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Why Is WINkLink (WIN) Surging? Analyst Sets Very Bullish Price Target


发布: 2024/01/14 06:11 阅读: 285



WINkLink’s native token, WIN, has seen a sharp 32% surge in price at the time of writing. WINkLink aims to integrate real-world data and events with the blockchain ecosystem through comprehensive oracle services. With the recent price action, analysts have set some lofty targets for where WIN may be headed next.

截至撰写本文时,WINkLink 的原生代币 WIN 的价格已大幅上涨 32%。 WINkLink旨在通过全面的预言机服务将现实世界的数据和事件与区块链生态系统集成。鉴于最近的价格走势,分析师为 WIN 的下一步发展设定了一些崇高的目标。

WINkLink’s Goal to Bridge On-Chain and Off-Chain
As background, WINkLink is a decentralized oracle service provider founded in 2018 as part of the TRON ecosystem. Its goal is to provide reliable, unpredictable, and verifiable real-world data to smart contracts on TRON and other blockchains.

WINkLink 的目标是连接链上和链下 作为背景,WINkLink 是一家去中心化预言机服务提供商,成立于 2018 年,是 TRON 生态系统的一部分。其目标是为 TRON 和其他区块链上的智能合约提供可靠、不可预测且可验证的现实世界数据。

By tapping into information around data, events, payments and more from traditional systems, WINkLink seeks to restore trust and improve user experiences across decentralized applications. The native WIN token helps facilitate transactions and interactions inside the platform.

通过利用传统系统中的数据、事件、支付等信息,WINkLink 致力于恢复信任并改善去中心化应用程序的用户体验。原生 WIN 代币有助于促进平台内的交易和交互。

Analyst Sets $0.002699 Target
Now, crypto trader JAVONMARKS (@JavonTM1) has offered his bullish outlook on WIN in light of the recent breakout. “A recent and holding price breakout on $WIN (#WINkLink) can be calling for a more than 2436% upside from here to the $0.00268898 target!” he tweeted.

分析师设定目标为 0.002699 美元 现在,加密货币交易员 JAVONMARKS (@JavonTM1) 鉴于最近的突破,对 WIN 提出了看涨的前景。 “$WIN (#WINkLink) 最近的持股价格突破可能要求从这里到 0.00268898 美元的目标有超过 2436% 的上涨空间!”他发推文说。

Analyzing the WIN price chart, JAVONMARKS pointed to the token breaking out above a long-term descending channel after successfully testing it as support. From the current breakout point around $0.00011, the trader believes WIN covering the channel losses would result in a massive 2436% rally towards $0.002699.

在分析 WIN 价格图表时,JAVONMARKS 指出,在成功测试支撑位后,该代币突破了长期下降通道。该交易员认为,从目前 0.00011 美元左右的突破点开始,WIN 弥补通道损失将导致 2436% 的大幅上涨,涨至 0.002699 美元。

Essentially, he believes WIN reversing its previous downtrend to retest the old highs formed at the top of the channel is a realistic possibility after the convincing breakout. Considering WIN has already moved upward following the initial breakout and retest, the trader remains incredibly bullish on its prospects.

从本质上讲,他认为在令人信服的突破之后,WIN 扭转之前的下跌趋势,重新测试通道顶部形成的旧高点是现实的可能性。考虑到 WIN 在最初的突破和重新测试后已经上涨,交易员仍然对其前景非常乐观。

Broader Market Tailwinds
WINkLink’s improving fundamentals around oracle services and real-world connectivity, combined with the strengthening crypto bull market, provides additional tailwinds for the surging price activity.

更广泛的市场顺风 WINkLink 围绕预言机服务和现实世界连接的基本面改善,加上加密货币牛市的加强,为飙升的价格活动提供了额外的顺风。

As blockchain adoption advances, demand for reliable data and interactions with traditional systems can only increase. This will likely boost utilization and demand for WINkLink’s offerings in the process. With the trader’s technical analysis also signaling a bullish outlook, conditions seem aligned for WIN to continue climbing in the months ahead if key support levels hold.

随着区块链采用的不断进步,对可靠数据以及与传统系统交互的需求只会增加。在此过程中,这可能会提高 WINkLink 产品的利用率和需求。由于交易员的技术分析也表明前景看涨,如果关键支撑位保持不变,WIN 在未来几个月继续攀升的条件似乎是一致的。

The Bottom Line
In summary, crypto analyst JAVONMARKS is looking for WIN to reach $0.002699 based on his analysis of the WIN price chart and the recent/holding breakout. That target represents an almost unfathomable 2,436% upside from the breakout point around $0.00011.

总之,加密货币分析师 JAVONMARKS 根据他对 WIN 价格图表和近期/持有突破的分析,预计 WIN 将达到 0.002699 美元。该目标比 0.00011 美元附近的突破点有近乎难以想象的 2,436% 上涨空间。

While such exponential gains seem overly ambitious, the combination of positive fundamentals and technicals does suggest additional upside is likely for WIN if overall momentum continues. Crypto investors will be closely watching to see whether WIN can come close to reaching the trader’s lofty predictions. But even capturing a fraction of the projected gains could produce noteworthy portfolio returns.

虽然这种指数级增长似乎过于雄心勃勃,但积极的基本面和技术面的结合确实表明,如果整体势头持续下去,WIN 可能会有额外的上涨空间。加密货币投资者将密切关注 WIN 是否能够接近交易员的崇高预测。但即使获得预期收益的一小部分也可能产生可观的投资组合回报。

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