フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 仮想通貨ユーザー、FTXインフルエンサーの責任追及のためサム・バンクマン・フリード氏に対する訴訟取り下げを申し出る

Crypto users propose dropping lawsuit against Sam Bankman-Fried to pursue FTX influencers


リリース: 2024/04/25 18:00 読む: 969

原作者:Cointelegraph.com News


A group of cryptocurrency users has reached an agreement with former FTX CEO Sam “SBF” Bankman-Fried as part of a class-action lawsuit filed in Florida.

暗号通貨ユーザーのグループは、フロリダ州で起こされた集団訴訟の一環として、元FTX CEOのサム・“SBF”・バンクマン・フリード氏と合意に達した。

In an April 19 filing in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, plaintiffs who sued FTX influencers in 2022 announced they had reached a settlement with Bankman-Fried. According to the filing, the plaintiffs recognized the expense and length of proceedings should they continue to pursue judgment against SBF, opting instead to use some of the information presented at his criminal trial to continue their case against FTX promoters.


“[Bankman-Fried] has knowledge and other information that Class Representatives and Class Counsel believe will be valuable to Class Representatives’ cases against other defendants in the FTX MDL [multidistrict litigation], particularly relating to the underlying actions and their connection to Miami, Florida, where FTX’s U.S. headquarters were based, as well as each MDL Defendants’ knowledge of and assistance with the actions and connections to other states in which jurisdictions over those Defendants is asserted,” the April 19 filing said.

Source: PACER

「[バンクマン・フリード]は、集団代表者と集団弁護士が、特に根底にある訴訟とマイアミとの関連に関して、FTX MDL [多地区訴訟]における他の被告に対する集団代表者の訴訟に価値があると考える知識やその他の情報を持っている。 「FTXの米国本社が置かれていたフロリダ州、および各MDL被告の訴訟管轄権が主張されている他の州との関係および行為に関する知識と支援」と4月19日の提出書類には記載されている。出典: PACER

Subject to court approval, the settlement would resolve the lawsuit between SBF and crypto users seeking recourse for losses during the fall of FTX. The filing suggested that the plaintiffs proposed the settlement on March 28 — the day a judge sentenced Bankman-Fried to 25 years in prison for his conviction on felony charges.


The plaintiffs in the lawsuit proposed that Bankman-Fried assist in prosecuting FTX influencers and aid in victim recovery through documents and testimony provided during his criminal trial. The lawyers specifically cited information related to celebrities and companies responsible for endorsing the crypto exchange before its downfall, including sports stars Naomi Osaka, Tom Brady, Stephen Curry, and Shaquille O’Neal.


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The lawsuit, first filed in November 2022, shortly after FTX filed for bankruptcy, was consolidated into its present form in June 2023. The Moskowitz Law Firm, behind many crypto-based class-action lawsuits, represented the plaintiffs.


Bankman-Fried’s lawyers filed notice to appeal the former FTX CEO’s conviction and sentence on April 11. They also requested SBF remain at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn rather than a federal prison in the San Francisco Bay Area to assist in his defense.

バンクマン・フリード氏の弁護士は、4月11日に元FTX CEOの有罪判決と判決に対して控訴する通知を提出した。また、バンクマン・フリード氏の弁護を支援するため、サンフランシスコ・ベイエリアの連邦刑務所ではなく、ブルックリンのメトロポリタン拘置所に留置するようSBFに要請した。

Magazine: ‘Less flashy’ Mashinsky set for less jail time than SBF: Inner City Press, X Hall of Flame

雑誌: 「派手さを減らした」マシンスキーはSBFよりも刑期が短くなる予定: Inner City Press、X Hall of Flame


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