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Wintermute Withdraws $736K in NEIRO from Gate.io, Acting as Market Maker

Wintermute 作为做市商从 Gate.io 提取 73.6 万美元的 NEIRO

发布: 2024/09/10 19:20 阅读: 414



Wintermute 作为做市商从 Gate.io 提取 73.6 万美元的 NEIRO

Wintermute Withdraws $736K in NEIRO, Bolstering Role as Market Maker

Wintermute 从 NEIRO 中提取 73.6 万美元,巩固做市商角色

Wintermute, a leading crypto market maker, has withdrawn approximately 4.34 million NEIRO tokens, valued at $736,000, from Gate.io over the past 24 hours.

领先的加密货币做市商 Wintermute 在过去 24 小时内从 Gate.io 撤回了约 434 万个 NEIRO 代币,价值 736,000 美元。

Wintermute's Role as a Market Maker for NEIRO

Wintermute 作为 NEIRO 做市商的角色

This withdrawal indicates Wintermute's involvement as a market maker for NEIRO, an Ethereum-based meme coin. Market makers provide liquidity to exchanges, ensuring stability by facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers.

此次撤回表明 Wintermute 作为 NEIRO(一种基于以太坊的模因币)的做市商参与其中。做市商为交易所提供流动性,通过促进买家和卖家之间的交易来确保稳定性。

By holding a significant portion of the NEIRO token supply (0.5%), Wintermute is well-positioned to manage liquidity on exchanges. They use strategies such as buying and selling in large volumes to maintain tight spreads, reducing volatility and enabling seamless trading.

通过持有 NEIRO 代币供应的很大一部分(0.5%),Wintermute 处于有利地位来管理交易所的流动性。他们使用大量买卖等策略来维持较小的价差,减少波动性并实现无缝交易。

NEIRO: A Growing Meme Coin


NEIRO, driven by community interest and social media influence, has gained traction in the crypto ecosystem. Wintermute's involvement adds legitimacy, signaling increasing interest in the token.

NEIRO 在社区兴趣和社交媒体影响力的推动下,在加密生态系统中获得了关注。 Wintermute 的参与增加了合法性,表明人们对该代币的兴趣日益浓厚。

With Wintermute's substantial holdings, NEIRO is likely to experience enhanced liquidity and efficient trading on exchanges.

凭借 Wintermute 的大量持股,NEIRO 可能会在交易所体验到增强的流动性和高效的交易。

Wintermute's Growing Influence in Crypto Markets

Wintermute 在加密货币市场的影响力与日俱增

Wintermute's withdrawal is part of its broader strategy as a leading market maker. They provide liquidity across various digital assets, allowing traders to execute large transactions with minimal price fluctuations.

Wintermute 的退出是其作为领先做市商的更广泛战略的一部分。它们为各种数字资产提供流动性,使交易者能够以最小的价格波动执行大额交易。

As market makers, firms like Wintermute manage the risk of holding and trading volatile assets. Their provision of liquidity ensures market stability, even during periods of high volatility.

作为做市商,像 Wintermute 这样的公司管理持有和交易波动性资产的风险。即使在高波动时期,它们提供的流动性也能确保市场稳定。

The Future of NEIRO and Meme Coins

NEIRO 和 Meme 币的未来

Wintermute's involvement provides stability for NEIRO's trading activity. Community engagement, liquidity, and trader adoption will shape the future success of the meme coin.

Wintermute 的参与为 NEIRO 的交易活动提供了稳定性。社区参与、流动性和交易者采用将决定模因币未来的成功。

Market makers like Wintermute play a crucial role in providing liquidity and mitigating price swings. With Wintermute holding a substantial portion of NEIRO, its influence on the token's market performance is significant.

像 Wintermute 这样的做市商在提供流动性和缓解价格波动方面发挥着至关重要的作用。由于 Wintermute 持有 NEIRO 的很大一部分,其对代币市场表现的影响是巨大的。



Wintermute's withdrawal of NEIRO strengthens its position as a market maker, providing liquidity and stability for the meme coin. With 5.74 million NEIRO tokens in its holdings, the firm controls approximately 0.5% of the total supply, ensuring smooth trading for NEIRO on exchanges.

Wintermute 退出 NEIRO 加强了其做市商地位,为 meme 币提供了流动性和稳定性。该公司持有 574 万个 NEIRO 代币,控制着总供应量的约 0.5%,确保 NEIRO 在交易所的顺利交易。


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