フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコインの人気が急上昇、アクティブユーザー数が500万人を突破

Dogecoin’s soaring popularity and surpasses 5 million active users


リリース: 2023/08/04 02:30 読む: 469

原作者:Todayq News


On July 25, 2023, a report by Todayq News highlighted that Dogecoin had experienced notable price movements and increased interest from investors in the past few weeks. It was observed that whales had purchased around 3 billion Dogecoins, equivalent to $225 million.

2023年7月25日、Todayq Newsのレポートは、ドージコインが過去数週間で顕著な価格変動を経験し、投資家からの関心が高まっていることを強調しました。クジラが約30億ドージコイン(2億2500万ドル相当)を購入したことが観察された。

Along with these purchases, significant acquisitions of Dogecoin were also observed, and during July 21 and 22, 2023, approximately 730 million Dogecoins valued at around $51 million were transferred between wallets in four separate transactions.


Originally conceived as a humorous cryptocurrency, Dogecoin has remarkably gained popularity and is now on the threshold of reaching a milestone of five million active addresses, which would be a record high for the network. This surge in active addresses signals a growing user base and potential for increased market activity. However, some skeptics point out that Dogecoin currently lacks a strong fundamental use case, raising concerns about its long-term sustainability.

Source: IntoTheBlock

もともとユーモアのある暗号通貨として考案されたドージコインは、目覚ましい人気を博し、現在、ネットワークの記録最高となるアクティブ アドレス数 500 万のマイルストーンに到達しようとしています。このアクティブ アドレスの急増は、ユーザー ベースの拡大と市場活動の増加の可能性を示しています。しかし、一部の懐疑論者は、ドージコインには現時点で強力な基本的なユースケースが欠けており、その長期的な持続可能性について懸念が生じていると指摘しています。出典: イントゥザブロック

Nevertheless, intriguing rumors have been swirling around Dogecoin’s future. In 2022, there were whispers about prominent figures like Vitalik Buterin and other developers exploring the possibility of creating a smart contract platform for Dogecoin. Such a development would offer a fundamental use case for the cryptocurrency and could propel it beyond its current status.

それにもかかわらず、ドージコインの将来については興味深い噂が渦巻いています。 2022年には、ヴィタリック・ブテリンや他の開発者らの著名人がドージコイン用のスマートコントラクトプラットフォームを作成する可能性を模索しているとささやかれていた。このような開発は、暗号通貨の基本的な使用例を提供し、現在の状況を超えて暗号通貨を推進する可能性があります。

However, it’s essential to acknowledge that these rumors have not been substantiated, and no concrete product has been delivered yet. Until then, the market eagerly observes Dogecoin’s journey, waiting to see if it can break free from its meme cryptocurrency image and establish itself in a more practical and functional domain.


Despite its origins, Dogecoin’s absolute market presence and popularity continue to captivate the cryptocurrency world. Investors and enthusiasts eagerly await its next milestone and remain hopeful that the potential development of a smart contract platform could revolutionize its standing, bringing it closer to mainstream acceptance. Until then, the exciting trajectory of Dogecoin leaves the market eagerly watching, with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.


© Todayq News

© 今日のニュース


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