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Bitcoin and Altcoins: Current Situation and Notable Performers

ビットコインとアルトコイン: 現状と傑出したパフォーマンス

リリース: 2023/11/07 16:00 読む: 327



As of November 7th, Tuesday, there is no one-way movement in cryptocurrencies, creating complex emotions among investors. Despite the decline in Bitcoin price, some altcoins have diverged, indicating that investors may have shifted their focus to altcoins rather than Bitcoin.


Bitcoin and Altcoins: Current Situation

ビットコインとアルトコイン: 現状

Bitcoin has maintained its position as the most significant driving force in the market over the past two weeks due to rumors of Bitcoin Spot ETF approval. Additionally, positive news such as Ripple’s partnership with the National Bank of Georgia for Digital Lari has boosted investor confidence.


After reaching above $35,000 yesterday, the price of Bitcoin dropped by 0.12% in the past 24 hours, settling at $34,867.49. However, its 24-hour trading volume increased by 2.80% to $12.71 billion.


On the other hand, the leading altcoin, Ethereum, saw a 0.40% increase to $1,889.72 compared to Bitcoin. However, its 24-hour trading volume decreased by 1.31% to $8.42 billion. Binance‘s native token, BNB, is currently trading at $251.41 with a 3.42% increase. Its volume also experienced a noticeable increase, reaching $548.01 million with a 37.90% rise.

一方、主要なアルトコインであるイーサリアムは、ビットコインと比較して0.40%上昇し、1,889.72ドルとなりました。しかし、24時間の取引高は1.31%減の84億2000万ドルとなった。 BinanceのネイティブトークンであるBNBは現在、3.42%上昇の251.41ドルで取引されています。取引高も顕著な増加を見せ、37.90% 増加して 5 億 4,801 万ドルに達しました。

The recent increase in BNB price triggered another development. This surge allowed XRP to reclaim the fourth spot on the list of the best cryptocurrencies based on market capitalization, which was left behind by XRP on Monday.


XRP price also saw a 0.48% increase, reaching $0.6843. Among the top 10, Cardano experienced a 3.64% increase, trading at $0.3559. As for meme coins, Dogecoin recorded a 4.24% increase, trading at $0.07435. Its competitor, Shina Inu, reached $0.000008287 with a 2.18% increase.

XRP価格も0.48%上昇し、0.6843ドルに達した。トップ10の中で、カルダノは3.64%上昇し、0.3559ドルで取引された。ミームコインに関しては、ドージコインが4.24%の上昇を記録し、0.07435ドルで取引された。競合他社の Shina Inu は 2.18% 上昇し、0.000008287 ドルに達しました。

Notable Altcoins


Pepe Coin, the biggest rival of Dogecoin and SHIB, continued its upward trend on Tuesday, trading at $0.000001157 with a 1.49% gain as of the time of writing. Additionally, the trading volume of this meme coin increased by 8.95% in the past 24 hours, reaching $123.56 million, indicating that investors are still keeping an eye on it.


There were also developments in the Blur side. It showed an increased interest in cryptocurrency among investors by being among the top gainers today. As of the time of writing, Blur’s price is trading at $0.3568 with an 18.27% increase, and more importantly, its trading volume increased by 353.22%. As a result, the daily trading volume reached $377.12 million.

Blur側にも進展がありました。今日の値上がり銘柄の上位に入ったことで、投資家の間で仮想通貨への関心が高まっていることが示された。この記事の執筆時点で、Blur の価格は 18.27% 上昇して 0.3568 ドルで取引されており、さらに重要なことに、その取引量は 353.22% 増加しました。その結果、1日の取引高は3億7,712万ドルに達しました。

Aave, another top gainer of the day, traded at $102.08 with a 15.20% increase as of the time of writing. Lastly, GRT, closely followed by investors, was also among the top gainers on November 7th. The price of GRT increased by 7.12%, trading at $0.1403 at the time of writing.

この日のもう一つの上昇銘柄であるAaveは、執筆時点で15.20%上昇し、102.08ドルで取引されている。最後に、GRT は投資家に非常に注目されており、11 月 7 日の値上がり銘柄の 1 つでした。 GRTの価格は7.12%上昇し、執筆時点では0.1403ドルで取引されている。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/bitcoin-and-altcoins-current-situation-and-notable-performers/

続きを読む: https://en.coin-turk.com/bitcoin-and-altcoins-current-situation-and-notable-performers/


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