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Crypto Market Eyes $2.1 Trillion Value as Altcoins Show Promise


リリース: 2024/02/16 07:34 読む: 622



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Crypto Market Eyes $2.1 Trillion Value as Altcoins Show Promise

COINTURK NEWS でもこのニュースを読むことができます: アルトコインが約束を示す中、暗号市場は 2.1 兆ドルの価値に注目

Crypto currency markets’ cumulative value is once again targeting $2.1 trillion, which is promising for altcoins. Investors expecting more rises in altcoins have their eyes glued to the BTC chart, hoping for the weekly close to be near current levels. As of writing, BTC is above the $51,800 region, which seems sufficient for now.


Dogecoin (DOGE)

ドージコイン (DOGE)

Dogecoin miner reserves have fallen below 4.2 billion for the first time since the end of 2013, with a 5.28% reduction in the last 30 days. This indicates that miners have been selling in massive amounts for a long time. During the glorious days of 2021, these reserves were above 12.8 billion. A significant sell-off occurred in mid-2022, followed by gradual sales.

ドージコインのマイナー準備金は2013年末以来初めて42億を下回り、過去30日間で5.28%減少した。これは、マイナーが長期間にわたり大量の販売を行ってきたことを示しています。 2021 年の輝かしい日々には、これらの埋蔵量は 128 億を超えていました。 2022年半ばに大幅な下落が起こり、その後徐々に売却が進んだ。

On February 10, the reserves that had fallen to 4.11 billion began to recover after hitting a bottom. Despite general market optimism, miners’ motivation to sell at very low prices has not been sufficiently reduced. Fortunately, their reserves have significantly diminished, and considering long-term thinkers, we can say that the selling pressure from this front should now ease.


For DOGE price, a few hours ago we shared a comprehensive assessment; the key short-term area is $0.088, and without a weekly close above it, hopes for $0.106 will not flourish. For now, investors need to wait for closes above resistance for further increases.

DOGE 価格については、数時間前に包括的な評価を共有しました。重要な短期エリアは0.088ドルであり、週間終値がこれを上回ることがなければ、0.106ドルへの期待は盛り上がらないだろう。今のところ、投資家はさらなる上昇のために抵抗線を上回る終値を待つ必要がある。

APE Coin Comments


Metaverse, NFT tokens couldn’t withstand the realities of bear markets and lost significant market value. Moreover, they can’t perform above average despite the recent recovery. Of course, one of the issues here is the continuous increase in circulating supply.

メタバース、NFT トークンは弱気市場の現実に耐えることができず、市場価値を大幅に失いました。さらに、最近回復しているにもかかわらず、平均以上のパフォーマンスを発揮することはできません。もちろん、ここでの問題の 1 つは、循環供給量が継続的に増加していることです。

SAND Coin is significantly increasing its supply this month, while APE has been doing so with gradual unlocking over a long period. Even though they reached serious peaks when they were first launched, both the fading excitement in the hype category and the growing circulating supplies have put them in a difficult position.

SAND Coinは今月供給量を大幅に増やしており、APEは長期にわたって段階的にロックを解除しながら増加しています。発売当初は本格的なピークに達していたにもかかわらず、誇大宣伝カテゴリーの興奮の陰りと流通供給量の増加により、同社は困難な立場に置かれている。

As of writing, the APE Coin price is above $1.6. However, the rejection from the resistance area of $1.68 and the long upper wick suggest that sell-offs are dominant. With a possible BTC correction, a return to $1.5 and $1.33 could be seen.

執筆時点で、APE Coinの価格は1.6ドルを超えています。しかし、1.68ドルのレジスタンスエリアからの拒否と長い上芯は、売りが優勢であることを示唆しています。 BTC の調整があれば、1.5 ドルと 1.33 ドルに戻る可能性があります。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Crypto Market Eyes $2.1 Trillion Value as Altcoins Show Promise

この投稿は COINTURK NEWS に最初に掲載されました: アルトコインが期待を示す中、暗号市場は 2.1 兆ドルの価値に注目


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