フロントページ > 情報ニュース > これら 2 つのアルトコインはドージコインをトップ 10 から外す可能性があります

These 2 Altcoins Are Threatening To Kick Dogecoin Out Of The Top 10

これら 2 つのアルトコインはドージコインをトップ 10 から外す可能性があります

リリース: 2024/02/08 08:35 読む: 792



Dogecoin has been able to stay in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap after its impressive rally spurred by billionaire Elon Musk in 2021. However, the meme coin has been having a tough go at it after a drawn-out bear market triggered a 90% price decline. As a result of this, DOGE’s market cap has fallen drastically, now putting it at risk of losing its position in the top 10 cryptocurrencies.


Tron (TRX) And Chainlink (LINK) Crop Up Behind Dogecoin


The Dogecoin price, having fallen below $0.08 once again, has seen its market cap drop to around $11.2 billion. With the market cap this low, the meme coin only has a tentative hold on its 10th position on the list of largest cryptocurrencies by market cap.


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Other altcoins such as Tron and Chainlink have had a better go at it, with their native tokens, TRX and LINK doing incredibly well over the last year. Even in the last week alone, while the price of DOGE has suffered 1.5% losses, these two altcoins have seen double-digit gains that have sent their market caps soaring.

Tron や Chainlink などの他のアルトコインは、ネイティブ トークンである TRX や LINK が昨年信じられないほど好調で、よりうまくやっています。先週だけでも、DOGEの価格は1.5%下落したが、これら2つのアルトコインは2桁の上昇を見せ、時価総額が急上昇した。

Tron (TRX), on the one hand, is up more than 10% in the last week and is seeing 3.55% gains in the last 24 hours. These gains have brought its market cap above $10.9 billion, putting it dangerously close to Dogecoin’s $11.2 billion market cap. This accounts for only a $300 million difference, and even a 5% from TRX from this level will put the altcoin in front of Dogecoin.

一方、トロン(TRX)は先週10%以上上昇し、過去24時間では3.55%上昇しています。これらの利益により、その時価総額は109億ドルを超え、ドージコインの時価総額112億ドルに危険なほど近づいています。これはわずか 3 億ドルの差であり、このレベルから TRX が 5% 上昇しただけでも、アルトコインはドージコインよりも上位になります。

In the same vein, Chainlink’s LINK has also had a bullish week after rising more than 16% in the 7-day period. Despite being down 3.29% in the last day, its market cap is still incredibly high at $10.8 billion, putting it only $400 million away from reaching Dogecoin’s market cap. And like TRX, a 5% move from here would see LINK overtake DOGE in terms of market cap, just like it did two days earlier.


Can DOGE Thwart Threats To Its Position?


Dogecoin has failed to follow the same growth pattern as most other large caps in the crypto space, and it has suffered greatly for this. To be able to hold its position in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap, there would have to be some definite upward movement from the meme coin.


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Now, as Bitcoinist reported, Dogecoin has been seeing significant levels of adoption over the last two weeks. However, none of this growth has translated to its price, which has slowly bleed out over the last month. This suggests that while there has been adoption, the selling pressure continues to overwhelm buyers, causing prices to fall further down.

Bitcoinist が報じたように、ドージコインは過去 2 週間でかなりのレベルで採用されています。しかし、この成長はどれも価格には反映されておらず、価格は先月にわたってゆっくりと流出しました。これは、採用はされているものの、引き続き売り圧力が買い手を圧倒しており、価格がさらに下落していることを示唆しています。

If both TRX and LINK continue their upward movements this week and DOGE fails to move, then the meme coin could fall out of the top 10. At the time of writing, the DOGE price is trending at $0.078, accounting for 0.28% losses on the daily chart.


DOGE price stays low at $0.078 | Source: DOGEUSD On Tradingview.com

DOGE 価格は $0.078 で低水準を維持 |出典: Tradingview.comのDOGEUSD

Featured image from Motley Fool, chart from Tradingview.com



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