フロントページ > 情報ニュース > DEXTools での今日の最大の暗号通貨勝者 – Godzilla、AOKIJI、DEE

Biggest Crypto Gainers Today on DEXTools – Godzilla, AOKIJI, DEE

DEXTools での今日の最大の暗号通貨勝者 – Godzilla、AOKIJI、DEE

リリース: 2023/10/12 04:16 読む: 460



Blue chip cryptocurrency prices are lower across the board on Wednesday in wake of the latest US Producer Price Index (PPI) inflation numbers, which came in hotter than expected.

DEXTools ロゴ / 出典: DEXTools Twitter最新の米国生産者物価指数 (PPI) のインフレ率が予想よりも高かったことを受けて、ブルーチップ暗号通貨の価格は水曜日に全面的に下落しました。

Bitcoin (BTC) was down close to 2.5% on the day and back in the mid-$26,000s, its lowest level of the month so far, having also broken out of its short-term uptrend that had been in play since mid-September.

ビットコイン(BTC)はこの日2.5%近く下落し、今月これまでの最低水準である2万6000ドル台半ばに戻ったが、9月中旬から続いていた短期上昇トレンドも抜け出した。 。

Ether (ETH) was nursing smaller losses and trading in the $1,550 region, though is ominously threatening a break below key support that could open the door to a swift drop back towards the $1,300s.


The likes of Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA), XRP (XRP) and Dogecoin (DOGE) were all last down 1-5% over the past 24 hours, as per CoinGecko.


While hot inflation data is a concern to the crypto market in so far as it may force the Fed into lifting interest rates even further, and holding them at higher levels for longer, that doesn’t necessarily jibe with recent Fed commentary.


On the contrary, on Tuesday, another Fed policymaker signaled that he didn’t think the bank needs to raise interest rates anymore, after a few other Fed policymakers had argued that the recent rise in long-term US bond yields had done the Fed’s tightening for it. 


As a result, US bond yields and the US dollar have been backing off highs in recent days, and this could help put a floor under crypto.


That being said, geopolitics remains a concern as the Israel/Palestine war escalates, and this continues to weigh on crypto sentiment.


With the outlook for blue-chip cryptocurrencies weak, traders will continue to turn to the highly illiquid shitcoin/meme coin markets in the hunt for profitable trading opportunities.


Here are some of the top performers, as per DEXTools.

DEXTools によると、トップパフォーマーの一部を以下に示します。

Godzilla ($GODZILLA)

A new meme coin called Godzilla ($GODZILLA) that only just launched has seen an explosive start to life, surging a stunning more than 550% in the past 24 hours, as per DEXTools.

ゴジラ ($GODZILLA) ローンチされたばかりのゴジラ ($GODZILLA) と呼ばれる新しいミーム コインは爆発的な勢いで活動を開始しており、DEXTools によると、過去 24 時間で 550% 以上の驚異的な上昇を見せています。

Its market cap was last around $370,000, amid 24-hour trading volumes of around $720,000, with the token having reached nearly 300 holders and with liquidity of around $220,000.


As per DEXTools’ security audit, the token’s contract doesn’t have any concerning aspects to it, but liquidity isn’t locked so it could still potentially end up as a rug pull.

DEXTools のセキュリティ監査によると、トークンのコントラクトには懸念される側面はありませんが、流動性がロックされていないため、最終的にはラグプルになる可能性があります。

While the token has a community trust score of 85%, investors should always exercise extreme caution when investing in newly launched meme coin projects.

このトークンのコミュニティの信頼スコアは 85% ですが、投資家は新しく開始されたミーム コイン プロジェクトに投資する際には常に細心の注意を払う必要があります。

Marine Admirals Aokiji ($AOKIJI)

A new shitcoin called Marine Admirals Aokiji ($AOKIJI) that launched on Tuesday has been pumping and is up 240% in the past 24 hours, as per DEXTools.

Marine Admirals Aookiji ($AOKIJI)火曜日に発売された Marine Admirals Aookiji ($AOKIJI) と呼ばれる新しいクソコインは勢いを増しており、DEXTools によると過去 24 時間で 240% 上昇しています。

It last had a market cap of around $180,000 amid 24-hour trading volumes of a little over $500,000, with now more than 100 holders and over $160,000 in liquidity.


The token only has two contract alerts, as per DEXTools’ security audit, but unlocked liquidity means that the token remains a rug pull risk.

DEXTools のセキュリティ監査によると、このトークンには 2 つのコントラクト アラートしかありませんが、ロックされていない流動性は、トークンがラグ プル リスクのままであることを意味します。

Dee Jay ($DEE)

A recently launched shitcoin called Dee Jay ($DEE) has pulled back a little from highs,  but is still trading with solid 24-hour gains in the region of 50%, as per DEXTools.

Dee Jay ($DEE) Dee Jay ($DEE) と呼ばれる最近発売されたクソコインは、高値から少し反落しましたが、DEXTools によると、依然として 50% 程度の堅調な 24 時間上昇で取引されています。

The token’s market cap was last around $370,000 amid nearly $1 million in 24-hour trading volumes, with the token having secured around 270 holders and with liquidity of around $280,000.


$DEE only has two token contract alerts, as per DEXTools’ security audit – an antiwhale mechanism and a potential trading cooldown.

DEXTools のセキュリティ監査によれば、$DEE には 2 つのトークン コントラクト アラートしかありません。それは、反クジラ メカニズムと潜在的な取引クールダウンです。

Crypto Alternatives to Consider

Shitcoins are very risky, given most have no real value proposition.

検討すべき仮想通貨の代替品 Shitcoins のほとんどには実際の価値提案がないため、非常に危険です。

For those looking for an even better probability of near-term gains, an alternative high-risk-high-reward investment strategy to consider is getting involved in crypto presales.


This is where investors buy the tokens of up-start crypto projects to help fund their development.


These tokens are nearly always sold cheaply, and there is a long history of presales delivering huge exponential gains to early investors.


Many of these projects have fantastic teams behind them and a great vision to deliver a revolutionary crypto application/platform.


If an investor can identify such projects, the risk/reward of their presale investment is very good.


The team at Cryptonews spends a lot of time combing through presale projects to help investors out.

Cryptonews のチームは、投資家を支援するためにプレセール プロジェクトを精査することに多くの時間を費やしています。

Here is a list of 15 of what the project deems as the best crypto presales of 2023.


See the 15 Cryptocurrencies

15 の暗号通貨を見る

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.

免責事項: 暗号通貨は高リスクの資産クラスです。この記事は情報提供を目的としており、投資アドバイスを構成するものではありません。資本をすべて失う可能性があります。






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