フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 著名なアナリストはドージコインが1ドルに達すると予測

Analis Ternama Prediksi Dogecoin Bakal Sentuh US$1


リリース: 2024/09/27 22:01 読む: 496



Dogecoin Predicted to Surge Significantly, Mirroring Bitcoin's Past Price Action


Leading crypto analyst, Master Kenobi, anticipates a significant surge in Dogecoin's value, potentially rising from its current price of $0.10 to reach $1. He suggests that Dogecoin's price movement may follow a similar pattern to Bitcoin's price action in 2017.


"Psychologically $1 DOGE is akin to $10,000 Bitcoin in December 2017," he wrote in a tweet.


However, unlike Bitcoin, Dogecoin's movement appears to be occurring at a faster pace.


"The difference is it took Bitcoin 11 months to go from $1000 (16B market cap) to $10,000 (160B market cap) during 2017. Previous cycle pattern leads me to believe DOGE will go from 10 cents (16B market cap) to $1 (160B market cap) much faster," he added.


This prediction is founded on historical patterns and favorable market momentum for Dogecoin. Factors such as Bitcoin's halving event and a surge in network activity have laid a solid foundation for Dogecoin's potential to increase in value in the near future.


Revisiting the Bitcoin Surge of 2017

2017 年のビットコイン急騰を振り返る

2017 marked a pivotal moment in crypto history as Bitcoin experienced a tremendous growth phase.

2017 年は、ビットコインが驚異的な成長段階を経験し、暗号通貨の歴史において極めて重要な瞬間となりました。

Starting the year near $1000, Bitcoin reached $10,000 within 168 days, with its market capitalization escalating from $16 billion to $160 billion. After reaching $10,000, Bitcoin continued its ascent, peaking at $20,000 with a market capitalization of $320 billion within the next 336 days.


Evidently, Bitcoin's price action was heavily influenced by significant events such as the halving, which drastically reduces the supply of new coins, creating upward pressure on price.


Similar circumstances are anticipated for Dogecoin. Currently trading at around $0.10, analysts predict that Dogecoin could move towards $1 at an accelerated pace.


Dogecoin Transactions Surge, Signaling a Revival?


Aside from the halving factor, the surge in Dogecoin's network activity also contributes to the positive sentiment surrounding the coin.


In the past month, Dogecoin has processed 1.93 million transactions, the highest since July 2024. This uptick indicates renewed interest within the crypto community after a lull in transactions earlier in the year.


Furthermore, large-scale accumulation by whales, who have acquired over 10.65 billion DOGE, enhances the belief that Dogecoin is in a bullish phase. Whale accumulation often serves as an indicator that major market participants are confident in the coin's price prospects. In this case, the increased transaction activity and whale movements could act as catalysts to propel Dogecoin towards $1.


While transaction volume has not yet reached its peak of February 2024, this growth has established a strong foundation for a larger price recovery.


Halving Event and Dogecoin's Surge Potential


Similar to Bitcoin, Dogecoin's upcoming halving event is expected to have a significant impact. Within 168 days of the halving, Dogecoin is projected to reach $1, with a market capitalization of $160 billion.

ビットコインと同様に、ドージコインの今後の半減期イベントも大きな影響を与えることが予想されます。半減期から 168 日以内に、ドージコインは 1 ドルに達し、時価総額は 1,600 億ドルに達すると予測されています。

Intriguingly, the prediction suggests an even more dramatic price surge after Dogecoin breaks the $1 barrier.

興味深いことに、この予測は、ドージコインが 1 ドルの壁を突破した後、さらに劇的な価格の高騰を示唆しています。

According to Master Kenobi, based on previous patterns, the price leap from $1 to $2 could occur within a matter of one to two days.

マスター・ケノービ氏によると、これまでのパターンに基づくと、1 ドルから 2 ドルへの価格の急騰は 1 ~ 2 日以内に発生する可能性があります。

This rapid movement may create a situation where many investors might not be able to react in time, either selling too early or buying back too late. Such momentum often leads to regrets among investors hoping to maximize their gains.


With increased transaction activity and growing interest from the crypto community, the current scenario bears striking resemblances to the early stages of Bitcoin's past price surges. Dogecoin's price breakout appears imminent, and traders should be prepared for this rapid movement. [dp]

取引活動の増加と暗号通貨コミュニティからの関心の高まりに伴い、現在のシナリオはビットコインの過去の価格急騰の初期段階と驚くほど似ています。ドージコインの価格ブレイクアウトは差し迫っているようで、トレーダーはこの急速な動きに備える必要がある。 [DP]


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    このトピックでは、「ミームの王様: ドージコイン」など、最も人気のあるミームに関連する記事を提供します。 Memecoin は暗号通貨分野で支配的なプレーヤーとなっています。これらのデジタル資産はさまざまな理由で人気があります。これらはブロックチェーンの最も革新的な側面を推進します。

