表紙 > 情報ニュース > クジラが6億5,700万ドルのドージコインをコインベースとロビンフッドに移動させたため、ドージコインの価格が上昇

Dogecoin Price Rallies As Whales Move 657 Mln DOGE to Coinbase & Robinhood


リリース: 2023/12/20 12:17 読む: 395




With its acceptance as a payment option growing, thanks to meager transaction fees and constant endorsement by billionaire Elon Musk, Dogecoin (DOGE) is no longer just a meme fodder.


The top dog meme coin, DOGE, has been witnessing significant whale activity recently, leading some to speculate about the intentions of the entities behind these transactions.


Whales Trigger Speculation With DOGE Transfers


Within the last 24 hours, a substantial transfer of DOGE has been detected by the crypto tracking platform Whale Alert. On Monday, Whale Alert reported a transfer of over 85 million DOGE, worth approximately $7.6 million, from an undisclosed wallet to Robinhood, a digital asset exchange.

過去 24 時間以内に、仮想通貨追跡プラットフォーム Whale Alert によって DOGE の大幅な移転が検出されました。月曜日、ホエール・アラートは、非公開のウォレットからデジタル資産取引所のロビンフッドに8,500万ドル以上(約760万ドル相当)のDOGEが送金されたと報告した。

According to data from Whale Alert, another unknown wallet, “DGK…CUd” moved more than 57 million DOGE, worth roughly $5.1 million, to Robinhood the same day. The move signals an uptick in the token’s total supply, sparking speculation about its potential impact on DOGE price.


One enigmatic Dogecoin whale stirred up speculation around DOGE prices when a whopping 450 million DOGE was transferred between two on-chain wallets. Converting this to fiat, this huge DOGE movement was valued at approximately $41.5 million at the stamped transaction time, as per Whale Alert.

1 匹の謎めいた Dogecoin クジラが、2 つのオンチェーン ウォレット間で 4 億 5,000 万 DOGE が送金されたとき、DOGE 価格に関する憶測を巻き起こしました。ホエール・アラートによれば、これを法定通貨に換算すると、この巨額のDOGEの動きは、刻印された取引時点で約4150万ドルと評価された。

Meanwhile, another large investor shifted more than 64.7 million DOGE, worth around $6 million, from an unknown wallet address to the crypto trading platform Coinbase.


The DOGE community and the broader crypto market are on tenterhooks in the wake of these significant transactions as they could be indicative of the larger market trends and lay bare the intentions of the big players in the space.


Dogecoin Price & Performance:


Following the colossal transfers, the Dogecoin price was up 1.90% to $0.09282, while its trading volume surged 29.55% to $647.1 million. It’s also in sharp contrast with the data provided by crypto analytics platform, IntoTheBlock, which suggested that whales scooped up more than 1.32 billion DOGE earlier this month, even as the market experienced anxiety and panic.


At the time of writing, DOGE is valued at $0.093, down 3.1% in the last seven days, with a total market capitalization of more than $13 billion. Despite losing momentum in the last week, the meme coin has managed to clock an impressive rally of 18.4% in the last 30 days, according to data by CoinMarketCap.

本稿執筆時点でDOGEの評価額は0.093ドルで、過去7日間で3.1%下落し、時価総額は130億ドルを超えている。 CoinMarketCapのデータによると、先週勢いを失ったにもかかわらず、ミームコインは過去30日間で18.4%という目覚ましい上昇を記録することができた。

Notably, the world’s leading meme coin is still trading well below its all-time high of $0.75, a feat it achieved in May 2021. Meanwhile, the trading volume in the last 24 hours has surged by a whopping 39%.


The post Dogecoin Price Rallies As Whales Move 657 Mln DOGE to Coinbase & Robinhood appeared first on CoinGape.



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