61.47B成交额 (24h)
流通量147.67B DOGE
总发行量147.67B DOGE
BNB Smart Chain (BEP20):
111The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
222The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
333The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
比特币价格与特定加密资产之间的 30 天统计相关性。接近 1 的相关性意味着两个价格之间存在强烈的正相关性,接近 0 的相关性表示没有相关性,接近 -1 的相关性指向强烈的负相关性(意味着比特币和相关资产的价格往往朝相反的方向变动)。
比特币价格与特定加密资产之间的 30 天统计相关性。接近 1 的相关性意味着两个价格之间存在强烈的正相关性,接近 0 的相关性表示没有相关性,接近 -1 的相关性指向强烈的负相关性(意味着比特币和相关资产的价格往往朝相反的方向变动)。
比特币价格与特定加密资产之间的 30 天统计相关性。接近 1 的相关性意味着两个价格之间存在强烈的正相关性,接近 0 的相关性表示没有相关性,接近 -1 的相关性指向强烈的负相关性(意味着比特币和相关资产的价格往往朝相反的方向变动)。
基于大额交易指标,该指标显示过去七天内每笔超过 100,000 美元的交易的总转账量,以及超过该金额的交易数量。
该指标跟踪加密资产官方 Telegram 群组成员数量的每周变化。如果加密资产没有官方 Telegram 群组(如比特币),则不会显示此代币摘要元素。
使用专有的机器学习分类器,我们识别出顶级中心化交易所的地址,包括其存款地址、提现地址、热钱包和冷钱包。使用此分类器,我们测量流入交易所的净量。我们使用以下公式计算净流量:净流量 = 流入 - 流出
比特币价格与特定加密资产之间的 30 天统计相关性。接近 1 的相关性意味着两个价格之间存在强烈的正相关性,接近 0 的相关性表示没有相关性,接近 -1 的相关性指向强烈的负相关性(意味着比特币和相关资产的价格往往朝相反的方向变动)。
Doge 恐惧与贪婪指数是加密货币情绪分析的多因素指标,它考虑了决定 Doge 市场心理的最关键参数,从而得出定义市场恐惧或贪婪程度的结果。
- 100% 盈利
- 0% 收支平衡
- 0% 亏损
此指标显示加密资产按持有时间的所有权分布。持有此资产的所有地址均被归类为 Hodler(持有此加密货币超过一年)、Cruiser(持有时间超过一个月但不到一年)或 Trader(持有时间不到一个月)。
- 0% > 1 Y
- 0% 1 - 12 M
- 100% < 1 M
平衡,DOGE |
地址 |
% 地址 (总) |
% DOGE (总) |
(0 - 0.1) |
1859010 | 26.59% (100%) | 32720 DOGE | 13593 | 0% (0%) |
[0.1 - 1) |
732565 | 10.48% (73.41%) | 273802 DOGE | 113748 | 0% (0%) |
[1 - 10) |
1475877 | 21.11% (62.93%) | 4710245 DOGE | 1956825 | 0% (0%) |
[10 - 100) |
996073 | 14.25% (41.82%) | 41552539 DOGE | 17262589 | 0.03% (0.03%) |
[100 - 1,000) |
1075452 | 15.38% (27.57%) | 392592714 DOGE | 163098744 | 0.27% (0.27%) |
[1,000 - 10,000) |
618221 | 8.84% (12.18%) | 1995074795 DOGE | 828834008 | 1.35% (1.35%) |
[10,000 - 100,000) |
193498 | 2.77% (3.34%) | 5640461755 DOGE | 2343273815 | 3.82% (3.82%) |
[100,000 - 1,000,000) |
34843 | 0.5% (0.57%) | 9112075669 DOGE | 3785521335 | 6.18% (6.18%) |
[1,000,000 - 10,000,000) |
4270 | 0.06% (0.07%) | 10703728915 DOGE | 4446757868 | 7.26% (7.26%) |
[10,000,000 - 100,000,000) |
677 | 0.01% (0.01%) | 22135136861 DOGE | 9195822761 | 15.01% (15.01%) |
[100,000,000 - 1,000,000,000) |
103 | 0% (0%) | 23060635247 DOGE | 9580311874 | 15.63% (15.63%) |
[1,000,000,000 - 10,000,000,000) |
17 | 0% (0%) | 45568864077 DOGE | 18931131988 | 30.89% (30.89%) |
[10,000,000,000 - 100,000,000,000) |
1 | 0% (0%) | 28856003393 DOGE | 11987940010 | 19.56% (19.56%) |
# | 地址 | 持有总量 | % of coins | 首先输入 | 最后输入 | 输入数 | 第一输出 | 最后输出 | 输出数 |
1 |
DDUXGMFNGpGjaAqyDun SMvceMBruc1wwKF 7d:+252430456 DOGE / 30d:-629976872 DOGE |
9,758,966,865 DOGE ($1,015,899,678) | 21.83% | 2023-05-09 02:49:30 | 2024-07-25 01:48:42 | 219 | 2023-05-25 07:48:55 | 2024-07-11 05:10:55 | 1481 |
1 | 28,856,003,393 DOGE ($12,013,042,773) | 19.54 | 2023-05-09 02:49:30 | 2025-01-02 21:51:58 | 303 | 2023-05-10 07:21:55 | 2024-12-21 03:01:36 | 262 | |
2 |
D8ZEVbgf4yPs3MK8dMJJ7PpSyBKsbd66TX wallet:Binance |
8,000,142,026 DOGE ($3,330,539,127) | 5.42 | 2022-11-09 19:00:57 | 2025-01-03 19:12:01 | 1804 | 2022-11-09 19:28:44 | 2025-01-03 18:55:55 | 842 |
3 |
DE5opaXjFgDhFBqL6tBDxTAQ56zkX6EToX wallet:Binance |
7,152,805,747 DOGE ($2,977,784,561) | 4.84 | 2019-07-17 15:41:07 | 2024-12-03 09:11:30 | 442 | 2019-07-17 16:27:03 | 2025-01-03 23:03:45 | 389 |
4 |
DU8gPC5mh4KxWJARQRxoESFark2jAguBr5 wallet:Cryptsy |
5,447,835,240 DOGE ($2,267,988,289) | 3.69 | 2023-12-21 23:31:30 | 2024-12-31 16:00:44 | 198 | 2023-12-26 17:28:46 | 2024-12-20 21:55:24 | 100 |
5 |
DDTtqnuZ5kfRT5qh2c7sNtqrJmV3iXYdGG wallet:Cryptsy |
5,031,001,964 DOGE ($2,094,456,428) | 3.41 | 2014-01-11 17:15:27 | 2024-12-03 09:36:10 | 618 | 2014-01-13 18:26:08 | 2014-01-13 18:26:08 | 1 |
6 |
ADNbM5fBujCRBW1vqezNeAWmnsLp19ki3n wallet:4181401 |
4,264,761,629 DOGE ($1,775,462,914) | 2.89 | 2023-06-20 01:46:49 | 2025-01-04 00:14:28 | 125883 | 2023-06-20 01:58:43 | 2025-01-04 00:09:23 | 105583 |
7 |
DGmzv39riELTuigZCUD6sWoHEHPdSbxdUB wallet:Binance |
2,121,500,238 DOGE ($883,201,765) | 1.44 | 2022-05-23 18:48:20 | 2025-01-03 23:03:45 | 70 | 2023-01-25 19:19:07 | 2023-01-25 19:19:07 | 22 |
8 |
DDogepartyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw1dfzr wallet:Dogeparty-XDP-burned |
1,854,587,196 DOGE ($772,083,196) | 1.26 | 2014-08-13 01:30:39 | 2025-01-03 14:41:29 | 21589 | 0 | ||
9 |
DDuXGMFNGpGjaAqyDunSMvceMBruc1wwKF wallet:Bybit-Wallet |
1,615,002,049 DOGE ($672,341,504) | 1.09 | 2022-07-21 05:47:51 | 2024-12-31 02:54:35 | 423 | 2022-09-17 00:40:55 | 2024-12-21 06:42:04 | 408 |
10 |
D94tDRhr4X9Tjgr8MG1Nrd5ARpesPAM7ZB wallet:Bybit-Wallet |
1,486,633,556 DOGE ($618,900,416) | 1.01 | 2021-09-28 19:05:53 | 2024-12-22 11:51:07 | 86 | 2021-09-28 22:54:02 | 2024-12-21 22:42:13 | 67 |
11 |
DAAhXpPfziaCcGweJMWE4RSucLcee7NcqL wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,211,918,302 DOGE ($504,533,709) | 0.8205 | 2023-11-04 13:07:50 | 2025-01-03 00:58:10 | 123 | 2024-06-13 12:28:42 | 2025-01-03 00:27:51 | 46 |
12 |
DMuFDCTwxdqzfWrCEE7HiMxBonKVU49Fz4 wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,193,662,574 DOGE ($496,933,667) | 0.8082 | 2022-06-22 17:18:40 | 2024-12-03 10:05:43 | 518 | 2022-07-16 01:25:10 | 2024-09-11 01:52:14 | 242 |
13 |
D78RSZmmfSXUAgFivtg5Ld5NMChVeDyWx8 wallet:3372160 |
1,113,126,755 DOGE ($463,405,800) | 0.7536 | 2021-05-18 10:30:38 | 2025-01-03 21:58:52 | 18037 | 2021-05-18 18:26:24 | 2024-12-11 13:40:46 | 17355 |
14 |
DBdiAmrND25pM7DW7awqiL696yx9x9q4dD wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,068,528,373 DOGE ($444,839,047) | 0.7234 | 2024-02-21 00:04:22 | 2025-01-03 20:01:20 | 142 | 2024-02-21 05:33:05 | 2025-01-02 20:02:15 | 64 |
15 |
DJfU2p6woQ9GiBdiXsWZWJnJ9uDdZfSSNC wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,007,343,368 DOGE ($419,367,118) | 0.682 | 2021-11-17 16:09:02 | 2025-01-04 00:14:47 | 1123036 | 2021-11-24 11:33:27 | 2025-01-04 00:14:47 | 1122779 |
01 / 18
- 2025年01月18日 06时Dogecoin最新价格
- 2025-01-18 06:00:30
- Over the past 24 hours, Dogecoin (DOGE) has experienced a significant upward trend, with a price increase of 8.87%, reaching $0.41403199626172 as of January 18, 2025, 06:00 UTC. This surge is accompanied by a substantial trading volume of $6315248044.959, indicating active market participation. DOGE's market capitalization has also risen to $61138289930.562, demonstrating investor confidence. The cryptocurrency's positive momentum is likely driven by its growing popularity and adoption.
- Dogecoin DogecoinPrice
- Will a Dogecoin ETF Drive Prices Higher?
- 2025-01-18 05:39:23
- Dogecoin's price has seen an 11% surge fueled by market recovery and the excitement over the possible debut of a Dogecoin ETF. The anticipation of a Dogecoin ETF, similar to the successful Bitcoin ETF, is expected to drive demand and increase Dogecoin's price, potentially stabilizing it and reducing volatility.
- Dogecoin ETF price increase
- SHIB Price Adds 12% Overnight as Meme Cryptos Recovering
- 2025-01-18 04:49:23
- Amidst the cryptocurrency market's recent surge, meme coins have emerged as a major force. Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) have led the charge, with Pepe (PEPE) and Bonk (BONK) also gaining significant traction. The rally has extended to other meme coins such as Floki (FLOKI), while most top 100 cryptocurrencies experienced gains. The overall market capitalization has increased by 4.3%, with altcoins dominating the landscape.
- SHIB meme cryptos
- Regret Missing Out on Dogecoin? Arctic Pablo Is the Next Big Meme Coin for Exponential Returns
- 2025-01-18 04:38:27
- Arctic Pablo Coin ($APC), an innovative meme coin, offers a unique adventure with potential for exponential returns. Inspired by an explorer navigating icy landscapes, each presale phase unveils a different chapter, increasing token value as the journey unfolds. With a deflationary mechanism and 66% APY staking, Arctic Pablo stands out as a top contender in the meme coin market.
- Dogecoin Arctic Pablo Meme Coin
- 2025年01月18日 04时Dogecoin最新价格
- 2025-01-18 04:30:33
- The price of Dogecoin (DOGE) has soared by 8.40% in the past 24 hours, reaching $0.4154. This surge is attributed to positive market sentiment, Elon Musk's support, increased use as currency, and a broader market recovery. Analysts remain cautiously optimistic about Dogecoin's long-term prospects, citing its strong community support and growing utility.
- Dogecoin DogecoinPrice
- Top New Meme Coins to Invest in This Week: BTFD Coin Rallies with Bulls Squad, SHIB Surges 9.67%, and PENGU Expands Reach
- 2025-01-18 04:19:55
- Three meme coins, BTFD Coin, Shiba Inu, and Pudgy Penguins, have emerged as promising contenders in the crypto space. BTFD Coin's presale has garnered significant interest, with only three stages remaining before listing. Shiba Inu's TREAT token airdrop and exchange listings have fueled enthusiasm, while Pudgy Penguins maintains its cultural significance and community support. As the meme coin trend continues to evolve, these three projects offer diverse investment opportunities for those seeking high-growth potential.
- BTFD Coin SHIB PENGU meme coins Cryptocurrency
- Trump Buys Solana (TRUMPSOL) Memecoin Will Explode Over 16,000% Before Exchange Listings, While Shiba Inu and Dogecoin Lag
- 2025-01-18 04:09:23
- Trump Buys Solana (TRUMPSOL), a new Solana memecoin with the potential to replicate the astronomical returns of Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE), presents an opportunity for early investors. Currently available through decentralized Solana exchanges, TRUMPSOL aims to list on major crypto exchanges soon, promising wider exposure and price appreciation.
- Shiba Inu Dogecoin
- DLUME: High Potential Crypto to Buy Now as Dogecoin Struggles to Keep Up
- 2025-01-18 03:36:32
- Amidst Dogecoin's struggles, investors are turning to Aureal One (DLUME), DexBoss (DEBO), yPredict (YPRED), The Sandbox (SAND), and Kava (KAVA) as alternative cryptocurrencies with high growth potential. Aureal One, with its ZK-Rollups technology and metaverse focus, stands out as a frontrunner for mass adoption.
- Dogecoin Cryptocurrency
- Dogecoin’s Final Bull Run Phase? ChandeMO Points to More Upside Potential
- 2025-01-18 03:29:42
- Dogecoin's momentum remains positive, with the Chande Momentum Oscillator (ChandeMO) indicating further potential for growth. Historical bull runs suggest that Dogecoin's current trend is in its early stages, with ample room for price appreciation before reaching overbought territory. This aligns with broader market dynamics, where altcoin growth has often mirrored shifts in the overall cryptocurrency market.
- Dogecoin bull run ChandeMO
- Remittix tipped for greater long-term growth than Shiba Inu and Dogecoin
- 2025-01-18 03:04:42
- Remittix (RTX), an emerging star in the payment sector, is poised to challenge established cryptocurrencies like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE). With its low market cap and connection to the massive cross-border payments sector, Remittix has gained significant investor interest, raising over $3 million in presale. Its innovative platform offers efficient cross-border money transfers, allows users to exchange over 40 cryptocurrencies for fiat, and provides businesses with a user-friendly Pay API. Combined with its strong market outlook and investor confidence, Remittix holds promising growth potential and is predicted by analysts to deliver a substantial surge this quarter.
- Remittix Shiba Inu Dogecoin
- 2025年01月18日 03时Dogecoin最新价格
- 2025-01-18 03:00:32
- Dogecoin (DOGE) witnessed a significant 7.01% surge in the past 24 hours, reaching a price of $0.411 as of 03:00 AM UTC on January 18, 2025. This rise was accompanied by a substantial increase in trading volume, contributing to a market capitalization of $60695312244.584.
- Dogecoin DogecoinPrice
- Elon Bromance (ELOBRO) Solana Memecoin Will Rally 19,000% Before Exchange Listing, As Shiba Inu and DOGE Lag
- 2025-01-18 02:49:24
- Elon Bromance (ELOBRO), a Solana-based memecoin, shows promise as a potential multi-millionaire maker, echoing the success stories of Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE). With imminent exchange listings expected to increase exposure and drive investment, early investors have an opportunity to capitalize on the coin's anticipated value surge. ELOBRO's current accessibility, historical precedents, liquidity advantage, and growing popularity among investors seeking high-growth ventures suggest it has the potential to create a wave of memecoin millionaires.
- Solana Memecoin Shiba Inu DOGE
- Is a Dogecoin ETF on the Horizon? Price Projections Spark Buzz
- 2025-01-18 02:39:23
- The anticipation for a Dogecoin (DOGE) ETF launch intensifies, with a 36% probability of its emergence by 2025. The potential impact resembles that of Bitcoin ETFs, bolstering stability and investor confidence. Experts speculate that a DOGE ETF approval could propel the meme coin towards reaching the $20 mark, fueled by the explosive growth potential of such assets. Market trends and analyst perspectives indicate a bullish trend for DOGE, with recent gains and projections suggesting upward momentum.
- Dogecoin ETF
- Top Meme Coins to Invest: BTFD Coin’s 90% APY Staking Excites as DOGE Gains 18.79% This Week and PENGU Dips 3.05%
- 2025-01-18 02:15:16
- Meme coins, once considered internet jokes, have evolved into lucrative investment opportunities. Among them, BTFD Coin stands out with a 90% APY staking reward, pre-sale momentum, and a play-to-earn game. Despite Dogecoin's continued popularity and Pudgy Penguins' cultural relevance, BTFD offers an unbeatable ROI potential, making it the top pick for meme coin investments in 2025.
- meme coins BTFD Coin DOGE PENGU
- Arctic Pablo Presale Skyrockets to Over $100,000 in 9 Days, Creating Ripples in the Crypto World Alongside Dogecoin and the Humorous Fartcoi...
- 2025-01-18 01:45:26
- Arctic Pablo Coin ($APC), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Fartcoin ($FARTCOIN) emerge as promising meme coins for investment in 2025. Arctic Pablo's Arctic adventure narrative and deflationary mechanism offer an explosive ROI potential of 34,683%, while DOGE's legacy and celebrity endorsements make it a symbol of meme coin success. Fartcoin's unique approach and bullish community have propelled it to become the #76 ranked cryptocurrency with a market cap of $1.47 billion. Each coin presents distinct value propositions, appealing to varying investor preferences.
- Arctic Pablo Presale Dogecoin Fartcoin
01 / 18
- 2025-01-18 04:36:09
- CoinTR 400 TL ÇEKİLEBİLİR AİRDROP : KAYIT : https://bit.ly/401sX3Y ETKİNLİK : https://www.cointr.com/tr/events/activities/29cd36d641a256fb84d60436467e...
- Bitcoin yükseliş analiz altcoinler
- DOGE COIN LIVE #2025 #shorts #trading #dogecoin #binance #doge #bitcoin #modi #india #coindcx #ai
- 2025-01-18 04:33:10
- Crypto Market and Stock market arw highly volatile in nature so invest/trade at your own risk🚨🚨🚨 Important links: Blog: https://knowledgeportal2024-25...
- DOGE Coin Trading Dogecoin Binance DOGE Bitcoin modi India CoinDCX AI
- Coin Price Prediction 2025 | Best Meme Coin to buy Now| Baby doge coin price
- 2025-01-18 04:30:10
- Coin Price Prediction 2025 | Best Meme Coin to buy Now !! Baby Doge Coin | Babydoge Coin Price Prediction And Analysis #babydogecoin #babydoge #pepepr...
- Meme Coin Baby Doge Coin
- ATH Token Presale Start | ATH Listing Confirm In March | Athene Network
- 2025-01-18 01:03:14
- Athene Network New Update. Athene Network Mining. Athene Network Withdrawal. Athene App. Athene Network Listing Update. Video Topic: In this Video I T...
- ATH Token Presale LISTING March Athene Network
- Safefolio Token | Safefolio Airdrop| Safefolio Biggest Airdrop | Pi Network New Update
- 2025-01-18 01:03:09
- Safefolio Token | Safefolio Airdrop| Safefolio Biggest Airdrop | Pi Network New Update https://safefolio.digital/referral/dG91c2lmYTgwMDBAZ21haWwuY29t...
- DOGE 精准喊单:0.32 抄底狗狗币,精准预测狗狗币(Dogecoin)第二波爆发时间已定。狗狗币即将超越 ETH,成为第二大加密货币。不要等到 0.22、0.20 第二波价格预测为 2-3 美金
- 2025-01-18 00:30:23
- 1 . 进免费粉丝交流群 :https://t.me/+faEaRi7tPY0yNTJk 备用链接2 : https://t.me/+3JiZeqEcPb5kZWY0 备用链接3 : https://t.me/+faEaRi7tPY0yNTJk 2 . 现货资讯广播频道:https://t.me/+...
- Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Second Wave ETH
- The Doge Coin Channel
- 2025-01-18 00:30:18
- The Doge Coin Channel. Live updates on the only truly dedicated Doge Coin channel. Doge Coin is going to be much bigger than people know. There is no ...
- DOGE Coin
01 / 17
- best crypto app in india | best app for crypto investment in india | best crypto exchange in india
- 2025-01-17 20:39:10
- best crypto exchange in india best indian crypto exchange indian crypto exchange best crypto app for india 2025 indian crypto exchange app top crypto ...
- 2025-01-17 20:36:09
- 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻AD PANEL ÖN SATIŞ KAYIT LİNKİ: 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 https://app.adpanel.com/invite?ref=UD08172 👇🏻👇🏻Detaylı Ön satış videosu:👇🏻👇🏻 https://www.youtube.com/w...
- Bluestar L1 LTC DOGE coin miner Control Board L0004_C
- 2025-01-17 20:33:09
- Using the Bluestar L1 L0004_C control board to replace the faulty or damaged L1 Asic miner control board can help the miner restore regular operation ...
Which is the most "american" cryptocurrency?! I am longing $XRP $HBAR $SOL $DOGE as my bullish President Trump play, any other USA coins to buy?! Comm...
Good Morning $DOGE FAMILY Next stop: MARS!!!!! wow!
$DOGE is ready to run We’re talkin’ freedom, power, and fat profits, baby Get ready for those God candles and Trump season—it’s gonna be a whole vibe ...
One cat to rule them all. As $doge ruled the dogs, $vibe ruled the cats. The prophecy will be fulfilled.
The funniest outcome of all would be the $DOGE standard... The DOGE/BTC chart is awe inspiring... hahaha
I bought a large amount of $doge. I’m locked in for the wild ride! This feels exhilarating. I only invest in things I believe in. The $doge community ...
Which is the most "american" cryptocurrency?! I am longing $XRP $HBAR $SOL $DOGE as my bullish President Trump play, any other USA coins to buy?! Comm...
Good Morning $DOGE FAMILY Next stop: MARS!!!!! wow!
$DOGE is ready to run We’re talkin’ freedom, power, and fat profits, baby Get ready for those God candles and Trump season—it’s gonna be a whole vibe ...
One cat to rule them all. As $doge ruled the dogs, $vibe ruled the cats. The prophecy will be fulfilled.
The funniest outcome of all would be the $DOGE standard... The DOGE/BTC chart is awe inspiring... hahaha
I bought a large amount of $doge. I’m locked in for the wild ride! This feels exhilarating. I only invest in things I believe in. The $doge community ...