フロントページ > 情報ニュース > アナリストらは、ビットコインに対するドージコインの下落は今後も続くと予想されると警告

Dogecoin’s Decline Against Bitcoin is Expected to Continue, Warns Analyst


リリース: 2023/10/12 18:15 読む: 722



Experienced crypto analyst Nicholas Merten warned that the correction of Dogecoin (DOGE), the favorite memecoin of crypto investors, against Bitcoin (BTC) (DOGE/BTC) is likely to continue and said that the decline will persist.


Continued Decline Against Bitcoin


Merten, in his latest video update, stated that the graph of the monthly time frame DOGE/BTC trading pair continues to show weakness, and he expects Dogecoin to remain in a downtrend against Bitcoin for a while:


I believe that in the future, things will move upward and then sideways, but I don’t think it will happen yet. I must point out that if this is a new support and after seeing a 22% increase in a single monthly candle, starting to give back this gain over three months is not a sign of a bull market.

今後は上向き、横向きになると思いますが、まだそうなるとは思いません。これが新たなサポートであり、月足ローソク足で 22% の上昇を見た後、この上昇を 3 か月にわたって返し始めることは強気相場の兆候ではないことを指摘しなければなりません。

In order for us to say that Dogecoin is in a bull market, we need to see large percentage increases like 600% or 542%. In more moderate months, these rates are at lower levels like 80%, 30%, 209%. We have witnessed increases of 72%, 79%, and 114% in a single month. I am waiting for these types of increases to see a bull market in DOGE.

ドージコインが強気市場にあると言うには、600% や 542% などの大幅な上昇率が見られる必要があります。より穏やかな月では、これらの割合は 80%、30%、209% などの低いレベルになります。 1 か月で 72%、79%、114% の増加が見られました。 DOGEで強気相場が訪れるために、私はこの種の上昇を待っています。

“DOGE/BTC Can Recover If It Does What It Did in June 2022 and October 2022”


Merten stated that Dogecoin can be subjected to a serious evaluation only if it starts to repeat the price movements similar to June 2022 and October 2022:


I’m not very interested in the current trend. In June 2022, buyers made a 23% increase and then a big 94% increase followed. I understand that some factors like Elon Musk mentioning the use of DOGE in payments above X had an effect on this increase.

私は最近のトレンドにはあまり興味がありません。 2022 年 6 月に購入者は 23% 増加し、その後 94% という大幅な増加が続きました。イーロン・マスク氏が X を超える支払いでの DOGE の使用について言及したなど、いくつかの要因がこの増加に影響を与えたと理解しています。

The current story is not very important. What matters is the price movement because regardless of these stories, if the price no longer reflects this story and continues to move downward consistently, if buyers do not come, it means it will probably continue to fall further.


This is a rolling effect caused by decreasing expectations. People slowly realize that they are overexposed, they understand that the likelihood of the decline continuing is high, and assets start to move only when buyers really start to put pressure on the market.


Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/dogecoins-decline-against-bitcoin-is-expected-to-continue-warns-analyst/

続きを読む: https://en.coin-turk.com/dogecoins-decline-against-bitcoin-is-expected-to-Continue-warns-analyst/


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