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XRP, DOGE price prediction amid Memeinator’s epic presale

Memeinator 史诗般预售中的 XRP、DOGE 价格预测

发布: 2024/02/06 18:40 阅读: 446



  • XRP price hovers above $0.50 amid latest Ripple vs.SEC case.
  • 在最新的 Ripple 与 SEC 案件中,XRP 价格徘徊在 0.50 美元以上。

  • Dogecoin price is ranged and could dip further, but is seeing renewed interest.
  • 狗狗币价格波动较大,可能会进一步下跌,但人们的兴趣重新燃起。

  • Memeinator (MMTR) presale has surpassed $4.2 million amid massive investors confidence.
  • 由于投资者信心十足,Memeinator (MMTR) 预售已超过 420 万美元。

XRP price defied latest Ripple news as it held above $0.50, while Dogecoin (DOGE) remains near the $0.08 level that could prove crucial for bulls.

XRP 价格与最新的 Ripple 消息不符,维持在 0.50 美元以上,而狗狗币 (DOGE) 仍接近 0.08 美元水平,这对多头来说可能至关重要。

As the Ripple token looks to establish the current level as primary support level and DOGE eyes upcoming crypto bull run, could the Memeinator (MMTR) be one of the best new tokens to invest in 2024?

由于 Ripple 代币希望将当前水平确立为主要支撑位,并且 DOGE 着眼于即将到来的加密货币牛市,Memeinator (MMTR) 是否会成为 2024 年投资的最佳新代币之一?

Here is a price prediction for XRP, DOGE and MMTR.

以下是 XRP、DOGE 和 MMTR 的价格预测。

XRP price prediction: $0.50 is critical for bulls

XRP 价格预测:0.50 美元对多头至关重要

A recent hack incident involving Ripple saw the price of XRP fall 5% to around $0.48. The altcoin rebounded above $0.50 and has retested the level on multiple occasions in the past few days.

最近涉及 Ripple 的黑客事件导致 XRP 价格下跌 5% 至 0.48 美元左右。该山寨币反弹至 0.50 美元上方,并在过去几天多次重新测试该水平。

On Monday, US Judge Sarah Netburn ordered that Ripple provide financial statements for 2022-2023 as well as records of post-complaint institutional sales of XRP. The judge agreed with SEC’s motion on these requests, thereby handing the regulator a key win.

周一,美国法官 Sarah Netburn 命令 Ripple 提供 2022-2023 年的财务报表以及投诉后机构销售 XRP 的记录。法官同意 SEC 关于这些请求的动议,从而为监管机构带来了关键胜利。

While the XRP price has not reacted sharply to this development in the Ripple vs. SEC case, this legal hurdle has weighed on XRP since its filing in December 2020. In July last year, XRP rose to above $0.82 after Judge Analisa Torres’ ruling that XRP was not a security.

尽管 XRP 的价格并未对 Ripple 诉 SEC 案件的进展做出剧烈反应,但自 2020 年 12 月提交申请以来,这一法律障碍一直对 XRP 构成压力。去年 7 月,在法官 Analisa Torres 做出裁决后,XRP 升至 0.82 美元以上。 XRP 不是一种证券。

As an important technical level over the past year, $0.50 is what bulls need to hold to avoid giving the initiative to bears. If the negative scenario unfolds, the short term bearish outlook could highlight a breakdown towards the $0.40 support level.

0.50美元作为过去一年的重要技术位,是多头需要守住的位置,以避免将主动权让给空头。如果出现负面情况,短期看跌前景可能会突显跌向 0.40 美元支撑位的趋势。

Dogecoin price prediction: DOGE eyes positive catalysts


Dogecoin price has traded below $0.08 for the past week, with its price about 4% down in the time frame. A look at the charts shows that the top meme coin failed to hold above $0.1 since the breakdown in November 2022.

过去一周,狗狗币价格一直低于 0.08 美元,在这段时间内下跌了约 4%。图表显示,自 2022 年 11 月崩溃以来,顶级 meme 代币未能保持在 0.1 美元以上。

The rally in several Solana-based meme coins, including Bonk, contributed to the struggle DOGE experienced in 2023. However, with a number of recent developments, it appears the coming months could be positive for the dog-themed meme coin.

包括 Bonk 在内的几种基于 Solana 的 meme 币的上涨,加剧了 DOGE 在 2023 年经历的困境。然而,从最近的一些事态发展来看,未来几个月对于以狗为主题的 meme 币来说可能会是积极的。

Dogecoin blockchain’s recent welcoming of the Doom video game and this week’s reports claiming SpaceX accepted DOGE payments for the anticipated DOGE-1 launch could be key upside catalysts.

狗狗币区块链最近对《毁灭战士》视频游戏的欢迎,以及本周有报道称 SpaceX 接受 DOGE 付款以进行预期的 DOGE-1 发射,这可能是关键的上涨催化剂。

However, a bearish outlook is hinted to by the descending triangle formation on Dogecoin’s daily chart. This and potential broader market weakness means DOGE might dip to support at $0.06. However, the resurgence in meme coin interest suggests a retest of $0.1 in the short term could allow bulls to target the $1.

然而,狗狗币日线图上的下降三角形形态暗示了看跌前景。这种情况以及潜在的大盘疲软意味着 DOGE 可能会跌至 0.06 美元的支撑位。然而,人们对 meme 代币兴趣的复苏表明,短期内重新测试 0.1 美元可能会让多头瞄准 1 美元。

Memeinator: The meme token to challenge Dogecoin, Shiba Inu?


The meme coin market currently stands around $20.3 billion, with CoinGecko data showing roughly 340 meme tokens. While the meme market cap is projected to grow significantly in coming years, the majority of current tokens are worthless, no utility projects that rely on hype for short-term price gains.

Meme 代币市场目前约为 203 亿美元,CoinGecko 数据显示大约有 340 个 meme 代币。虽然模因市值预计在未来几年将大幅增长,但目前大多数代币毫无价值,没有任何公用事业项目依赖炒作来获得短期价格上涨。

Memeinator (MMTR) is a new meme token that looks to restore meme culture by eliminating the useless copycat tokens. To get to this, Memeinator is building a resistance movement that will leverage an AI-enabled game to target and destroy all subpar meme tokens.

Memeinator (MMTR) 是一种新的模因代币,旨在通过消除无用的模仿代币来恢复模因文化。为了实现这一目标,Memeinator 正在发起一场抵抗运动,利用人工智能游戏来瞄准并摧毁所有低于标准的 Meme 代币。

When it launches, the project has its eyes set on hitting the $1 billion market cap, which could see it overtake the likes of Floki, Pepe, and Bonk. Ultimately, the mission is to rule over meme coins and that means challenging Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

当它启动时,该项目的目标是达到 10 亿美元的市值,这可能会超过 Floki、Pepe 和 Bonk 等公司。最终,我们的使命是统治模因币,这意味着挑战狗狗币和柴犬。

Memeinator price prediction: Can MMTR hit $1 in 2025?

Memeinator 价格预测:2025 年 MMTR 能否达到 1 美元?

The Memeinator is currently in presale, which has seen more than $4.2 million so far. With partnerships, a token burn and staking already live, this project’s revolution seems to be truly underway. What remains before going full scale is the six presale stages that will see MMTR rise to $0.0292.

Memeinator 目前正在进行预售,迄今为止已售出超过 420 万美元。随着合作伙伴关系、代币销毁和质押已经上线,这个项目的革命似乎真正正在进行。在全面展开之前还需要进行六个预售阶段,MMTR 将会升至 0.0292 美元。

Currently, investors can lock in 40% in presale returns by joining the ongoing sale at $0.0208. AI, GameFi and meme coins are all big trends in 2024 and Memeinator has all these at its core. If for instance, Bitcoin’s upcoming halving catalyses a run to a new all-time high, altcoins will definitely mirror it.

目前,投资者可以通过以 0.0208 美元的价格参与正在进行的销售来锁定 40% 的预售回报。 AI、GameFi 和 Meme 币都是 2024 年的大趋势,Memeinator 拥有所有这些核心。例如,如果比特币即将减半,推动比特币创下历史新高,山寨币肯定也会效仿。

In the meme coin market, Memeinator’s hostile takeover of the sector means the $1 billion market cap target is achievable. If it happens, the MMTR price could swell to between $0.5 and $1 amid broader bull market conditions. 

在 Meme 币市场,Memeinator 对该行业的恶意收购意味着 10 亿美元的市值目标是可以实现的。如果发生这种情况,在更广泛的牛市条件下,MMTR 价格可能会上涨至 0.5 美元至 1 美元之间。

Are eyeing a new meme coin? Find more about Memeinator on their presale page.

正在关注新的模因币吗?在 Memeinator 的预售页面上查找更多有关 Memeinator 的信息。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/xrp-doge-price-prediction-amid-memeinator-s-epic-presale-tbt79006.html



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