フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコイン(DOGE)の価格は0.06ドルを超える可能性はありますか?

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Poised to Break Above $0.06?


リリース: 2023/10/20 02:15 読む: 540



One of the most popular meme coins in the industry, Dogecoin (DOGE), appears as though its price may be poised to break above the $0.06 point. Indeed, the asset seems to be fighting back after a downward fall earlier this month. Subsequently, its quick turnaround has left hope for continued upward momentum.

業界で最も人気のあるミームコインの 1 つであるドージコイン (DOGE) は、価格が 0.06 ドルを突破する準備ができているように見えます。実際、この資産は今月初めに下落した後、反撃しているようだ。その後、その急速な回復により、上昇の勢いが続くという期待が残されています。

From July 25th to October 9th, Dogecoin noted a decrease in its price. Just four days later, the price had seen an upward trajectory that garnered some enthusiasm from investors in the asset. Now, the meme coin could reach a critical level as its charts have shown a bearish pattern.

7月25日から10月9日まで、ドージコインの価格は下落しました。わずか 4 日後、価格は上昇軌道を示し、この資産への投資家から熱狂を集めました。現在、ミームコインはチャートが弱気のパターンを示しているため、危機的なレベルに達する可能性があります。

Also Read: 59% of Dogecoin (DOGE) Holders Are Now in Loss

こちらもお読みください: ドージコイン (DOGE) 保有者の 59% が現在損失を抱えています

Dogecoin (DOGE) Could Reclaim Key Level in Move Upward


Technical observation of Dogecoin has shown that DOGE has been firmly situated above $0.06 since June. Subsequently, the price has displayed a descending resistance trend. Those two facets combined have developed a descending trial pattern. Therefore, give some bearish observatory displays to investors.

ドージコインのテクニカル観察によると、ドージコインは6月以来しっかりと0.06ドルを超えていることが分かりました。その後、価格は下降抵抗傾向を示しました。これら 2 つの側面が組み合わされて、下降試験パターンが開発されました。したがって、投資家に弱気な展望を示してください。

Subsequently, expectations have begun to arise that Dogecoin (DOGE) could be poised to break through the $0.6 price point. Specifically, it would have followed a massive breakdown that occurred in October. Then, it fell below the support level but didn’t stay there long. The short-lived downturn was met with a reversing price trend just days later.


Also Read: Why Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Pepe Are Crashing in 2023

こちらもお読みください: ドージコイン、柴犬、ペペが 2023 年にクラッシュする理由

Dogecoin is currently in the $0.60 horizontal area with the descending resistance trendline in tow. Moreover, that line had been firmly in place for 85 days, until now. The Relative Strength Index (RSI), which is a momentum marker for investors, is bullish.


The RSI is currently above 50 with an upward trajectory that is aligned with bullish predictions. Alternatively, the RSI stance and the failure of DOGE to reclaim its price have left some uncertainty in the near term. However, two things could happen that could confirm an upward trend.

RSIは現在50を超えており、強気の予測と一致する上昇軌道を描いています。あるいは、RSI のスタンスと DOGE が価格を取り戻すことができなかったことにより、短期的には不確実性が残りました。ただし、上昇傾向を裏付ける可能性のあることが 2 つ起こる可能性があります。

Firstly, the asset must hit a daily close that is above that descending resistance trendline. Then, both the $0.060 and the RSI have to rise above the 50 indicators. If that takes place, DOGE could see its price jump by as much as 20%, catapulting toward the $0.070 resistance level.


  • Dogecoin
  • ドージコイン

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-doge-price-poised-to-break-above-0-06-tbt66998.html

出典: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-doge-price-poized-to-break-above-0-06-tbt66998.html




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