フロントページ > 情報ニュース > SHIBとDOGEの急騰を逃した投資家に新たな0.03ドルの仮想通貨チャンス

New crypto opportunity at $0.03 for investors who missed SHIB and DOGE soar


リリース: 2024/02/15 06:06 読む: 239



The cryptocurrency market is full of opportunities for investors willing to embrace risks and a volatile road of value asymmetry.


For example, Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) are notable examples of cryptocurrencies that soared in the past. Notably, both went from less than $1 billion in market cap to all-time highs of $98.47 billion and $249.83 billion, respectively, in 2021.

たとえば、ドージコイン (DOGE) や柴犬 (SHIB) は、過去に急騰した暗号通貨の注目すべき例です。注目すべきは、両者の時価総額が10億ドル未満から2021年にそれぞれ984億7000万ドルと2498億3000万ドルという過去最高値に達したことだ。

In particular, DOGE and SHIB are two memecoins that massively benefited from the support of influential figures like Elon Musk. They experienced the pump during the last cycle’s bull market, and other projects will hardly manage to mirror their performance.

特に、DOGE と SHIB は、イーロン・マスクのような影響力のある人物のサポートから多大な恩恵を受けた 2 つのミームコインです。彼らは前回のサイクルの強気相場で激動を経験しており、他のプロジェクトが彼らのパフォーマンスを反映することはほとんどないだろう。

Nevertheless, investors can still find investment opportunities in crypto for relevant gains. Technical and fundamental analyses are valuable companions on this financial journey.


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opportunity-at-03">VeChain (VET) opportunity at $.03

Opportunity-at-03">VeChain (VET) の機会 (0.03 ドル)

Interestingly, the renowned trader Ali Martinez spotted a crypto opportunity on VeChain (VET) using technical Analysis on February 14.


According to Martinez:


“If history repeats itself, VET could be looking at a move to $0.054 this week, a brief correction until June, and then a bull run to $0.70 by November!”


– Ali Martinez (@ali_charts)

– アリ・マルティネス (@ali_charts)

In this context, a run to $0.70 would reward investors with 1,900% gains before 2024 ends. The trader fundaments his Analysis on VeChain’s past price action in 2021. However, there are no guarantees of such an occurrence.


Essentially, price is formed by the combination of supply and demand of a given asset. VET reached its all-time high during a moment of high euphory and huge capital inflow to the crypto market.


Therefore, VeChain can only be a solid opportunity if the cryptocurrency attracts enough demand. Usually, meaningful demand increases rely on either high speculation for new projects or solid fundamentals for established ones.

したがって、仮想通貨が十分な需要を引き付けた場合にのみ、VeChain は確かな機会となり得ます。通常、意味のある需要の増加は、新しいプロジェクトに対する高い投機か、確立されたプロジェクトに対する堅実なファンダメンタルズのいずれかに依存します。

The crypto landscape can be extremely uncertain and volatile. Thus, investors looking for the next big ‘crypto opportunity’ must be ready to face frustration through sober expectations and proper risk management.


Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.

免責事項: このサイトのコンテンツは投資アドバイスとみなされるべきではありません。投資は投機的なものです。投資する場合、資本はリスクにさらされます。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/new-crypto-opportunity-at-0-03-for-investors-who-missed-shib-and-doge-soar-tbt79852.html

出典: https://thebittimes.com/new-crypto-opportunity-at-0-03-for-investors-who-missed-shib-and-doge-soar-tbt79852.html


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