机会的投资者现在正争先恐后地在价格潜在上涨之前购买更多代币。

Notably, WienerAI's staking protocol has attracted approximately 6.8 billion $WAI, offering a remarkable 152% APY. This signals strong investor confidence in WienerAI's future.

值得注意的是,WienerAI 的质押协议已吸引了约 68 亿美元的 WAI,年化收益率高达 152%。这表明投资者对 WienerAI 的未来充满信心。

Investors can still participate by connecting their crypto wallet to WienerAI's website and purchasing tokens using ETH, USDT, or BNB. Credit and debit cards are also accepted.

投资者仍然可以通过将加密钱包连接到 WienerAI 的网站并使用 ETH、USDT 或 BNB 购买代币来参与。还接受信用卡和借记卡。

WienerAI's smart contract security has been audited by SolidProof, confirming no issues in its code. Join WienerAI's growing community on and Telegram for project updates.

WienerAI 的智能合约安全性已经过 SolidProof 审核,确认其代码没有问题。加入 WienerAI 不断壮大的社区和 Telegram 以获取项目更新。

Acquire $WAI tokens now and prepare for the trading bot that will revolutionize the world of crypto trading.

立即获取 $WAI 代币,为将彻底改变加密货币交易世界的交易机器人做好准备。


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