フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコイン、ペペ、ブンコインの価格が急騰、投資家はこのミームコインに注目

Dogecoin, Pepe, and Bonk prices soar; investors turn to this meme coin


リリース: 2024/02/29 20:31 読む: 260



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開示: この記事は投資アドバイスを表すものではありません。このページに掲載されているコンテンツと資料は、教育目的のみを目的としています。

Meme coins are taking the lead despite a broader market uptick. Currently, Dogecoin is up 19% today, Pepe has added 16% and Bonk has surged 42%.


Traders are also eyeing multi-chain meme coin, Smog, that’s conducting its airdrop and offering staking rewards.


DOGE, PEPE, and Bonk soar as BTC steams past $60K


The latest meme coin sector pump follows a broader market uptick, with Bitcoin crossing $60K and flirting with its highest-ever monthly close.


But despite Bitcoin’s uptick, meme coins are stealing the limelight, with Dogecoin, Pepe, and Bonk all up significantly.


Currently, Dogecoin is trading at $0.11, up 19.74% today, 36% this week and 43% this month. It holds a $16 billion market cap and a $4 billion 24-hour trading volume, up 114% today.


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こちらもお勧めです: 投資家が21億ドルを長期保管庫に移管する中、イーサリアムの価格目標は4,000ドルに

Excitement has been brewing around the market’s leading meme coin as analyst Yomi recently highlighted that this is the “4th time in history that it is flashing a 2-week super trend buy signal.”


He then explained, “After each buy signal was confirmed, it immediately began parabolic price action for the months ahead.”


Moving to Pepe, its price is $0.000003093, up 16% today, 177% this week and 191% this month.

Pepe に移ると、価格は $0.000003093 で、今日は 16%、今週は 177%、今月は 191% 上昇しました。

The increase has propelled Pepe’s market cap past $1 billion for the first time since May, with some analysts suggesting this marks the beginning of “meme coin season.”


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Currently, Pepe holds a $1.3 billion market cap and $2 billion 24-hour trading volume, up 41% today.


Trader Plazma recently published an analysis on X, forecasting Pepe will “break upwards.”


In another tweet, Plazma speculated that Pepe could break its all-time high in the coming days. Currently, it stands 27% from its 5 May 2023 ATH of $0.000004354.


Meanwhile, Bonk has also started gathering pace recently, priced at $0.00002 and up 42% today, 80% this week, and 72% this month. It currently holds a $1.3 billion market cap and a $770 million 24-hour trading volume.


In a recent chart analysis, analyst Caleb Franzen speculated that Bonk could be gearing for a further breakout as its price advances on a crucial resistance level.


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The analyst noted other promising factors like an RSI bullish divergence, holding its support “multiple times,” and the price starting to make higher lows.


Caleb posted the analysis when Bonk was trading at $0.000014, but it has broken the resistance since, bolstering the likelihood of an uptrend continuation.


These recent pumps, combined with ubiquitous bullish market sentiment, potentially signify the beginning of a longer-term uptrend for meme coins.


But as the rally advances, traders will seek alternative opportunities outside the market leaders for diversification and more potential upside.


So far, some investors are turning to Smog, a multi-chain staking project whose airdrop is ongoing.


Smog: The next meme coin to rally?

スモッグ: 次に集まるミームコインは?

Smog is a new meme coin on Solana and Ethereum.

Smog は、Solana と Ethereum の新しいミームコインです。

Its multi-chain approach provides widespread access across the two most prominent meme coin markets.

そのマルチチェーンアプローチにより、2 つの最も有名なミームコイン市場にわたる広範なアクセスが提供されます。

It is a dragon-themed project, and its website leads with “One meme coin to rule them all,” with the objective of “incinerating all its foes.”

これはドラゴンをテーマにしたプロジェクトであり、そのウェブサイトでは「すべての敵を焼き払う」という目的で「1 つのミーム コインですべてを支配する」と書かれています。

Smog’s trend-savvy team has allocated 35% of the token’s total supply to be distributed in an airdrop campaign, following successful projects like Jupiter, Starknet, and Pyth Network.

Smog のトレンドに精通したチームは、Jupiter、Starknet、Pyth Network などの成功したプロジェクトに続き、トークンの総供給量の 35% をエアドロップ キャンペーンで配布することに割り当てました。

Gaining airdrop eligibility entails buying and holding Smog, and participants can increase their chances of winning through tasks outlined on the project’s Zealy page.

エアドロップの資格を得るには、Smog を購入して保持する必要があり、参加者はプロジェクトの Zealy ページに概要が記載されているタスクを通じて勝利のチャンスを増やすことができます。

These include promoting Smog on X, following its social media channels, and engaging with its posts across different websites.

これには、X での Smog の宣伝、ソーシャル メディア チャネルのフォロー、さまざまな Web サイトでの投稿への関与などが含まれます。

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こちらもお勧めです: スモッグミームコインがソラナで発売、1,300% 以上急騰

This approach has helped Smog developed a community of over 31k on X and 16K members on Telegram.

このアプローチは、Smog が X で 31,000 人以上、Telegram で 16,000 人を超えるメンバーからなるコミュニティを開発するのに役立ちました。

Given the community-driven nature of meme coins, the Smog airdrop can be an opportunity.


In a bid for long-term community retention, Smog has a staking mechanism offering a 42% APY. So far, 14,105,150 SMOG have been staked.

長期的なコミュニティ保持を目指して、Smog は 42% の APY を提供するステーキング メカニズムを備えています。これまでに 14,105,150 SMOG がステーキングされています。

Market participants can buy Smog on Solana using a DEX like Jupiter or Birdeye.

市場参加者は、Jupiter や Birdeye などの DEX を使用して、Solana でスモッグを購入できます。

However, staking is only available on the Ethereum network.


Holders can bridge their tokens to Ethereum using Portalbridge.com and then stake them on the Smog website.

保有者は、Portalbridge.com を使用してトークンをイーサリアムにブリッジし、Smog Web サイトにステーキングできます。

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開示: このコンテンツは第三者によって提供されています。 crypto.news は、このページで言及されている製品を推奨するものではありません。ユーザーは、会社に関連する行動を起こす前に、自分で調査する必要があります。


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