フロントページ > 情報ニュース > Chainlink の時価総額は Dogecoin を超えています: なぜ LINK は上昇しているのでしょうか?

Chainlink takes over Dogecoin in market cap: Why is LINK pumping?

Chainlink の時価総額は Dogecoin を超えています: なぜ LINK は上昇しているのでしょうか?

リリース: 2024/02/06 06:12 読む: 251



Chainlink, the biggest blockchain oracle network in crypto, has overthrown Dogecoin (DOGE) as the 11th-largest cryptocurrency on the market. 


LINK has risen by over 6% today and 34% in a week, becoming the highest gainer in the market today. As part of the price increase, LINK crossed the $19 mark today for the first time since FTX’s collapse in 2022.


There is also a notable correlation between the altcoin’s market movement and its trading volume, as LINK’s trading volume was boosted nearly 100% today, according to data from CoinMarketCap



From a technical perspective, LINK has broken out from a horizontal trading range that had been in place for nearly 90 days. This breakout ended an 85-day consolidation period below resistance, propelling the price to over $19.75, its highest in over two years.


LINK’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) is also significantly low, at 14, which suggests a further bullish momentum could be anticipated, followed by a period of corrections. 

LINK の相対力指数 (RSI) も 14 と大幅に低く、さらなる強気の勢いが予想され、その後調整期間が続く可能性があることを示唆しています。

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An RSI of 14 is considered to be highly oversold. The RSI is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis that measures the speed and change of price movements on a scale from 0 to 100. Typically, an RSI below 30 indicates that an asset is in oversold conditions, suggesting that it may be undervalued and could be due for a reversal or corrective rally as sellers may have exhausted their positions, leading to potential buying opportunities.

RSI 14 は非常に売られすぎであると考えられます。 RSI は、テクニカル分析で使用されるモメンタム指標であり、価格変動の速度と変化を 0 から 100 のスケールで測定します。通常、RSI が 30 未満の場合は、資産が売られすぎの状態にあることを示し、過小評価されている可能性があることを示唆しています。売り手がポジションを使い果たし、潜在的な買いの機会につながる可能性があるため、反転または修正上昇が予想されます。

However, while an extremely low RSI can indicate the potential for a price increase, it is not a guarantee.

ただし、RSI が極端に低い場合は価格上昇の可能性を示す可能性がありますが、それを保証するものではありません。

On the fundamental side, Chainlink has focused on significant upgrades and expansions into traditional finance (TradFi) and real-world assets (RWA). The launch of the Cross Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) and the expansion of Chainlink Data Streams and Chainlink Functions aim to enhance the network’s utility and adoption across various chains and assets.

基本的な側面では、Chainlink は従来の金融 (TradFi) と現実世界の資産 (RWA) の大幅なアップグレードと拡張に焦点を当ててきました。 Cross Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) の開始と Chainlink データ ストリームと Chainlink 機能の拡張は、さまざまなチェーンや資産全体でのネットワークの有用性と採用を強化することを目的としています。

This strategic push towards integrating with the capital markets and bolstering transparency and efficiency in the valuation of underlying assets is likely contributing to the positive market response. 


Read more: Canadian crypto platform Einstein Exchange was Ponzi scheme, says local regulator

続きを読む: カナダの仮想通貨プラットフォーム「Einstein Exchange」はポンジスキームだったと地元規制当局が発言


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