フロントページ > 情報ニュース > X Payments のローンチが近づくにつれ、Dogecoin が急騰します。何が期待できるでしょうか?

Dogecoin Soars as X Payments Launch Gets Closer; What to Expect?

X Payments のローンチが近づくにつれ、Dogecoin が急騰します。何が期待できるでしょうか?

リリース: 2024/01/23 06:17 読む: 562



Dogecoin barking loud again and the credit goes to the recent development in the social media platform X’s (formerly Twitter) “Everything App”. The DOGE price surged more than 10% after the launch of a dedicated X Payments account on its platform. 

ドージコインが再び大声で吠え、その功績はソーシャル メディア プラットフォーム X (旧 Twitter) の「Everything App」の最近の開発にあります。 DOGEのプラットフォーム上に専用のX Paymentsアカウントが開設された後、DOGEの価格は10%以上急騰した。

Dogecoin has received many endorsements from Elon Musk, who has influenced DOGE’s price and popularity with his tweets. Tesla, Musk’s electric car company, has also adopted DOGE as a way to pay for its products and showcased it on its futuristic CyberTruck code page.

Dogecoin はイーロン・マスク氏から多くの支持を受けており、マスク氏は自身のツイートで DOGE の価格と人気に影響を与えました。マスク氏の電気自動車会社であるテスラも、製品の支払い方法として DOGE を採用し、未来的な Cyber​​Truck コード ページでそれを紹介しました。

These factors have sparked rumors that X Payments could also accept DOGE as a payment option, following Tesla’s example. It could create new opportunities for Dogecoin and its users, as well as boost its adoption and demand.

これらの要因により、テスラの例に倣い、X Payments も支払いオプションとして DOGE を受け入れる可能性があるという噂が生まれました。それはドージコインとそのユーザーにとって新たな機会を生み出すだけでなく、その採用と需要を高める可能性があります。

Dogecoin on the Technical Charts 


On 20 Jan 2024, the price opened at the level of $0.07848 made a high of 0.09740, a low of 0.07815, and closed at the level of 0.09116, which demonstrates a total change of 16.14%. The volume was 484.237 Million as per the trading view data.  

2024 年 1 月 20 日、価格は 0.07848 ドルのレベルで始まり、高値は 0.09740、安値は 0.07815、終値は 0.09116 レベルで、合計 16.14% の変化を示しています。トレーディングビューデータによると、出来高は4億8,423万7,000ドルでした。

The price break above the key moving averages showcasing bullishness on the daily charts.


Previously the price was trading on a downward slope, the X payment news ignited the price and turned into a breakout above the level of $0.08460. Now, the price direction depends upon whether the price sustains above the current levels or not.


The MACD is showing a bullish cross after a long time showing bullishness. It is now heading in an upward direction and the green bars on the histogram are noted on the chart.


The RSI curve is heading in the upward direction above the median line, currently at the 52 level showing bullishness.


Will Dogecoin Reach the $1 Mark?


If X Payments integrates DOGE as a fee option, it may boost the demand and reputation of Dogecoin. It may probably push the price closer to the formidable $1 goal that many enthusiasts are hoping for. However, if X Payments does not assist DOGE as a payment method, the price might also face a correction and resume its downward trend.

X Payments が手数料オプションとして DOGE を統合すれば、Dogecoin の需要と評判が高まる可能性があります。おそらく、多くの愛好家が期待している1ドルという恐るべき目標に価格が近づくかもしれない。ただし、X Payments が支払い方法として DOGE を支援しない場合、価格も調整に直面し、再び下落傾向に戻る可能性があります。

Therefore, traders and traders must be cautious whilst dealing with DOGE or some other crypto asset. They need to also do their research and evaluation earlier than making any investment choices. Dogecoin is a volatile and volatile asset that may be motivated using many elements, inclusive of marketplace sentiment, information, rules, and opposition from other cryptocurrencies.




No official confirmation yet, X and Musk have remained mum on whether DOGE will be included in X Payments. The lack of official confirmation casts a shadow of uncertainty over the bullish sentiment. However, the announcement and the buzz fueled the dogecoin fans again with excitement. Now, the price trend depends upon whether the price is sustained above the current levels or not.

まだ正式な確認はなく、XとマスクはDOGEがX Paymentsに含まれるかどうかについて沈黙を保っている。公式確認の欠如は強気の感情に不確実性の影を落としている。しかし、この発表と話題はドージコインファンを再び興奮させました。さて、価格動向は価格が現在の水準を超えて維持されるかどうかにかかっています。



This article is for informational purposes only and does not provide any financial, investment, or other advice. The author or any people mentioned in this article are not responsible for any financial loss that may occur from investing in or trading. Please do your research before making any financial decisions



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