表紙 > 情報ニュース > ドージコインの価格見通し:トレーダーは統合中のロングポジションに慎重

Dogecoin’s Price Outlook: Traders Cautioned Against Long Positions Amidst Consolidation


リリース: 2024/06/16 19:42 読む: 762

原作者:Crypto News Flash


Dogecoin Price Fluctuations and Market Analysis


Dogecoin's value has recently experienced a 12% decline, bringing its current trading price to $0.142. Despite this drop, analysts predict that strong support at $0.11 may prevent a further decline below this threshold.


Short-Term Price Predictions


Experts suggest that Dogecoin may trade within a range of $0.12 to $0.15 in the near term. However, a potential surge could occur if the resistance level at $0.16 is breached.


On-Chain Support and Resistance


According to data from IntoTheBlock, Dogecoin is currently trading above a significant on-chain support level, with holders accumulating 45 billion DOGE at an average price of $0.11. This suggests strong demand that could prevent the price from falling below this level.


Nevertheless, Dogecoin faces resistance at $0.16, where holders initially purchased 20 billion coins at a loss. Selling pressure at this level could potentially hinder further upward movement.


Development Activity and Whale Accumulation


Dogecoin's development activity has shown a significant increase, indicating ongoing efforts to improve the protocol. This positive trend is viewed favorably by investors and stakeholders.

Dogecoin の開発活動は大幅な増加を示しており、プロトコルを改善するための継続的な努力が示されています。この前向きな傾向は、投資家や利害関係者から好意的に受け止められています。

Recent data from Santiment reveals that addresses holding between 10 million and 100 million Dogecoins have collectively acquired over 900 million tokens in the past seven days. This accumulation, valued at around $129 million, suggests growing confidence among large investors.

Santiment の最近のデータによると、1,000 万から 1 億のドージコインを保有するアドレスが、過去 7 日間で合計 9 億以上のトークンを取得したことが明らかになりました。約1億2,900万ドル相当のこの蓄積は、大規模投資家の間で信頼が高まっていることを示唆しています。

Market Sentiment and Price Projections


Given the current market sentiment, Dogecoin's price may fluctuate between $0.12 and $0.15 in the short term. If negative sentiment persists, upward momentum may be limited. However, a surge in buying pressure could drive the price above $0.16, potentially leading to further gains.


Several traders have expressed bullish outlooks for Dogecoin's future. CryptoJack anticipates a 55% surge if DOGE breaks out of its descending pattern, while Trader Tardigrade suggests a long-term upward trajectory exceeding $12.


Note: The original article contained placeholder text and various references to external sources. These have been removed for clarity and brevity.

注: 元の記事には、プレースホルダー テキストと外部ソースへのさまざまな参照が含まれていました。これらは、明確かつ簡潔にするために削除されています。


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