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Dogecoin Founder Questions Sanity of Crypto Holders


リリース: 2024/03/16 06:22 読む: 808




Billy Markus, known on the Twitter/X social media network as “Shibetoshi Nakamoto” and who created the iconic meme cryptocurrency, Dogecoin, together with Jackson Palmer in 2013, has frequently stated on Twitter that he does not believe in crypto as a long-term investment asset.

Twitter/X ソーシャル メディア ネットワークで「シベトシ ナカモト」として知られ、2013 年にジャクソン パーマーとともに象徴的なミーム暗号通貨ドージコインを作成したビリー マーカスは、暗号通貨を長期的なものとして信じていないと Twitter で頻繁に述べています。期間投資資産。

"What it feels like to hodl crypto"


In a recent tweet, he, it seems, questioned the sanity of cryptocurrency holders.


In a short video shared by Markus, a man seems to be enjoying pretending that he wants to jump from a balcony of an apartment building, drinking household cleaner and similar things that are pretty harmful to one’s health. The actual tweet by Markus reads: “what it feels like to hodl crypto.”


what it feels like to hodl crypto pic.twitter.com/wZcCOCowWA

暗号通貨を保持するのはどんな感じ pic.twitter.com/wZcCOCowWA

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) March 15, 2024

— 中本シベトシ (@BillyM2k) 2024年3月15日

In April last year, the founder of DOGE tweeted “investing in crypto is literally just investing in mental illness,” adding the same definition about NFT investors. Markus himself holds a small (but undisclosed) amount of Dogecoin and $0.006 BTC, according to his tweet published in December.

昨年4月、DOGEの創設者は「暗号通貨への投資は文字通り精神疾患への投資にすぎない」とツイートし、NFT投資家についても同じ定義を付け加えた。 12月に公開された彼のツイートによると、マーカス自身は少額(ただし非公開)のドージコインと0.006ドルのBTCを保有しているという。

He once tweeted that he would never buy any meme cryptocurrencies and that he overall strongly dislikes all ERC-20 coins. He often reminds the cryptocurrency community that he quit Dogecoin almost immediately after launching it in 2013. Answering numerous questions regarding whether he wants to return to DOGE or create another cryptocurrency, Shibetoshi Nakamoto always states that he likes his day job and would never return to DOGE or set up a new crypto since he is worried about negative responses from the crypto community, which he already faces often.

彼はかつて、ミーム暗号通貨は絶対に買わない、そしてERC-20コインは全体的に非常に嫌いだとツイートしたことがある。彼は、2013 年に Dogecoin を立ち上げた直後に Dogecoin をやめたことを暗号通貨コミュニティによく思い出させます。DOGE に戻りたいか、それとも別の暗号通貨を作成したいかに関する数多くの質問に答えて、シベトシ・ナカモトは常に、本業は好きであり、DOGE には決して戻るつもりはないと述べています。あるいは、すでに頻繁に直面している暗号通貨コミュニティからの否定的な反応を心配しているため、新しい暗号通貨を設定することもできます。

Elon Musk hints at potential DOGE payments for Tesla cars


Earlier this week, Markus got a question from a crypto fan about DOGE and whether other altcoins are superior to it - BEL in particular. Markus responded to that, stating that “Dogecoin is a top 10 cryptocurrency used by millions worldwide.”


Earlier this week, tech mogul and CEO of Tesla Elon Musk, a big Dogecoin fan, hinted that at some point in the future Tesla may integrate DOGE payments. Musk again stated that Dogecoin is a people’s currency, and he would rather publicly support Dogecoin than Bitcoin, since the latter is loved by the wealthy and the former is available to average users.



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