Bitwise's Chief Investment Officer (CIO), Matt Hougan, highlighted a significant trend that could impact the Bitcoin market this year: companies buying and holding Bitcoin. Hougan noted that 70 publicly traded companies, including MicroStrategy, now have Bitcoin on their balance sheets.
Hougan predicted that, within the next 12-18 months, many more companies would follow suit, acquiring Bitcoin as part of their treasury investments. This surge in corporate demand, he believes, would significantly boost the Bitcoin market.
MicroStrategy stands out as the largest corporate Bitcoin holder, with 447,470 BTC, valued at over $44 billion. However, Hougan emphasized that MicroStrategy is not an outlier. He observed that companies like Chipotle have acquired significant amounts of Bitcoin, surpassing the total amount mined in certain years.
MicroStrategy は、447,470 BTC(価値 440 億ドル以上)を保有する最大の企業ビットコイン保有者として際立っています。しかし、Hougan 氏は、MicroStrategy は異常値ではないと強調しました。同氏は、チポトレのような企業が大量のビットコインを取得し、特定の年に採掘された総量を超えていることを観察した。
Hougan suggested that this trend is gaining momentum as reputational risks associated with Bitcoin diminish, thanks to Washington's embrace of cryptocurrency. Additionally, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has introduced a new rule (ASU 2023-08) that allows companies to mark Bitcoin's value to market, enabling them to book profits when its price increases.
ホーガン氏は、ワシントン政府による仮想通貨の受け入れのおかげで、ビットコインに関連する風評リスクが減少するにつれて、この傾向が勢いを増していると示唆した。さらに、財務会計基準委員会(FASB)は、企業がビットコインの市場価値をマークし、価格が上昇したときに利益を計上できるようにする新しい規則(ASU 2023-08)を導入しました。
Hougan believes that, with Bitcoin's value being seen as more stable, many more companies will be inclined to acquire it for their balance sheets. He estimates that the number of companies holding Bitcoin could potentially reach hundreds or even thousands.