首页 > 资讯新闻 > 在 DOGE 清算和 BONK 下跌之际,BlockDAG 的 X1 矿工应用程序预售金额达到 5300 万美元

X1 Miner App By BlockDAG Hits $53M Presale Amid DOGE Liquidation And BONK Decline

在 DOGE 清算和 BONK 下跌之际,BlockDAG 的 X1 矿工应用程序预售金额达到 5300 万美元

发布: 2024/06/24 13:48 阅读: 484



在 DOGE 清算和 BONK 下跌之际,BlockDAG 的 X1 矿工应用程序预售金额达到 5300 万美元

Crypto Market Update


The wider cryptocurrency market is experiencing sell-offs, with Dogecoin (DOGE) futures recently facing $60 million in liquidated long trades. Similarly, the Bonk price has declined by 19% over the past week.

更广泛的加密货币市场正在经历抛售,狗狗币 (DOGE) 期货最近面临 6000 万美元的多头交易清算。同样,Bonk 价格在过去一周下跌了 19%。

BlockDAG: A Rising Star


In contrast to the broader market downturn, BlockDAG (BDAG) has been making significant progress. Its Keynote 1 launch at Tokyo's Shibuya Crossing and the X1 mobile mining app have significantly boosted its visibility, resulting in over $53M in presale funds. BDAG's low-code, no-code platform empowers users to create utility tokens, meme coins, and NFTs, positioning it as a potential market leader.

与大盘低迷形成鲜明对比的是,BlockDAG (BDAG) 一直在取得重大进展。它在东京涩谷十字路口举行的 Keynote 1 发布会和 X1 移动挖矿应用程序显着提高了其知名度,预售资金超过 5300 万美元。 BDAG 的低代码、无代码平台使用户能够创建实用代币、模因币和 NFT,将其定位为潜在的市场领导者。

Bonk Price Fluctuations


Bonk (BONK), an early Solana memecoin, witnessed a decline in enthusiasm prior to its 2023 comeback. Despite a 7.5% increase over the past month, BONK's price has dropped by 19% in one week, contributing to a 4% overall decline as the crypto market shed nearly 1%.

Bonk (BONK) 是一种早期的 Solana memecoin,在 2023 年卷土重来之前,热情有所下降。尽管过去一个月上涨了 7.5%,但 BONK 的价格在一周内下跌了 19%,导致整体下跌 4%,而加密货币市场下跌了近 1%。

BONK has demonstrated resilience and growth potential throughout the year. The memecoin's resilience is evident in its 2022 airdrop to the Solana community, which aims to restore liquidity to the network. With a current trading volume of $300 million and the potential for market recovery, BONK could potentially rise to $0.000030 in the coming weeks and reach $0.00005 by year-end.

BONK全年表现出了韧性和增长潜力。 memecoin 的韧性在 2022 年向 Solana 社区的空投中可见一斑,该空投旨在恢复网络的流动性。目前交易量为 3 亿美元,且市场有复苏的潜力,BONK 可能在未来几周内升至 0.000030 美元,并在年底前达到 0.00005 美元。

Dogecoin Futures Losses


Over the past 24 hours, over $400 million in crypto longs have been liquidated, with Dogecoin futures incurring $60 million in long trade liquidations as DOGE prices fell by more than 10%. These liquidations surpassed those for Bitcoin (BTC) futures, which lost $47 million.

在过去 24 小时内,超过 4 亿美元的加密多头交易被清算,其中狗狗币期货因 DOGE 价格下跌超过 10% 而产生了 6000 万美元的多头交易清算。这些清算超过了比特币 (BTC) 期货的清算,后者损失了 4700 万美元。

The CoinDesk 20 Index has declined by 3.4%, reflecting the broader market sell-off and bearish sentiment. Dogecoin futures faced their highest liquidation activity since May 2021, with Huobi alone experiencing $44 million in liquidations. Profit-taking and the strength of the dollar have contributed to the market sell-offs, leading to significant losses in Dogecoin futures.

CoinDesk 20 指数下跌 3.4%,反映了更广泛的市场抛售和看跌情绪。狗狗币期货面临 2021 年 5 月以来最高的清算活动,仅火币就经历了 4400 万美元的清算。获利回吐和美元走强导致市场抛售,导致狗狗币期货大幅亏损。

BlockDAG's Mobile Mining Revolution

BlockDAG 的移动挖矿革命

BlockDAG's X1 app transforms mobile mining by turning smartphones into efficient mining devices. Available on Android and Apple platforms, the app features an energy-saving algorithm that conserves battery and data, ensuring optimal mining performance.

BlockDAG 的 X1 应用程序通过将智能手机变成高效的挖矿设备来改变移动挖矿。该应用程序可在 Android 和 Apple 平台上使用,具有节能算法,可以节省电池和数据,确保最佳的挖掘性能。

Users can earn up to 20 BDAG per day, with each coin valued at $0.05 at the launch price. As the coin's value increases, so do the potential earnings: at $1, daily earnings could reach $20, and at $10, users could earn an impressive $200 per day. The app also includes a referral system and daily engagement incentives, further enhancing accessibility and rewards for users. It stands out as one of the most promising crypto-mining apps available.

用户每天最多可以获得 20 个 BDAG,每枚代币的发行价为 0.05 美元。随着代币价值的增加,潜在收入也会增加:如果为 1 美元,每日收入可能达到 20 美元,如果为 10 美元,用户每天可以赚取令人印象深刻的 200 美元。该应用程序还包括推荐系统和日常参与激励,进一步增强用户的可访问性和奖励。它是最有前途的加密货币挖矿应用程序之一。

BlockDAG's global ambitions were showcased by the display of its keynote video at Tokyo's Shibuya Crossing, highlighting its project and collaborations with DeFi platforms like Bitget and CoinEx. Through this strategic marketing move, the company has gained increased visibility and raised over $53 million in presale funds until the 18th batch.

BlockDAG 在东京涩谷十字路口展示的主题演讲视频展示了其全球雄心,强调了其项目以及与 Bitget 和 CoinEx 等 DeFi 平台的合作。通过这一战略营销举措,该公司提高了知名度,并在第 18 批之前筹集了超过 5300 万美元的预售资金。

Low-Code Revolution Empowering Meme Coin Innovation

低代码革命赋能 Meme 币创新

BlockDAG's low-code, no-code platform is revolutionizing smart contract development, making it accessible for creating utility tokens, meme coins, and NFTs. This platform empowers users to create, manage, and deploy applications through a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, eliminating the need for extensive coding expertise.

BlockDAG 的低代码、无代码平台正在彻底改变智能合约开发,使其可用于创建实用代币、模因币和 NFT。该平台使用户能够通过用户友好的拖放界面创建、管理和部署应用程序,从而无需大量的编码专业知识。

This democratizes the development process, potentially leading to the creation of new meme coins by enabling more creators to participate in innovation.


Key Insights


  • Market sell-offs have significantly impacted Dogecoin (DOGE) futures and Bonk, resulting in liquidations and price declines.
  • BlockDAG (BDAG) is making significant strides, with the Keynote 1 launch and the X1 mobile mining app driving growth.
  • BDAG's low-code, no-code platform empowers users to develop utility tokens, meme coins, and NFTs, potentially fostering the next generation of meme coins.

市场抛售对狗狗币 (DOGE) 期货和 Bonk 产生了重大影响,导致清算和价格下跌。BlockDAG (BDAG) 正在取得重大进展,Keynote 1 的推出和 X1 移动挖矿应用程序推动了增长。BDAG 的低代码、无代码平台使用户能够开发实用代币、meme 币和 NFT,从而有可能培育下一代 meme 币。


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