Speculation over potential Dogecoin adoption at Elon Musk’s newly launched X Payments platform powered double-digit price pops for the meme coin. DOGE ultimately pared gains along with copycat token Floki Inu as the crypto rally fizzled out Monday. However, the latest buzz of Musk payment hype revived the question: just how high can DOGE go if accepted by the X Payments platform?
イーロン・マスク氏が新しく立ち上げたX Paymentsプラットフォームでドージコインが採用される可能性についての憶測が、ミームコインの価格を2桁に高騰させる原動力となった。暗号通貨ラリーが月曜日に失速したため、DOGEは最終的にコピーキャットトークンFloki Inuとともに利益を切り詰めた。しかし、最近の Musk ペイメントの誇大宣伝により、DOGE が X Payments プラットフォームに受け入れられた場合、どこまで高みに到達できるのかという疑問が再燃しました。
DOGE, initially made as a joke, has surprised many doubters who make fun of the coin. Its ability to stay relevant can mostly be attributed to Elon Musk’s constant support for cryptocurrencies and his playful approach.
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The X hype triggered a surge for Dogecoin over the weekend, with prices rising as much as 12% and trading volumes doubling. Copycat Floki Inu saw similar early interest as retail traders chased the latest advance rumors surrounding Musk.
X の誇大宣伝は週末にドージコインの高騰を引き起こし、価格は最大 12% 上昇し、取引量は 2 倍になりました。小売トレーダーがマスク氏を巡る最新の事前噂を追う中、コピーキャットのフロキ・イヌ氏も同様の初期の関心を示した。

Of course, those temporary pops ultimately dissolved amid a risk-off Monday, with DOGE giving back most of its weekend traction. Still, the sensitivity to all things Musk keeps hopes of a more permanent moonshot alive if DOGE payments materialize at X.
How High Can DOGE Go After X Payment Integration?
X Payment 統合後、DOGE はどこまで上昇できるでしょうか?
Right now, it’s mainly guesswork until either Elon Musk or another Musk-related organization officially announces payment support for Dogecoin. Nonetheless, everything is set up for the next excitement to kick in as soon as that significant tweet or announcement comes along.
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If X begins to accept Dogecoin as payment, it could most probably defy all predictions and exhibit a parabolic run. The likelihood of DOGE hitting a new all-time high is also not out of the picture.
X が支払いとして Dogecoin を受け入れ始めた場合、おそらくすべての予測を覆し、放物線状の推移を示す可能性があります。 DOGEが過去最高値を更新する可能性も、まったく考えられないわけではない。
Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-how-high-can-doge-go-after-x-payment-integration-tbt77365.html
出典: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-how-high-can-doge-go-after-x-payment-integration-tbt77365.html