Dogecoin Foundation Announces Plans for Global Adoption
Dogecoin Foundationは、グローバルな採用計画を発表しています
Cover Image: U.Today
Official Dogecoin Account Tweet:
"Adoption is inevitable."
Upcoming Major Partnership Announcement:
The Dogecoin Foundation's Director, Timothy Stebbing, revealed that the Foundation has been engaged in discussions with several major companies. He stated that a major PR announcement is expected in early March, unveiling the details of these partnerships.
Dogecoin FoundationのディレクターであるTimothy Stebbingは、財団がいくつかの大手企業との議論に従事していることを明らかにしました。彼は、これらのパートナーシップの詳細を明らかにして、3月上旬に主要なPR発表が予想されると述べました。
Rejection of Past Offers:
Stebbing disclosed that the Foundation had previously declined multiple offers from corporations seeking to promote Dogecoin for millions of dollars. He expressed skepticism about the genuine interest of these companies, believing they primarily sought to capitalize on the Dogecoin community's reputation.
Recent Development:
However, the Foundation has recently formed a five-year partnership with "House of Doge," which will serve as its official commercialization partner. This partnership will allow the Foundation to double its development team and focus exclusively on Dogecoin's development.
しかし、財団は最近、「House of Doge」と5年間のパートナーシップを結成しました。これは、公式の商業化パートナーとして機能します。このパートナーシップにより、財団は開発チームを2倍にし、Dogecoinの開発にのみ焦点を当てることができます。
Dogecoin Reserve and Treasury:
Dogecoin Reserve and Treasury:
The Dogecoin Foundation has also established a Dogecoin Reserve & Treasury to provide liquidity to corporate Dogecoin adopters and facilitate onboarding new Dogecoin users.
Dogecoin Foundationはまた、Dogecoin Reserve&Treasuryを設立し、企業のDogecoinの採用者に流動性を提供し、新しいDogecoinユーザーの採用を促進しています。