フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 速報: SOL が DOGE と ADA を置き去りにしました!

Breaking News: SOL Leaves DOGE and ADA in the Dust!

速報: SOL が DOGE と ADA を置き去りにしました!

リリース: 2023/10/05 16:17 読む: 643

原作者:CryptoTicker ENG




In a significant turn of events, Solana (SOL) has emerged as a formidable player in the cryptocurrency market, surpassing both Dogecoin (DOGE) and Cardano (ADA) in terms of market capitalization. This development highlights the rapid growth and adoption of SOL, showcasing its potential to compete with established cryptocurrencies. In this article, we will delve into the numbers and provide a comprehensive analysis of this exciting development.

大きな変化として、ソラナ (SOL) は暗号通貨市場で手ごわいプレーヤーとして台頭し、時価総額の点でドージコイン (DOGE) とカルダノ (ADA) の両方を上回りました。この開発は、SOL の急速な成長と導入を強調し、確立された暗号通貨と競合する可能性を示しています。この記事では、数字を詳しく掘り下げて、このエキサイティングな展開の包括的な分析を提供します。

Solana (SOL) Soaring to New Heights

ソラナ (SOL) 新たな高みへ

Current SOL Price: $23.24

現在の SOL 価格: $23.24

As of the latest data, the price of Solana (SOL) stands at an impressive $23.24. This price reflects the confidence investors have in the project, as Solana’s technology and ecosystem have been gaining traction.

最新データの時点で、ソラナ (SOL) の価格は 23.24 ドルという驚異的な水準にあります。この価格は、Solana のテクノロジーとエコシステムが注目を集めているため、投資家がプロジェクトに対して抱いている信頼を反映しています。

7-Day Price Increase: 20.89%

7日間の価格上昇: 20.89%

Over the past week, Solana has experienced a remarkable 20.89% increase in price. This surge in value demonstrates the growing interest and demand for Solana, as more participants recognize its potential as a blockchain platform.

過去 1 週間で、Solana は 20.89% という驚くべき価格上昇を経験しました。この価値の急上昇は、より多くの参加者がブロックチェーン プラットフォームとしての可能性を認識するにつれて、Solana への関心と需要が高まっていることを示しています。

Current Market Cap: $9,608,924,037

現在の時価総額: 9,608,924,037ドル

The market capitalization of Solana currently sits at a staggering $9,608,924,037. This figure places Solana among the top cryptocurrencies by market cap, solidifying its position as a leading contender in the crypto space.


Dogecoin (DOGE) Falling Behind

ドージコイン (DOGE) の遅れ

Current DOGE Price: $0.06112

現在のDOGE価格: $0.06112

In contrast, Dogecoin (DOGE) has experienced a decline in both price and market cap. As of now, DOGE is priced at $0.06112.


7-Day Price Increase: 0.86%

7日間の価格上昇: 0.86%

Over the past seven days, Dogecoin has seen a modest increase of 0.86% in its price. While any growth is positive, this is a relatively small gain compared to some of its competitors.

過去 7 日間で、ドージコインの価格は 0.86% とわずかに上昇しました。どのような成長もプラスですが、これは一部の競合他社と比較すると比較的小さな増加です。

Current Market Cap: $8,634,814,294

現在の時価総額: $8,634,814,294

The market capitalization of Dogecoin stands at $8,634,814,294. While it is still a significant figure, it now places DOGE behind Solana in market cap rankings.

ドージコインの時価総額は86億3,481万4,294ドルです。これは依然として重要な数字ではありますが、現在、時価総額ランキングでは DOGE を Solana に次ぐ位置にあります。

Cardano (ADA) Facing Tough Competition


Current ADA Price: $0.2586

現在の ADA 価格: $0.2586

Cardano (ADA) is also grappling with fierce competition from Solana. Currently, ADA is trading at $0.2586.


7-Day Price Increase: 5.94%

7日間の価格上昇: 5.94%

Over the last week, Cardano has experienced a respectable 5.94% increase in its price. This indicates continued interest in ADA, but it may not be enough to retain its higher market cap position.


Current Market Cap: $9,088,383,421

現在の時価総額: $9,088,383,421

Cardano’s market capitalization is $9,088,383,421, which places it in close competition with Solana. However, Solana’s recent surge in price has allowed it to momentarily overtake ADA in market cap.

Cardano の時価総額は 90 億 8,838 万 3,421 ドルで、Solana とほぼ競合しています。しかし、ソラナの最近の価格高騰により、時価総額で一時的にADAを追い越すことができました。

Conclusion: Solana’s Remarkable Rise

結論: ソラナの目覚ましい台頭

The cryptocurrency market is known for its rapid fluctuations, and rankings can change quickly. Solana’s recent achievement in surpassing both Dogecoin and Cardano in market cap is a testament to its growing popularity and the trust investors place in its technology.


While this development is noteworthy, it’s essential to remember that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and rankings can shift rapidly. Investors should conduct thorough research and consider various factors before making investment decisions.


Solana’s impressive performance highlights the potential for newer blockchain projects to disrupt the status quo and become significant players in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies. As the cryptocurrency space continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to see how these rankings fluctuate and which projects emerge as long-term leaders.

ソラナの目覚ましいパフォーマンスは、新しいブロックチェーン プロジェクトが現状を打破し、進化し続ける暗号通貨の世界で重要なプレーヤーになる可能性を浮き彫りにしています。暗号通貨の分野が進化し続けるにつれて、これらのランキングがどのように変動し、どのプロジェクトが長期的なリーダーとして台頭するかを見るのは興味深いでしょう。


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