フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコインの価格が1日で8.2%上昇 – 新しい予測は出てくるのか?

Dogecoin prices gain 8.2% in a day – Are new predictions on the way?

ドージコインの価格が1日で8.2%上昇 – 新しい予測は出てくるのか?

リリース: 2023/12/20 11:22 読む: 643

原作者:AMBCrypto - Latest Crypto News


  • DOGE has a short-term bearish bias on the price charts.
  • DOGE は価格チャートに短期的な弱気バイアスを持っています。

  • The recovery from the $0.086 zone was encouraging as it showed bulls were still in the fight.
  • 0.086ドルゾーンからの回復は、強気派がまだ戦いを続けていることを示しており、心強いものだった。

Dogecoin [DOGE] saw its momentum shift bearishly after the recent selling pressure forced prices to dip to the $0.086 support zone. Yet, Bitcoin [BTC] recovered overnight and there was a market-wide bounce in asset prices.


AMBCrypto reported on the performance of the meme coins in 2023 and noted that DOGE showed signs of short-term bearish sentiment in the futures market. Could the bulls reverse this development soon?


The November high was revisited as support


Source: DOGE/USDT on TradingView

出典: TradingView の DOGE/USDT

The 12-hour price chart showed a bearish market structure had developed. This was followed by the RSI dipping to the 41.5 mark to indicate a shift in momentum.


However, the OBV clung stubbornly to a level of support it has defended throughout December.


In mid-November, DOGE prices reached the $0.085 region. It was a strong resistance level at that time and caused a sharp pullback to $0.07. Since then, the buyers have breached it and also retested it as a support zone, highlighted in cyan.


On 18th December, the price fell to this region once again but immediately bounced higher. This showed buyers were strong, but the price was now at a lower timeframe resistance at $0.0928.


The rising active addresses were encouraging

アクティブ アドレスの増加は励みになりました

Source: Santiment

出典: サンティメント

The active addresses count has been trending higher since mid-November. This showcased increased participation from users and pointed toward increased demand for DOGE as well. The metric was near its three-month high at press time.

アクティブ アドレス数は 11 月中旬から増加傾向にあります。これはユーザーの参加が増加していることを示しており、DOGE に対する需要の増加も示しています。この指標は本稿執筆時点で3カ月ぶりの高値付近にあった。

Is your portfolio green? Check the DOGE Profit Calculator

あなたのポートフォリオは緑色ですか? DOGE 利益計算ツールを確認する

The social volume was strong in early December but has receded since then. Yet, it was higher than what it was in October and the first half of November.


The dormant circulation saw a large spike when prices were at $0.097 on 12th December. This suggested increased token movement and was a sign of a spike in selling activity, and was followed by a descent in prices to reinforce this idea.


Disclaimer: The information presented does not constitute financial, investment, trading, or other types of advice and is solely the writer’s opinion.

免責事項: 提示された情報は、財務、投資、取引、その他の種類のアドバイスを構成するものではなく、単に著者の意見にすぎません。


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  • ドージコインマイニング
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    このトピックでは、「ミームの王様: ドージコイン」など、最も人気のあるミームに関連する記事を提供します。 Memecoin は暗号通貨分野で支配的なプレーヤーとなっています。これらのデジタル資産はさまざまな理由で人気があります。これらはブロックチェーンの最も革新的な側面を推進します。

