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500x Presale GameStop Memes Beats Dogecoin and XRP Projections

500 倍预售 GameStop Memes 击败狗狗币和 XRP 预测

发布: 2023/11/29 06:44 阅读: 761

原文作者:The Coin Republic


In the constantly evolving landscape of the cryptocurrency domain, the GameStop Memes (GSM) phenomenon has rapidly risen as a potent influence, capturing the interest of both enthusiastic crypto supporters and experienced investors. This article delves into the profound impact of GameStop Memes, propelled by its noteworthy achievement of securing an impressive $4 million in presale funding. Beyond its financial success, GameStop Memes not only surpasses established players like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Ripple (XRP) but also guides the narrative in the continually evolving crypto terrain. Additionally, we investigate the noteworthy announcement of an upcoming Ripple ETP launch catering to European customers in December, emphasizing the escalating backing from institutional quarters for cryptocurrencies.

在加密货币领域不断发展的格局中,GameStop Memes (GSM) 现象迅速崛起,产生了强大的影响力,吸引了热情的加密货币支持者和经验丰富的投资者的兴趣。本文深入探讨了 GameStop Memes 的深远影响,其取得的令人瞩目的成就是获得了令人印象深刻的 400 万美元预售资金。除了在财务上取得成功之外,GameStop Memes 不仅超越了狗狗币 (DOGE) 和瑞波币 (XRP) 等老牌玩家,而且还引导了不断发展的加密货币领域的发展。此外,我们还调查了即将于 12 月推出的面向欧洲客户的 Ripple ETP 的值得注意的公告,强调机构方面对加密货币的支持不断增加。

Dogecoin: The Legacy Meme Coin


Dogecoin, born from internet memes, has carved its place in the crypto world with a playful charm. However, as the GameStop Memes effect gains momentum, a new chapter in the meme showdown unfolds. The cultural impact and community-driven ethos of GameStop Memes challenge Dogecoin’s legacy, prompting crypto enthusiasts to reassess their positions in a landscape shaped by both tradition and revolution.

狗狗币诞生于互联网模因,以俏皮的魅力在加密世界中占据一席之地。然而,随着 GameStop Memes 效应的势头增强,模因对决的新篇章也随之展开。 GameStop Memes 的文化影响和社区驱动的精神挑战了狗狗币的传统,促使加密货币爱好者重新评估他们在传统和革命共同塑造的格局中的地位。

The “meme coin” gained popularity in the cryptocurrency realm through social media traction and its appeal to a broad audience. Dogecoin’s identity is closely tied to its logo, featuring the Shiba Inu dog meme. The coin received a boost in visibility when Elon Musk actively promoted it, even going as far as replacing Twitter’s bird logo with the DOGE symbol. The influential entrepreneur and Tesla CEO has been a vocal supporter of Dogecoin.

“模因币”通过社交媒体的吸引力及其对广大受众的吸引力在加密货币领域广受欢迎。狗狗币的身份与其徽标密切相关,以柴犬模因为特色。当埃隆·马斯克积极推广时,该币的知名度得到了提升,甚至用 DOGE 符号取代了 Twitter 的小鸟标志。这位颇具影响力的企业家和特斯拉首席执行官一直是狗狗币的坚定支持者。

However, the initial excitement has waned and Elon Musk appears to have distanced himself from the project, especially amid a lawsuit by some investors alleging that his tweets manipulated DOGE prices. Currently, Dogecoin is trading significantly lower than its peak value.

然而,最初的兴奋已经减弱,埃隆·马斯克似乎已经与该项目保持距离,特别是在一些投资者提起诉讼,指控他的推文操纵了 DOGE 价格的情况下。目前,狗狗币的交易价格明显低于其峰值。

Is Dogecoin’s Popularity Enduring?


The value of Dogecoin frequently follows the broader trends observed in the overall cryptocurrency market. Shifts in the price of DOGE are influenced by the prevailing trends set by Bitcoin, the foremost cryptocurrency. While Dogecoin’s value is tethered to its practical applications, its intrinsic value is often questioned, leading to its common use on social media for tipping content creators and facilitating small transactions. Notably, Dogecoin approached the $0.74 mark again, a development that raises concerns, particularly in contrast to the recent surges seen in most other cryptocurrencies.

狗狗币的价值经常遵循整个加密货币市场中观察到的更广泛的趋势。 DOGE 价格的变化受到最重要的加密货币比特币的流行趋势的影响。虽然狗狗币的价值与其实际应用挂钩,但其内在价值经常受到质疑,导致其在社交媒体上普遍用于给内容创作者打赏和促进小额交易。值得注意的是,狗狗币再次逼近 0.74 美元大关,这一发展引发了担忧,特别是与最近大多数其他加密货币的飙升形成鲜明对比。

XRP Doubles Down on Institutional Growth

XRP 加速机构增长

Ripple, with its focus on facilitating seamless cross-border transactions, has been a stalwart in the crypto market. Yet, the GameStop Memes effect represents a paradigm shift. The community-driven movement challenges traditional roles in the crypto space, urging investors to navigate the waves of change. 

Ripple 专注于促进无缝跨境交易,一直是加密货币市场的中坚力量。然而,GameStop Memes 效应代表了一种范式转变。社区驱动的运动挑战了加密货币领域的传统角色,敦促投资者驾驭变革浪潮。

In a clear indication of increasing institutional support for cryptocurrencies, a Ripple (XRP) ETP is set to launch for European customers in December.

Ripple (XRP) ETP 将于 12 月向欧洲客户推出,这清楚地表明机构对加密货币的支持不断增加。

While investors in the United States, spanning both the cryptocurrency and traditional finance sectors, anxiously anticipate the introduction of a Bitcoin ETF product, their counterparts in Europe will soon have access to an XRP exchange-traded product.

尽管美国的加密货币和传统金融领域的投资者都在焦急地期待着比特币 ETF 产品的推出,但欧洲的投资者很快就能获得 XRP 交易所交易产品。

Last week, DeFi Technologies, Inc. disclosed its plans to unveil a new Ripple XRP ETP on a European exchange. The Canada-based Web 3.0 company is poised to launch this product early in December, making it available through its subsidiary, Valour Inc. The blockchain company aims to meet the increasing demand among European investors for a diverse exposure to cryptocurrencies.

上周,DeFi Technologies, Inc. 透露计划在欧洲交易所推出新的 Ripple XRP ETP。这家总部位于加拿大的 Web 3.0 公司准备于 12 月初推出该产品,并通过其子公司 Valor Inc 提供。这家区块链公司旨在满足欧洲投资者对加密货币多样化投资日益增长的需求。

GameStop Memes: Transforming the Presale Market

GameStop Memes:改变预售市场

The heart of the GameStop Memes effect reveals more than a meme culture sensation. Operating as a presale coin, GameStop Memes introduces a revolutionary approach to cryptocurrency dynamics. The GSM Presale beckons investors to be part of a movement challenging the conventional narrative, presenting an opportunity to redefine their crypto journey in an era marked by both tradition and innovation.

GameStop Memes 效应的核心不仅仅揭示了 meme 文化的轰动。作为预售代币,GameStop Memes 引入了一种革命性的加密货币动态方法。 GSM 预售吸引投资者参与挑战传统叙事的运动,为在传统与创新并存的时代重新定义他们的加密货币之旅提供机会。

Embrace the GameStop Memes Revolution 

拥抱 GameStop Memes 革命

In light of these facts, the GameStop Memes effect stands as a transformative force, eclipsing Dogecoin and prompting a reconsideration of traditional crypto roles. Simultaneously, Ripple’s impending European ETP launch signals institutional confidence in cryptocurrencies. As the crypto community navigates this dual narrative, the call to action echoes: Become a part of GSM Presale now! Embrace the revolution, redefine your crypto journey, and be part of a movement that reshapes the future of cryptocurrency, integrating both tradition and innovation into the ever-evolving crypto landscape.

鉴于这些事实,GameStop Memes 效应成为一股变革力量,超越了狗狗币,并促使人们重新考虑传统的加密货币角色。与此同时,Ripple 即将在欧洲推出 ETP,这标志着机构对加密货币的信心。当加密社区在这种双重叙事中导航时,行动号召呼应:立即成为 GSM 预售的一部分!拥抱革命,重新定义您的加密之旅,并成为重塑加密货币未来的运动的一部分,将传统和创新融入不断发展的加密领域。

GameStop Memes


Website: https://gamestopmemes.com/  


Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameStopMemes 


Telegram: https://t.me/GameStopMemes 


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