フロントページ > 情報ニュース > バイナンス、ADA、BTC、DOGE、XRPを含むGBP通貨ペアの上場廃止を決定

Binance Decided to Delist GBP Pairs, Including ADA, BTC, DOGE, XRP


リリース: 2023/12/24 06:11 読む: 678




Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange that has publicized plans to remove additional spot trading pairs. The removal of pairs is associated with the British Pound (GBP). The two sets above include Cardano (ADA), Bitcoin (BTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), and XRP, which are set to stop trading on December 29th, 2023.

バイナンスは、追加のスポット取引ペアを削除する計画を公表した最大の仮想通貨取引所です。ペアの削除は英国ポンド (GBP) に関連しています。上記の 2 つのセットには、2023 年 12 月 29 日に取引が停止される予定のカルダノ (ADA)、ビットコイン (BTC)、ドージコイン (DOGE)、XRP が含まれます。

It is all part of its broader exchange restructuring strategy, which tries to streamline operations, reduce costs, and reflect the increasing regulatory scrutiny. Binance chose to delist these two traders.


Binance Regulations


An important milestone in this lawsuit is that Binance reached a settlement agreement with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). In a more recent settlement with judicial approval, included in it as a $150 million fine for Binance’s CZ founder, Changpeng Zhao.


The discontinuation of the GBP trading pair has led many to speculate and question what it expects for the cryptocurrency market. On Binance, which is at the forefront of legal challenges, traders consider the potential consequences for both crypto-enthusiasts and market conditions. 


The move to delist these two marks a pivotal moment in the development of Binance and prompts stakeholders to pay close attention to progress beyond this landmark decision.


Binance’s decision to streamline its operations and dismantle some trading pairs is in line with the widespread trend of regulatory tightening in the cryptocurrency industry. The exchange’s proactive measures come as regulators closely monitor the activities of key players in the crypto space globally.



Ongoing investigations and settlements, including a recent settlement with the CFTC, highlight the challenges Binance faces in navigating the complex regulatory environment. The heavy fines imposed on the exchange and its founder underscore the seriousness of the legal problems raised by the authorities.


For traders and cryptocurrency enthusiasts, the formation of two popular trades adds another layer of uncertainty to an already dynamic market. Comments are being asked on the potential impact on prices, spending, and the overall shopping experience. 

トレーダーや暗号通貨愛好家にとって、2 つの人気のある取引の形成は、すでにダイナミックな市場にさらなる不確実性の層を追加します。価格、支出、ショッピング体験全体への潜在的な影響についてコメントが求められています。

As Binance takes steps to address regulatory issues, market participants will closely watch how these developments shape the future of the exchange and affect the broader crypto landscape.




In conclusion, Binance’s announcement to delist the GBP trading pair reflects its efforts to adapt to the evolving regulatory environment. The company’s decision, coupled with recent legal settlements, signals a period of change and transformation for one of the industry’s flagship platforms. 

結論として、英ポンド取引ペアの上場廃止というバイナンスの発表は、進化する規制環境に適応するための同社の取り組みを反映している。同社の決定は、最近の法的和解と相まって、業界の主力プラットフォームの 1 つが変化と変革の時期を迎えていることを示しています。

While the cryptocurrency community awaits further developments, the broader market remains alert to potential changes and implications stemming from Binance’s strategic decisions.



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