フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコインのトレンド: クジラの変化と市場指標

Dogecoin Movement: Whale Transfers and Market Indicators

ドージコインのトレンド: クジラの変化と市場指標

リリース: 2024/01/17 17:39 読む: 826



ドージコインのトレンド: クジラの変化と市場指標

You can also read this news on BH NEWS: Dogecoin Movement: Whale Transfers and Market Indicators

このニュースは BH NEWS でも読むことができます: ドージコインの動き: クジラの移動と市場指標

Whale Alert reported a significant transfer of 990 million Dogecoins (DOGE) worth $79.75 million between wallets on January 16, without public profile confirmation of the participants. Such transfers are not uncommon in the Dogecoin ecosystem, as evidenced by a similar transfer of nearly a billion tokens from Binance to another wallet on January 9, which preceded a price increase from $0.076 to $0.085.


Following the peak on-chain transaction volume of $1 billion on January 12, there was a notable drop to $296.74 million, suggesting reduced participation in crypto trading. Analysts also monitor Dogecoin circulation and open interest per exchange, which can indicate market trends.


Circulation measures the number of tokens involved in transactions over a period and can imply lower sell pressure or increased usage. An increase in circulation sometimes precedes a price drop. At the time of writing, the daily circulation had risen to 14.48.


Open interest on exchanges also rose to 111.96 million, and when combined with increased circulation, this could signal a potential price drop for DOGE. The Accumulation/Distribution (A/D) indicator supported this potential, with the 4-hour chart showing A/D at 27.14 million, indicating neither significant accumulation nor distribution.

取引所の建玉も 1 億 1,196 万に増加し、流通量の増加と組み合わせると、これは DOGE の価格下落の可能性を示す可能性があります。蓄積/分配 (A/D) 指標はこの可能性を裏付けており、4 時間足チャートでは A/D が 2,714 万であり、顕著な蓄積も分配も示されていません。

Despite the possibility of a price drop below $0.08, Dogecoin may continue to fluctuate between $0.080 and $0.083. The Bollinger Bands (BB) suggested low volatility with narrow bands. If bulls increase buying pressure, DOGE could break the $0.083 resistance, potentially moving towards $0.09, but this is uncertain in the short term. However, a resurgence in altcoins could lead to an increase in DOGE’s price.

価格が0.08ドルを下回る可能性があるにもかかわらず、ドージコインは0.080ドルから0.083ドルの間で変動し続ける可能性があります。ボリンジャー バンド (BB) は、狭いバンドでボラティリティが低いことを示唆しました。強気派が買い圧力を強めれば、DOGEは0.083ドルの抵抗線を突破し、0.09ドルに向かう可能性があるが、短期的には不確実だ。ただし、アルトコインの復活はDOGEの価格の上昇につながる可能性があります。

The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Dogecoin Movement: Whale Transfers and Market Indicators

この投稿は BH NEWS に最初に掲載されました: ドージコインの動き: クジラの移動と市場指標


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