表紙 > 情報ニュース > ドージコイン (DOGE)、ライトコイン (LTC) などはすべてこの現象の被害者です

Dogecoin (DOGE), Litecoin (LTC) and Others Are Victims of This Phenomenon

ドージコイン (DOGE)、ライトコイン (LTC) などはすべてこの現象の被害者です

リリース: 2023/08/18 21:00 読む: 730



The cryptocurrency market is no stranger to volatility, but the recent sharp decline in prices took many by surprise. This sudden drop came on the heels of a prolonged period of low volatility, with most assets reaching significant lows in this metric. Such calm before the storm made the ensuing price plunge all the more unexpected.


In the midst of this downturn, two notable cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin (DOGE) and Litecoin (LTC), have been particularly affected. As of recent data, Dogecoin is trading at $0.062505, while Litecoin stands at $65.07. Both of these assets, along with several others, have been victims of a phenomenon that is currently shaping the crypto landscape.


A closer look at market activity reveals a spike in transactions valued over $1 million. Specifically, there has been an increase of approximately 700 such transactions, which closely aligns with the timing of the downward price movement. This pattern strongly suggests that, in the current market scenario characterized by lower liquidity, these large transactions are the primary catalysts driving volatility.

市場活動を詳しく見てみると、100万ドルを超える取引が急増していることがわかります。具体的には、そのような取引が約 700 件増加しており、価格下落のタイミングとほぼ一致しています。このパターンは、流動性の低下を特徴とする現在の市場シナリオにおいて、これらの大規模な取引がボラティリティを引き起こす主な要因であることを強く示唆しています。

The implications of this are significant. With large transactions having such a pronounced impact on price, it underscores the influence of whales or large holders in the current market environment. Their actions, whether selling or buying in large volumes, can sway the market in noticeable ways, especially when liquidity is thin.


For assets like Dogecoin and Litecoin, this phenomenon presents both challenges and opportunities. On one hand, the influence of large transactions can lead to rapid price declines, as witnessed recently. On the other, it also means that positive market sentiment and large buy orders can lead to swift recoveries.


It is also worth noting external factors that might be influencing the market. The preapproval of the Ethereum futures ETF and issues like the 1,000+ ETH stuck in the Shibarium bridge have added to the market's uncertainty.



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