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Dogecoin Takes Center Stage with Massive Whale Transaction


リリース: 2024/02/16 06:06 読む: 466



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin Takes Center Stage with Massive Whale Transaction

このニュースは COINTURK NEWS でも読むことができます: Dogecoin が大規模なクジラ取引で注目を集める

Dogecoin, considered the number one meme coin by volume, became the center of rumors after a massive amount of DOGE was sent to a CEX on February 15th. According to data revealed by Whale Alert, which tracks blockchain whales, 400 million DOGE worth $34.37 million were moved during this period. Despite this transfer, DOGE’s price approached the $0.09 level due to the general market uptrend, creating significant speculation among crypto market traders and investors.

量でナンバーワンのミームコインとみなされているドージコインは、2月15日に大量のドージがCEXに送られた後、噂の中心となった。ブロックチェーンクジラを追跡するWhale Alertが明らかにしたデータによると、この期間中に3437万ドル相当の4億DOGEが移動した。この譲渡にもかかわらず、市場全体の上昇傾向によりDOGEの価格は0.09ドルの水準に近づき、仮想通貨市場のトレーダーや投資家の間で重大な憶測を引き起こしました。

DOGE Whale Transactions

DOGE クジラ取引

Meanwhile, derivative data specific to DOGE showed a decline today, reflecting the optimism formed in the market for the token alongside the recent price increase.


According to data provided by Whale Alert, 400 million DOGE were transferred to a CEX exchange by a whale. It was later revealed that the whale transaction resulted in the 400 million DOGE being sent to the Robinhood exchange.


Looking at past data, it seems that this is not the first transaction carried out by the whale. It was discovered that the same whale had performed a similar transaction during a previous market upswing.


This situation has attracted the attention of traders and investors in the cryptocurrency market, leading to various interpretations about the current process the token is undergoing.


Meanwhile, according to data from Coinglass, DOGE’s open interest saw a significant increase of 12.67%, reaching $569.11 million. This reflects a bullish outlook for DOGE, in line with the market rise seen today, as of the time of writing.

一方、コイングラスのデータによると、DOGEの建玉は12.67%の大幅な増加を見せ、5億6,911万ドルに達しました。これは、本稿執筆時点での今日の市場上昇と一致して、DOGE の強気な見通しを反映しています。

Considering the indicators presented by the open interest, the significant level of liquidity entering the market seems to reflect a bullish sentiment for DOGE.

建玉によって示される指標を考慮すると、市場に流入するかなりのレベルの流動性は、DOGE に対する強気のセンチメントを反映しているようです。

What is the Price of DOGE Now?


According to data from 21milyon.com, Dogecoin’s price has experienced a significant increase of 3.29% in the last 24 hours, trading at $0.086 at the time of writing. Notably, the meme coin approached the $0.09 mark earlier in the day, reaching a high of $0.08791, fueling speculation that it could soon see $0.1 again in the market.

21milyon.com のデータによると、ドージコインの価格は過去 24 時間で 3.29% という大幅な上昇を経験し、執筆時点では 0.086 ドルで取引されています。特に、ミームコインはその日の早い時間に0.09ドルのマークに近づき、0.08791ドルの高値に達し、すぐに再び0.1ドルが市場に現れるのではないかという憶測を煽りました。

DOGE’s trading volume in the last 24 hours has shown an increase of over 90%, reaching $783 million. Additionally, the overall volume increased by 4%, surpassing the $12 billion mark.

過去 24 時間の DOGE の取引高は 90% 以上増加し、7 億 8,300 万ドルに達しました。さらに、全体の金額は4%増加し、120億ドルを突破しました。

Investors’ expectations are rising for a potential price increase to $0.1, based on the open interest data emerging in the coming days, which is a topic of discussion in crypto circles.


The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin Takes Center Stage with Massive Whale Transaction

この投稿は COINTURK NEWS に初めて掲載されました: ドージコインが大規模なクジラ取引で注目を集める


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