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Dogecoin Advocate Warns Investors of DOGE Mimicry Scam


リリース: 2023/12/11 06:17 読む: 384




Popular advocate for Dogecoin (DOGE), Mishaboar, has warned lovers of the canine-themed memecoin of certain fraudulent digital assets that mimic the coin. These new tokens are leveraging Dogecoin’s brand and reputation to deceive unsuspecting investors into parting with their funds. A number use the “pump-and-dump” tactics and potential long-term devaluation strategies.


DOGE has been exhibiting some negative sentiments recently with the memecoin price currently down by 3.30% within the last 24 hours. Data from CoinMarketCap shows that the price fluctuates between $0.09 and $0.10. 

DOGE は最近、ミームコインの価格が過去 24 時間以内に 3.30% 下落しており、ネガティブな感情を示しています。 CoinMarketCap のデータによると、価格は 0.09 ドルから 0.10 ドルの間で変動しています。

DOGE Scammers Exploit Investors’ FOMO

DOGE 詐欺師が投資家の FOMO を悪用

The phishing tokens are built in such a way that they can conveniently disguise ad DOGE. Mishaboar’s alert focused on the danger that this cloned cryptocurrency can cause as it lures investors into investing their hard earned money. One of the strategies that scammers are also likely to utilize is influencing a sudden price surge which causes investors with FOMO to buy quickly.

フィッシング トークンは、広告 DOGE を都合よく偽装できるように構築されています。ミシャボア氏の警告は、このクローン暗号通貨が投資家を苦労して稼いだお金を投資に誘う際に引き起こす可能性のある危険性に焦点を当てていた。詐欺師が利用する可能性が高い戦略の 1 つは、突然の価格急騰に影響を与え、FOMO を持つ投資家にすぐに買わせることです。

Once the acquisition has been made, these scammers resort to selling off their bulk holding, pushing the value of the coin to plummet. With the current volatile state of Dogecoin, it could be an option. 


Be Watchful of DOGE Scammers

DOGE 詐欺師に注意してください

Mishaboar urged investors to be vigilant to avoid falling prey to the complex scams and outright falsehoods being paraded by these bad actors who are looking to exploit the popularity of Dogecoin and its ecosystem. He also considered the possibility of the schemes involving trademark-related legal issues that could bring some harm to investors in the long run.


In all of these, investors are advised to do due diligence including conducting thorough research to gather information about any investment they decide to get involved in, even if there are claims that such investments are associated with the Dogecoin ecosystem or it looks like the DOGE that they are accustomed to. 


SEC Calls Crypto Volatile and Speculative 


It is worth noting that activities of scammers as this is what has led the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to preach against crypto investments. The regulator still holds on to its sentiment that crypto is “volatile” and “speculative” , therefore, urging investors to limit their exposure to the asset class

これが米国証券取引委員会 (SEC) に仮想通貨投資に対する反対を説くきっかけになっているため、詐欺師の活動は注目に値します。規制当局は、仮想通貨は「不安定」で「投機的」であるという見解を依然として維持しており、そのため投資家に対し、この資産クラスへのエクスポージャーを制限するよう促している。

Unfortunately, the collapse of many crypto projects including FTX underscores this sentiment. The crypto market will be required to put up more robust infrastructures to put the market in a better place and redeem its reputation.


The post Dogecoin Advocate Warns Investors of DOGE Mimicry Scam appeared first on Latest News and Insights on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Investing.

この投稿 Dogecoin Advocate が DOGE 模倣詐欺について投資家に警告 最初に掲載されたのは、ブロックチェーン、暗号通貨、投資に関する最新ニュースと洞察です。


  • ドージコインクジラの活動
    包括的な分析により、Dogecoin クジラの活動に関する最新の洞察を得ることができます。ドージコイン市場におけるこれらのクジラの傾向、パターン、影響を発見してください。私たちの専門家による分析で最新情報を入手し、暗号通貨への取り組みを前進させてください。
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  • ミームの王様: ドージコイン
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