フロントページ > 情報ニュース > DEXTools での今日の最大の暗号通貨勝者 – DEE、KINGDOM、LOONG

Biggest Crypto Gainers Today on DEXTools – DEE, KINGDOM, LOONG

DEXTools での今日の最大の暗号通貨勝者 – DEE、KINGDOM、LOONG

リリース: 2023/10/11 04:16 読む: 536



Major blue-chip cryptocurrencies continue to slide, with Bitcoin (BTC) last trading in the $27,300s, down close to 1%, and Ether (ETH) last trading just to the north of $1,550 and down a little over 1%.

DEXTools ロゴ / 出典: Adob​​eMajor 優良暗号通貨は引き続き下落しており、ビットコイン (BTC) は 27,300 ドル台で 1% 近く下落し、イーサ (ETH) は 1,550 ドルをわずかに上回る水準で取引され、さらに下落しました。 1%。

Bitcoin remains in a short-term uptrend, but is threatening a downside break, which would be confirmed if the cryptocurrency broke under $27,000 once again.


Ether, meanwhile, continues to face headwinds following the recent underwhelming launch of ETH futures ETFs in the US, which saw week demand, and following a surprise sale of around $2.7 million ETH tokens by the Ethereum Foundation earlier in the week.


Elsewhere, sentiment is downbeat across most other major cryptos, with the likes of XRP (XRP), Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA) and Dogecoin (DOGE) all down 1-4% in the past 24 hours, as per CoinGecko.


Traders will be monitoring the ongoing war between Israel/Gaza and its impact on oil prices this week, as well as moves in the US bond and currency markets this week.


However, the main event is likely to be the release of US PPI and CPI inflation figures on Wednesday and Thursday.


Ahead of this data, traders will likely continue to turn to the highly illiquid shitcoin/meme coin markets for better trading opportunities.


Here are some of the top-performing low-cap coins as per DEXTools.

DEXTools によると、トップパフォーマンスのローキャップコインの一部を以下に示します。

Dee Jay ($DEE)

A shitcoin called Dee Jay ($DEE) that was launched on Tuesday has seen an almighty 400% pump from its decentralized exchange launch price, making it the best-performing shitcoin, as per DEXTools.

Dee Jay ($DEE) 火曜日に発売された Dee Jay ($DEE) と呼ばれるクソコインは、分散型取引所の発売価格から 400% も上昇し、DEXTools によると最高のパフォーマンスを誇るクソコインとなっています。

$DEE last had a market cap of just under $300,000, with 24-hour trading volumes of around $530,000, over 200 holders and a little over $240,000 in liquidity.


The token’s smart contract has two alerts, as per the DEXTools security audit, including an anti-whale mechanism and a trading cooldown function, both potentially handing the token’s issuer unfair influence over trading conditions.

DEXTools のセキュリティ監査によると、トークンのスマート コントラクトには、反クジラ メカニズムと取引クールダウン機能を含む 2 つのアラートがあり、どちらもトークンの発行者に取引条件に対して不当な影響を与える可能性があります。

KingdomGame ($KINGDOM)

Telegram-based game KindomGame’s native $KINGDOM token has pumped up an impressive more than 200% in the past 24 hours, as per DEXTools, making it a top performer.

KingdomGame ($KINGDOM)DEXTools によると、DEXTools によると、KindomGame のネイティブ $KINGDOM トークンはテレグラム ベースのゲームで、過去 24 時間で 200% 以上の大幅な増加を記録し、トップパフォーマーとなっています。

$KINGDOM last had a market cap of around $2.43 million, nearly $850,000 in 24-hour trading volumes, nearly 1,000 holders and close to $200,000 in locked liquidity.

$KINGDOM の前回の時価総額は約 243 万ドル、24 時間の取引高では約 85 万ドル、保有者は約 1,000 名、ロックされた流動性は約 20 万ドルでした。

The token is up a stunning 800x versus its launch price earlier this month at just above $0.0003.

このトークンは、今月初めの発売価格である 0.0003 ドル強と比較して、驚くべき 800 倍となっています。

While it doesn’t appear to be a scam, the token has a few concerning aspects to its contract, such as a 5% buy and sell tax and an anti-whale mechanism, although it does have a strong community trust score of around 92%.

詐欺ではないようですが、このトークンには、約 92 という強力なコミュニティ信頼スコアがありますが、5% の売買税や反クジラメカニズムなど、契約にいくつかの懸念すべき側面があります。 %。

Loong ($LOONG)

A shitcoin called Loong ($LOONG) is up over 130% on Tuesday, making it a top performer in the past 24 hours, as per DEXTools.

Loong ($LOONG)DEXTools によると、Loong ($LOONG) というクソコインは火曜日に 130% 以上上昇し、過去 24 時間で最高のパフォーマンスを記録しました。

The token is looking to make it four days in the green in a row since its launch late last week and has managed to already surpass a market cap of a $500,000.


$LOONG has already massed more than 175 holders and over $80,000 in liquidity, but its pump isn’t being driven by much volume.

$LOONG はすでに 175 人を超える保有者と 80,000 ドルを超える流動性を集めていますが、そのポンプはそれほど大きなボリュームによって動かされていません。

With only around $70,000 of the token changing hands in the past 24 hours, $LOONG’s latest pump may lack conviction.

過去 24 時間でトークンの所有者が変わったのはわずか約 70,000 ドルだけであるため、$LOONG の最新のポンプには確信が欠けている可能性があります。

The token has a few concerning aspects to it, including a 5% buy tax and a 6.8% sell tax, as well as a few other functions that could hand the issuer unfair powers over trading conditions.

このトークンには、5% の購入税と 6.8% の販売税など、いくつかの懸念すべき側面があり、また、取引条件に関して発行者に不当な権限を与える可能性のあるその他の機能もいくつかあります。

Crypto Alternatives to Consider

Shitcoins are very risky, given most have no real value proposition.

検討すべき仮想通貨の代替品 Shitcoins のほとんどには実際の価値提案がないため、非常に危険です。

For those looking for an even better probability of near-term gains, an alternative high-risk-high-reward investment strategy to consider is getting involved in crypto presales.


This is where investors buy the tokens of up-start crypto projects to help fund their development.


These tokens are nearly always sold cheaply, and there is a long history of presales delivering huge exponential gains to early investors.


Many of these projects have fantastic teams behind them and a great vision to deliver a revolutionary crypto application/platform.


If an investor can identify such projects, the risk/reward of their presale investment is very good.


The team at Cryptonews spends a lot of time combing through presale projects to help investors out.

Cryptonews のチームは、投資家を支援するためにプレセール プロジェクトを精査することに多くの時間を費やしています。

Here is a list of 15 of what the project deems as the best crypto presales of 2023.


See the 15 Cryptocurrencies

15 の暗号通貨を見る

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.

免責事項: 暗号通貨は高リスクの資産クラスです。この記事は情報提供を目的としており、投資アドバイスを構成するものではありません。資本をすべて失う可能性があります。




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