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Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Price Prediction: What Can We Expect?

ビットコイン キャッシュ (BCH) 価格予測: 何が期待できるでしょうか?

リリース: 2023/10/26 04:15 読む: 260



After failing to break through the $35,000 mark, the BTC price fell back to $34,500. But what about the others? The increased volatility in Bitcoin‘s price has also had a positive impact on altcoins. In the midst of excessive optimism about the end of the bear market, we have seen cryptocurrencies double in value. So, what are the predictions for BCH Coin?


Bitcoin Cash (BCH)


Miners have a significant influence on the price of PoW-based cryptocurrencies. Before the recent rally began, Dogecoin miners were also exerting significant downward pressure on the price. Similarly, in the case of altcoins like SOL and LINK, it was the miners who were suppressing the price of BCH.

マイナーは、PoW ベースの暗号通貨の価格に大きな影響を与えます。最近の上昇が始まる前に、ドージコインマイナーも価格に大きな下落圧力をかけていました。同様に、SOL や LINK のようなアルトコインの場合、BCH の価格を抑制していたのはマイナーでした。

According to the IntoTheBlock chart, the cumulative balance of miners, which was 6.59 million on September 29, has now decreased to 5.81 million. This indicates that miners have been selling a significant amount of their holdings as market sentiment recovers.


Miners who sold 780,000 BCH have clearly expressed their medium and long-term expectations. Despite the overall positive market sentiment and BTC surpassing its 17-month high, senior BCH miners believe that taking profits is the more sensible option.

780,000 BCH を販売したマイナーは中長期的な期待を明確に表明しています。市場全体のセンチメントは良好で、BTCは17カ月ぶりの高値を超えているにもかかわらず、上級BCHマイナーらは利益確定の方が賢明な選択肢だと考えている。

BCH Coin Analysis


The performance of BCH Coin, which lags behind the top 20 cryptocurrencies, will be determined by miners. If they stop transferring to exchanges after the $200 million sale, this BTC rival altcoin could start to rise.

上位20位の仮想通貨に遅れをとっているBCHコインのパフォーマンスはマイナーによって左右されることになる。 2億ドルの売却後に取引所への送金をやめれば、このBTCのライバルアルトコインは上昇し始める可能性がある。

So, what are the whales doing while the sales continue? During the same period, whales accumulated a total of $10.2 million. This indicates that the miner sales are distributed among smaller wallets. If whales continue to accumulate like small investors, we could see the price reach $300. In fact, under normal circumstances, if miners had not released such a large supply, the price we see today would likely be around $300.

では、セールが続いている間、クジラたちは何をしているのでしょうか?同じ期間に、クジラは総額 1,020 万ドルを蓄積しました。これは、マイナーの売上が小規模なウォレットに分散されていることを示しています。クジラが小規模投資家のように集積を続ければ、価格は300ドルに達する可能性がある。実際、通常の状況下では、鉱山労働者がこれほど大量の供給を行わなかった場合、現在私たちが目にしている価格はおそらく 300 ドル程度だったでしょう。

The $280 resistance level appears to be challenging, and bears will strive to pull the price down to $200. The correction tendency of BTC after its recent test of $35,000 also suggests that support in the overall market sentiment may weaken.


Investors will have to choose between the $225 and $200 support levels and the $280 and $300 resistance levels. At the time of writing this article, BCH Coin is trading around $250, while BTC finds buyers at $34,591. Gensler’s (unsurprising and consistent) anti-crypto statements at the time of writing this article have pushed the price down somewhat.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this article does not constitute investment advice. Investors should be aware of the high volatility and associated risks of cryptocurrencies and should conduct their own research before making any transactions.

免責事項: この記事で提供される情報は投資アドバイスを構成するものではありません。投資家は、暗号通貨の高いボラティリティとそれに伴うリスクを認識し、取引を行う前に独自の調査を行う必要があります。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/bitcoin-cash-bch-price-prediction-what-can-we-expect/

続きを読む: https://en.coin-turk.com/bitcoin-cash-bch-price-prediction-what-c​​an-we-expect/


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