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Dogecoin Maintains Its Reign as the Leading Meme Coin


リリース: 2024/02/27 06:34 読む: 937



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin Maintains Its Reign as the Leading Meme Coin

このニュースは COINTURK NEWS でも読むことができます: Dogecoin が主要なミームコインとしての君臨を維持

The notorious child of cryptocurrencies, meme coins, continues to hold its undisputed place at the top. Yes, we’re talking about Dogecoin. Despite not showing a strong performance over the past year, DOGE has not lost its place among meme coins and continues to stay within the top 15. So, what could be in store for DOGE, heavily supported by Elon Musk, who often boosts its price with his comments, in 2024?

悪名高い仮想通貨の申し子であるミームコインは、議論の余地のないトップの座を維持し続けています。はい、ドージコインについて話しています。過去 1 年間好調なパフォーマンスを示せなかったにもかかわらず、DOGE はミームコインの中での地位を失っておらず、トップ 15 内に留まり続けています。それで、頻繁に価格をつり上げるイーロン・マスクの多大な支援を受けて、DOGE には何が待ち受けているのでしょうか。彼のコメントとともに、2024年には?

Analyst’s Comments on DOGE


In the world of cryptocurrencies, including Dogecoin (DOGE), a slowdown in activity has been observed in many altcoins. Nevertheless, the leading meme coin’s strong stance above $0.08 continues, and some analysts believe a strong recovery could be possible in the coming months.


According to comments in a post shared by Ali Martinez on February 26, who has gained attention for his crypto analysis lately, Dogecoin’s current price movement shows parallels with situations observed during previous bull markets, including those in 2017 and 2021.


Indeed, considering the Dogecoin chart shared by Martinez, it can be seen that the price previously rose to $1.7 and then to $3.5.

実際、Martinez が共有した Dogecoin チャートを考慮すると、価格が以前は 1.7 ドルに上昇し、その後 3.5 ドルに上昇したことがわかります。

DOGE Price Analysis


As of the time of writing, the DOGE price continues to trade just below the $0.085 level. This price indicates a slight decrease of 1.64% on the daily chart, while on a weekly basis, it translates to a decrease of 1.34%.

この記事の執筆時点では、DOGE価格は0.085ドルの水準をわずかに下回る水準で推移し続けている。この価格は日足チャートでは 1.64% のわずかな下落を示していますが、週足ベースでは 1.34% の下落に相当します。

Nevertheless, data obtained on February 26 shows that the last 30 days have seen a rise of 7.02%, which seems to have pleased investors. On the other hand, there was a contrast observed between DOGE’s trading volume and market capitalization.


Looking at DOGE’s 24-hour trading volume, there has been a 7% increase. Following this rise, the volume surpassed the $314 million mark. This increase in trading volume could be interpreted as a rise in investor interest in DOGE. Despite this, the meme coin’s market capitalization experienced a drop of over 1%. After the drop, its value was just above $12 billion.

DOGE の 24 時間取引高を見ると、7% 増加しています。この上昇を受けて、出来高は 3 億 1,400 万ドルを超えました。この取引高の増加は、DOGEに対する投資家の関心の高まりと解釈できるかもしれません。それにもかかわらず、ミームコインの時価総額は1%以上下落しました。下落後の価値は120億ドルをわずかに上回った。

Another positive piece of news for DOGE is the number of transactions in its ecosystem. In the first three weeks of February 2024, more than 1 million transactions occurred daily, indicating an increase in transaction volume.

DOGE にとってもう 1 つの明るいニュースは、エコシステム内のトランザクションの数です。 2024 年 2 月の最初の 3 週間では、毎日 100 万件を超えるトランザクションが発生し、トランザクション量の増加を示しています。

Taking all these factors into account, Dogecoin indeed has the potential to show the expected rise and could experience a parabolic breakout in the upcoming period.


The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin Maintains Its Reign as the Leading Meme Coin

この投稿は COINTURK NEWS に初めて掲載されました: ドージコインが主要なミームコインとしての君臨を維持


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