55.52B成交额 (24h)
流通量147.64B DOGE
总发行量147.64B DOGE
BNB Smart Chain (BEP20):
111The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
222The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
333The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
比特币价格与特定加密资产之间的 30 天统计相关性。接近 1 的相关性意味着两个价格之间存在强烈的正相关性,接近 0 的相关性表示没有相关性,接近 -1 的相关性指向强烈的负相关性(意味着比特币和相关资产的价格往往朝相反的方向变动)。
比特币价格与特定加密资产之间的 30 天统计相关性。接近 1 的相关性意味着两个价格之间存在强烈的正相关性,接近 0 的相关性表示没有相关性,接近 -1 的相关性指向强烈的负相关性(意味着比特币和相关资产的价格往往朝相反的方向变动)。
比特币价格与特定加密资产之间的 30 天统计相关性。接近 1 的相关性意味着两个价格之间存在强烈的正相关性,接近 0 的相关性表示没有相关性,接近 -1 的相关性指向强烈的负相关性(意味着比特币和相关资产的价格往往朝相反的方向变动)。
基于大额交易指标,该指标显示过去七天内每笔超过 100,000 美元的交易的总转账量,以及超过该金额的交易数量。
该指标跟踪加密资产官方 Telegram 群组成员数量的每周变化。如果加密资产没有官方 Telegram 群组(如比特币),则不会显示此代币摘要元素。
使用专有的机器学习分类器,我们识别出顶级中心化交易所的地址,包括其存款地址、提现地址、热钱包和冷钱包。使用此分类器,我们测量流入交易所的净量。我们使用以下公式计算净流量:净流量 = 流入 - 流出
比特币价格与特定加密资产之间的 30 天统计相关性。接近 1 的相关性意味着两个价格之间存在强烈的正相关性,接近 0 的相关性表示没有相关性,接近 -1 的相关性指向强烈的负相关性(意味着比特币和相关资产的价格往往朝相反的方向变动)。
Doge 恐惧与贪婪指数是加密货币情绪分析的多因素指标,它考虑了决定 Doge 市场心理的最关键参数,从而得出定义市场恐惧或贪婪程度的结果。
- 100% 盈利
- 0% 收支平衡
- 0% 亏损
此指标显示加密资产按持有时间的所有权分布。持有此资产的所有地址均被归类为 Hodler(持有此加密货币超过一年)、Cruiser(持有时间超过一个月但不到一年)或 Trader(持有时间不到一个月)。
- 0% > 1 Y
- 0% 1 - 12 M
- 100% < 1 M
平衡,DOGE |
地址 |
% 地址 (总) |
% DOGE (总) |
(0 - 0.1) |
1859010 | 26.59% (100%) | 32720 DOGE | 12184 | 0% (0%) |
[0.1 - 1) |
732565 | 10.48% (73.41%) | 273802 DOGE | 101956 | 0% (0%) |
[1 - 10) |
1475877 | 21.11% (62.93%) | 4710245 DOGE | 1753968 | 0% (0%) |
[10 - 100) |
996073 | 14.25% (41.82%) | 41552539 DOGE | 15473041 | 0.03% (0.03%) |
[100 - 1,000) |
1075452 | 15.38% (27.57%) | 392592714 DOGE | 146190899 | 0.27% (0.27%) |
[1,000 - 10,000) |
618221 | 8.84% (12.18%) | 1995074795 DOGE | 742911846 | 1.35% (1.35%) |
[10,000 - 100,000) |
193498 | 2.77% (3.34%) | 5640461755 DOGE | 2100355269 | 3.82% (3.82%) |
[100,000 - 1,000,000) |
34843 | 0.5% (0.57%) | 9112075669 DOGE | 3393090313 | 6.18% (6.18%) |
[1,000,000 - 10,000,000) |
4270 | 0.06% (0.07%) | 10703728915 DOGE | 3985778895 | 7.26% (7.26%) |
[10,000,000 - 100,000,000) |
677 | 0.01% (0.01%) | 22135136861 DOGE | 8242525762 | 15.01% (15.01%) |
[100,000,000 - 1,000,000,000) |
103 | 0% (0%) | 23060635247 DOGE | 8587156307 | 15.63% (15.63%) |
[1,000,000,000 - 10,000,000,000) |
17 | 0% (0%) | 45568864077 DOGE | 16968611418 | 30.89% (30.89%) |
[10,000,000,000 - 100,000,000,000) |
1 | 0% (0%) | 28856003393 DOGE | 10745194522 | 19.56% (19.56%) |
# | 地址 | 持有总量 | % of coins | 首先输入 | 最后输入 | 输入数 | 第一输出 | 最后输出 | 输出数 |
1 |
DDUXGMFNGpGjaAqyDun SMvceMBruc1wwKF 7d:+252430456 DOGE / 30d:-629976872 DOGE |
9,758,966,865 DOGE ($1,015,899,678) | 21.83% | 2023-05-09 02:49:30 | 2024-07-25 01:48:42 | 219 | 2023-05-25 07:48:55 | 2024-07-11 05:10:55 | 1481 |
1 | 28,856,003,393 DOGE ($10,851,011,516) | 19.54 | 2023-05-09 02:49:30 | 2025-01-02 21:51:58 | 303 | 2023-05-10 07:21:55 | 2024-12-21 03:01:36 | 262 | |
2 |
D8ZEVbgf4yPs3MK8dMJJ7PpSyBKsbd66TX wallet:Binance |
8,000,142,026 DOGE ($3,008,373,408) | 5.42 | 2022-11-09 19:00:57 | 2025-01-03 19:12:01 | 1804 | 2022-11-09 19:28:44 | 2025-01-03 18:55:55 | 842 |
3 |
DE5opaXjFgDhFBqL6tBDxTAQ56zkX6EToX wallet:Binance |
7,152,805,747 DOGE ($2,689,741,074) | 4.84 | 2019-07-17 15:41:07 | 2024-12-03 09:11:30 | 442 | 2019-07-17 16:27:03 | 2025-01-03 23:03:45 | 389 |
4 |
DU8gPC5mh4KxWJARQRxoESFark2jAguBr5 wallet:Cryptsy |
5,447,835,240 DOGE ($2,048,603,964) | 3.69 | 2023-12-21 23:31:30 | 2024-12-31 16:00:44 | 198 | 2023-12-26 17:28:46 | 2024-12-20 21:55:24 | 100 |
5 |
DDTtqnuZ5kfRT5qh2c7sNtqrJmV3iXYdGG wallet:Cryptsy |
5,031,001,964 DOGE ($1,891,857,979) | 3.41 | 2014-01-11 17:15:27 | 2024-12-03 09:36:10 | 618 | 2014-01-13 18:26:08 | 2014-01-13 18:26:08 | 1 |
6 |
ADNbM5fBujCRBW1vqezNeAWmnsLp19ki3n wallet:4181401 |
4,264,761,629 DOGE ($1,603,720,963) | 2.89 | 2023-06-20 01:46:49 | 2025-01-04 00:14:28 | 125883 | 2023-06-20 01:58:43 | 2025-01-04 00:09:23 | 105583 |
7 |
DGmzv39riELTuigZCUD6sWoHEHPdSbxdUB wallet:Binance |
2,121,500,238 DOGE ($797,768,950) | 1.44 | 2022-05-23 18:48:20 | 2025-01-03 23:03:45 | 70 | 2023-01-25 19:19:07 | 2023-01-25 19:19:07 | 22 |
8 |
DDogepartyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw1dfzr wallet:Dogeparty-XDP-burned |
1,854,587,196 DOGE ($697,398,970) | 1.26 | 2014-08-13 01:30:39 | 2025-01-03 14:41:29 | 21589 | 0 | ||
9 |
DDuXGMFNGpGjaAqyDunSMvceMBruc1wwKF wallet:Bybit-Wallet |
1,615,002,049 DOGE ($607,305,371) | 1.09 | 2022-07-21 05:47:51 | 2024-12-31 02:54:35 | 423 | 2022-09-17 00:40:55 | 2024-12-21 06:42:04 | 408 |
10 |
D94tDRhr4X9Tjgr8MG1Nrd5ARpesPAM7ZB wallet:Bybit-Wallet |
1,486,633,556 DOGE ($559,033,683) | 1.01 | 2021-09-28 19:05:53 | 2024-12-22 11:51:07 | 86 | 2021-09-28 22:54:02 | 2024-12-21 22:42:13 | 67 |
11 |
DAAhXpPfziaCcGweJMWE4RSucLcee7NcqL wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,211,918,302 DOGE ($455,729,759) | 0.8207 | 2023-11-04 13:07:50 | 2025-01-03 00:58:10 | 123 | 2024-06-13 12:28:42 | 2025-01-03 00:27:51 | 46 |
12 |
DMuFDCTwxdqzfWrCEE7HiMxBonKVU49Fz4 wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,193,662,574 DOGE ($448,864,875) | 0.8083 | 2022-06-22 17:18:40 | 2024-12-03 10:05:43 | 518 | 2022-07-16 01:25:10 | 2024-09-11 01:52:14 | 242 |
13 |
D78RSZmmfSXUAgFivtg5Ld5NMChVeDyWx8 wallet:3372160 |
1,113,126,755 DOGE ($418,580,185) | 0.7538 | 2021-05-18 10:30:38 | 2025-01-03 21:58:52 | 18037 | 2021-05-18 18:26:24 | 2024-12-11 13:40:46 | 17355 |
14 |
DBdiAmrND25pM7DW7awqiL696yx9x9q4dD wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,068,528,373 DOGE ($401,809,410) | 0.7236 | 2024-02-21 00:04:22 | 2025-01-03 20:01:20 | 142 | 2024-02-21 05:33:05 | 2025-01-02 20:02:15 | 64 |
15 |
DJfU2p6woQ9GiBdiXsWZWJnJ9uDdZfSSNC wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,007,343,368 DOGE ($378,801,401) | 0.6821 | 2021-11-17 16:09:02 | 2025-01-04 00:14:47 | 1123036 | 2021-11-24 11:33:27 | 2025-01-04 00:14:47 | 1122779 |
01 / 16
- 2025年01月16日 13时Dogecoin最新价格
- 2025-01-16 13:30:32
- (24-hour Dogecoin price trend),Dogecoin Shows Strength, Gains traction : Price Analysis and Market Insights,Dogecoin (DOGE), the popular meme coin, h...
- Dogecoin DogecoinPrice
- XRP Price Shorts Rise at $2.6, Which Could Fuel an Explosion to $3 for Ripple and This Rival
- 2025-01-16 13:09:26
- Ripple's XRP faces potential short squeeze and rally towards $3, sparking speculation of a surge in PropiChain (PCHAIN)'s price by 30,000%. A concentrated short position at $2.60 presents an opportunity for a short squeeze, driving XRP higher. Analysts expect this to trigger a significant rise in PCHAIN's price due to its innovative blockchain solutions for the real estate industry. PropiChain's presale has raised over $2.2 million, offering an entry point for investors seeking substantial gains through its transformative technology and projected growth.
- XRP Ripple Price Shorts $2.6 $3 rival
- Dogecoin Breakout Incoming? How Trump’s Inauguration Could Influence DOGE
- 2025-01-16 13:04:39
- Dogecoin (DOGE) charges towards a new record-high amidst the impending US presidential inauguration. Analysts project a surge to $20, mirroring past bullish cycles. Technical indicators signal a breakout, with a steady climb from $0.26 support to a $0.36 high and impressive 198% 90-day gains. Open Interest skyrockets to $570 million, indicating increased upside expectations and aggressive accumulation.
- Dogecoin Trump Inauguration
- Binance Broadens Offerings with DOGE, LTC, and CGPT for Loans and Collateral
- 2025-01-16 13:04:39
- Binance's strategic integration of Dogecoin, Litecoin, and ChainGPT into its lending platform has sparked positive market reactions, with all three cryptocurrencies experiencing price increases. This move solidifies their credibility and value, driving attention from institutional investors while rebalancing the market. The expansion also sets the stage for potential pressure on other exchanges to refine their offerings, highlighting the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market and the influence of leading exchanges like Binance.
- Binance DOGE LTC CGPT Loans Collateral
- Dogecoin Price Outlook: 3 Ways Elon Musk Could Shape DOGE After Jan 20
- 2025-01-16 13:04:39
- Elon Musk's appointment as head of the D.O.G.E. under the Trump administration could significantly bolster Dogecoin's legitimacy. Musk's consistent support for the cryptocurrency, coupled with his newfound governmental authority, may lead to official acceptance and real-world applications. Speculation surrounding a potential government-backed Dogecoin and its integration into Musk's X Money payment platform has further fueled optimism, potentially driving mass adoption and substantial price increases.
- Dogecoin Elon Musk price outlook
- 狗狗币2025年1月16日12:00最新价格
- 2025-01-16 12:00:31
- 狗狗币 (DOGE) 是一种去中心化加密货币,以其柴犬吉祥物和在线社区而闻名,在过去 24 小时内经历了显着的价值飙升。截至美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 16 日中午 12:00,DOGE 的价格为 0.37531784372543 美元,大幅上涨 3.71186417%。
- Dogecoin DogecoinPrice
- 这种秘密山寨币交易价格低于 1 美元,将飙升 50,000%,让你身价达到 8 位数——它不是狗狗币或 PEPE
- 2025-01-16 11:52:43
- 在市场热潮中,WallitIQ (WLTQ) 是一种突破性的山寨币,售价为 0.0420 美元,有望飙升 50,000%。 WLTQ 超越了 Dogecoin 和 Pepe 的有限增长潜力,通过其先进功能(包括 Physical 2 数字资产集成和 SolidProof 审计认证)提供了盈利能力、安全性和自动化投资组合优化的三重效果。
- Secret Altcoin Skyrocket 50 000% 8 Figures
- 马斯克拯救加州 (MUSKCALI) Solana Memecoin 在交易所上市前飙升 18,000%,而 SHIB 和狗狗币下跌
- 2025-01-16 11:34:47
- 马斯克拯救加州 (MUSKCALI) 是一种 Solana 模因币,有望实现大幅增长。随着即将上市的交易所和流动性优势,早期投资者有潜力利用其预期的价格飙升。与 SHIB 和 DOGE 等成功的模因币类似,MUSKCALI 提供了获得丰厚回报的机会,吸引了渴望见证其潜在病毒式成功的投资者。
- Solana Memecoin SHIB Dogecoin
- 不要错过值得投资的顶级 Meme 代币:BTFD 代币的 90% 质押 APY 在狗狗币激增和矮胖企鹅突破中重新定义了被动收入......
- 2025-01-16 10:59:42
- 在当前的加密货币市场中,BTFD 币(BTFD)、狗狗币(DOGE)和矮胖企鹅(PENGU)成为值得考虑的顶级模因币。 BTFD Coin 提供卓越的质押奖励,APY 为 90%,而狗狗币由于其忠诚的社区和最近的市场收益而保持相关性。 Pudgy Penguins 最初以其 NFT 系列而闻名,现已突破看涨模式,显示出增长潜力。这些项目为寻求高回报和社区参与、多样化投资组合或加入娱乐驱动的模因币领域的投资者提供了机会。
- meme coins BTFD Coin Staking APY passive income Dogecoin Pudgy Penguins
- 新Solana Memecoin特朗普AI币(TRUMPAI)在交易所上市前将飙升超过14,000%
- 2025-01-16 10:04:47
- 特朗普人工智能币 (TRUMPAI) 是 Solana 最近推出的 memecoin,在未来几天有大幅增长的潜力,反映了 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 等其他 memecoin 的成功。随着 TRUMPAI 即将在多个加密货币交易所上市,预计其价值将增加 14,000% 以上。在这些上市之前收购 TRUMPAI 的早期投资者将获得可观的回报。
- Solana Memecoin
- DOGE鲸鱼在紧要关头力争卷土重来,并推出 ADA – BlockDAG 为主网启动做准备,接近 6 亿美元的目标
- 2025-01-16 10:03:20
- 到 2025 年,加密货币格局将发生重大转变。狗狗币鲸鱼正在推动潜在的飙升,专家预测其将突破 0.40 美元。卡尔达诺正在盘整,等待突破以释放增长潜力。 BlockDAG 是一个有前途的竞争者,其预售已接近完成,旨在通过其高性能、去中心化平台彻底改变区块链。 BlockDAG 的早期投资者获得了 2380% 的投资回报率,凸显了其作为市场领导者的潜力。
- DOGE ADA BlockDAG Mainnet Launch $600M Goal
- 交易员着眼未来突破,狗狗币面临 0.50 美元的关键阻力
- 2025-01-16 09:19:23
- 根据江恩广场分析,狗狗币 (DOGE) 接近 0.50 美元左右的关键阻力位。 DOGE 目前的交易价格为 0.361 美元,面临两个阻力区:0.50 美元和与江恩方形弧线对齐。一些分析师表示,突破这些水平可能表明看涨或看跌势头,潜在的长期目标价格为 1.00 美元或更高。
- Dogecoin Resistance $0.50 traders Breakouts
- Altcoin’s Upcoming 10 Exchange Listings—$600M Goal in Sight; DOGE Whales Gather as ADA Price Faces Crucial Levels
- 2025-01-16 09:04:42
- Dogecoin whales have amassed over 470 million DOGE, fueling optimism for a surge to $0.40. Cardano is poised for an upturn after consolidating between $0.8 support and $1.3 resistance. BlockDAG, with its presale reaching $180.5 million, continues to gain momentum as a potential top crypto for 2025. Its focus on scalability and upcoming Mainnet launch promises to redefine decentralized solutions.
- Altcoin DOGE ADA Price Levels
- 2025年01月16日 09时Dogecoin最新价格
- 2025-01-16 09:00:32
- Dogecoin (DOGE) has surged to $0.37599432932839 as of January 16, 2025, 9:00 AM, marking an impressive 4.84776078% increase in the past 24 hours. With a trading volume of $4290189737.7914, Dogecoin's total supply of 147640166383.71 DOGE and circulating supply of 147640166383.71 DOGE contribute to its market capitalization of $55511865341.373.
- Dogecoin DogecoinPrice
01 / 16
- 最新AIRDROP 2025免费挖矿DOGE代币可即时兑现 |空投丰富APP
- 2025-01-16 12:39:42
- 最新AIRDROP 2025免费挖矿DOGE代币可即时兑现 |空投丰富APP 在此注册:https://t.me/DogsHouseVIP_BOT/app?startapp=tg_1127230816 也许您想下载 x world 应用程序,您可以直接在 Playstore 上下载或通过以下方式下载...
- Airdrop Mining Token DOGE GRATIS Cair RICH APP
- DOGE 这周会抽水吗?🚨 |狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格预测和新闻 2025!
- 2025-01-16 12:39:37
- 2024 年狗狗币价格预测 📊加入 Cilinix Premium 以获得惊人的价值和贸易信号!🔥 https://www.patreon.com/cilinixcrypto https://discord.gg/yQbebHvNea(在信号输入通道中) https://t.me/cilinixcr...
- Dogecoin
- 免费狗狗币矿工,赚取免费狗狗币,免费开采狗狗币,了解如何开采狗狗币
- 2025-01-16 12:36:09
- 免费狗狗币矿工,赚取免费狗狗币,免费开采狗狗币,了解如何开采狗狗币 ✅注册链接 https://dogeminerpro.com/41311 ✅Whatsapp 群组 Canal Hora Extra 在家。 https://chat.whatsapp.com/K5jJGaSJsNa4Dcwerle...
- BULL RUN Baby Doge 硬币已确认!!准备好被推得更高!!
- 2025-01-16 12:33:13
- 无论信息是什么,您仍然必须进行 DYOR(做您自己的研究) *** 免责声明 *** - 加密货币 - 加密货币 确保让 DYOR 进行独立分析和研究,并在任何投资中使用冷钱。 “每个人都有自己的风险” =========================== 业务合作/合作提议 我的业务联系方式:h...
- Baby Doge Coin bull run
- Doge Coin 价格预测与技术分析 1 月 16 日 |总督最新消息 |狗狗币
- 2025-01-16 12:33:20
- Doge 技术分析和价格预测 |狗狗币更新 加密货币市场更新和下一步行动 “想要免费信号、实时加密货币市场更新和信息丰富的内容吗? 加入我们的电报频道👇 https://t.me/satoshiera1 描述: 准备好接受我们深入的狗狗币技术分析和价格预测! 在本视频中,我们将深入了解最新的狗狗币更...
- DOGE Coin Dogecoin
- 对于那些拥有 PEPE SHIBA 和 DOGE COIN 的人来说,请注意这个确定日期。
- 2025-01-16 12:30:25
- 📰阅读最新的加密货币新闻 👉 https://www.cryptoinmedia.com/ 🚀MEXC 注册: https://www.mexc.com/id-ID/login?inviteCode=1LJEz 🚀L银行名单: https://www.lbank.info/invitevip?ico...
- 2025-01-16 08:33:16
- Warsdoge çılgınlığı! Warsdoge Web: https://warsdoge.live/ Warsdoge Twitter: https://x.com/AdelDiana010 Warsdoge Telegram: https://t.me/wadtokens Mexc ...
- Dogecoin Ethereum whales Warsdoge
- Dogecoin Price MAKE or BREAK Moment! (KEY TRADE ALERTS FOR DOGE!) Dogecoin $1 Dream Coming SOON?
- 2025-01-16 08:33:10
- Dogecoin Price MAKE or BREAK Moment! (KEY TRADE ALERTS FOR DOGE!) Dogecoin $1 Dream Coming SOON? #doge #dogecoin #dogecoinnews Join our channel to get...
- Dogecoin price Trade Alerts $1 Dream
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- Bitcoin and Crypto Currency Market Price Prediction and Technical Analysis - Meme Coins like Doge Coin, Shiba Inu, Dogelon Mars, Luna Classic Lunc and...
- dogepump XRP Bitcoin Alt Season JASMY PEPE ADA DOGE
- TERRA LUNA COİN LUNC COİN PİYASA BOĞAYA HAZIR !!!!! 🚀🚀 #lunc #luna #ripple #xrp
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- LUNC 比特币 首个加密货币总统特朗普看涨开始获得 SEC 支持
- 2025-01-16 04:39:18
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- LUNC Bitcoin Trump Bull Market SEC
- 🚨 1 美元 DOGE BULLRUN 接近🚨 DOGE 最终测试狗狗币 2025 年 1 美元 BULLRUN 非常接近!?真相
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- 比特币和加密货币市场价格预测和技术分析 - Meme 硬币,如 Doge Coin、Shiba Inu、Dogelon Mars、Luna Classic Lunc 等! 关注:https://twitter.com/VisionPulsed https://www.instagram.com/vi...
- DOGE $1 BULLRUN pump
- 🚨 紧急:狗狗宝宝硬币能像从未爆炸一样上涨 +10,000% 吗?🚀
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- Baby Doge Coin valorização +10.000%
- 狗狗币DOGE牛市开启上涨,巨鲸机构进场抄底!1.20号是美国政府换届,doge部门正式运行!马斯克继续喊单DOGE,会涨到1美金吗?短线涨到0.6美金#DOGE币#马斯克狗狗币#DOGE行情分析
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- DOGE Dogecoin MUSK Bull Market whales $1 Target
大家都转发这篇文章吗,这样我就能在今晚结束之前获得 115,000 名粉丝! 将发送 10 人评论 69 $DOGE
Where are the $DOGE reply guys?
Memecoins Are Absolutely Flying! $PEPE $DOGE $SHIB #FARTCOIN
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大家都转发这篇文章吗,这样我就能在今晚结束之前获得 115,000 名粉丝! 将发送 10 人评论 69 $DOGE
Where are the $DOGE reply guys?
Memecoins Are Absolutely Flying! $PEPE $DOGE $SHIB #FARTCOIN
$XRP to $5.00 $SHIB to $0.01 $PEPE to $0.01 $DOGE to $1.00 Interact to manifest.