表紙 > 情報ニュース > 暗号通貨: 4,150 万ドージコインが即座に清算されました!

Crypto: 41.5 Million Dogecoins Liquidated in a Flash!

暗号通貨: 4,150 万ドージコインが即座に清算されました!

リリース: 2024/07/05 07:44 読む: 298

原作者:Cointribune EN


暗号通貨: 4,150 万ドージコインが即座に清算されました!

Dogecoin Liquidation Shockwave


The cryptocurrency market witnessed a significant event recently: the liquidation of 41.5 million Dogecoin within 24 hours. This massive sell-off sent ripples through the crypto ecosystem, surprising investors.

暗号通貨市場は最近、24 時間以内に 4,150 万ドージコインが清算されるという重要な出来事を目撃しました。この大規模な下落は仮想通貨エコシステムに波紋を広げ、投資家を驚かせた。

Liquidation Surge


Dogecoin, the well-known meme crypto, was at the center of the liquidation storm. CoinGlass data reveals that over $4 million worth of Dogecoin was liquidated within 24 hours.

有名なミーム暗号であるドージコインが清算の嵐の中心にあった。 CoinGlassのデータによると、400万ドル相当のドージコインが24時間以内に清算されたことが明らかになりました。

While this figure may appear modest compared to the $90 million in Bitcoin liquidations, it holds significant weight for DOGE. During this period, 41,554,054 DOGE were liquidated, primarily from long positions.

この数字は、ビットコイン清算額の9,000万ドルと比べると控えめに見えるかもしれないが、DOGEにとっては重要な重みを持っている。この期間中、主にロングポジションから 41,554,054 DOGE が清算されました。

This unprecedented liquidation caused a 7.89% price drop for Dogecoin, plummeting it to $0.1121, its lowest value in a month.


Contributing Factors


Multiple factors contributed to this rapid liquidation. Firstly, the meme coin market is highly susceptible to fluctuations in the broader crypto market.


Despite its popularity and support from influential figures like Elon Musk, Dogecoin remains a highly speculative asset. Expectations of a surge following Shiba Inu's burn rate increase were not met, leaving the meme coin ecosystem in distress.


Moreover, the overall decline in cryptocurrencies amplified the pressure on Dogecoin. Bitcoin's drop to $58,000 dragged the entire market down. Increased volatility prompted traders to liquidate their positions to mitigate losses.


Outlook for Dogecoin and Meme Coins


Despite this tumultuous period, there are glimmers of hope for Dogecoin and other meme coins. Historically, these cryptocurrencies have often served as barometers of market volatility. When the market reaches its nadir, meme coins tend to exhibit stronger rebound potential compared to other altcoins.


Positive signs for Dogecoin include accumulation by "whales" and increased trading volume. Additionally, the dedicated and enthusiastic community supporting these coins could play a crucial role in their recovery. Market stabilization could lead to a notable rise for meme coins.


In conclusion, the massive liquidation of 41.5 million Dogecoin underscores the volatility of the cryptocurrency market. However, every crisis carries the potential for renewal. As some envision Bitcoin dethroning the dollar, the hope remains that Dogecoin and other meme coins will reclaim their glory.



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