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Significant Dogecoin Transactions on Robinhood Spark Discussions

Robinhood Spark でのドージコインの大規模取引ディスカッション

リリース: 2024/01/13 06:00 読む: 270



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Significant Dogecoin Transactions on Robinhood Spark Discussions

このニュースは COINTURK NEWS でも読むことができます: Robinhood Spark Discussions での重大なドージコイン取引

A significant amount of Dogecoin was purchased on the popular trading platform Robinhood. This transaction coincided with a 5.84% decrease in Dogecoin’s value over the past 24 hours. The large transaction, highlighted in a recent tweet by the cryptocurrency tracking platform Whale Alert, has sparked discussions within the crypto community.

かなりの量のドージコインが人気の取引プラットフォームであるロビンフッドで購入されました。この取引は、過去 24 時間でドージコインの価値が 5.84% 減少したのと同時に発生しました。仮想通貨追跡プラットフォームのホエール・アラートによる最近のツイートで強調されたこの大規模取引は、仮想通貨コミュニティ内で議論を引き起こした。

$7.5 Million DOGE Transaction Detected


The Dogecoin transfer detected by Whale Alert involved 88,258,144 DOGE worth $7,474,518. It is speculated that a whale investor made this significant Dogecoin purchase on Robinhood and then moved the funds to a cold wallet. Interestingly, there were two different transactions that emerged in the data.

Whale Alertによって検出されたDogecoinの転送には、7,474,518ドル相当の88,258,144 DOGEが関与していました。クジラの投資家がロビンフッドでこの多額のドージコインを購入し、その資金をコールドウォレットに移したと推測されています。興味深いことに、データには 2 つの異なるトランザクションが出現しました。

While the first transaction included the aforementioned 88,258,144 DOGE, the second transaction overshadowed the first by involving 220,709,018 DOGE. Notably, the larger transfer occurred within Robinhood’s internal blockchain addresses. Accordingly, the transfer was worth $18,516,700.

最初の取引には前述の 88,258,144 DOGE が含まれていましたが、2 番目の取引では 220,709,018 DOGE が関与し、最初の取引が影を潜めました。特に、大規模な転送はロビンフッドの内部ブロックチェーンアドレス内で発生しました。したがって、譲渡額は 18,516,700 ドル相当となります。

As of the writing of this article, Dogecoin is trading at $0.0848. The significant purchase on Robinhood adds a mysterious element to Dogecoin’s market dynamics, raising questions about the motivations behind such significant transactions during a period of price decline.


Elon Musk’s Influence on Dogecoin and the X Platform


The focus on Dogecoin deepens with the X platform, associated with Elon Musk, announcing its intention to implement online payments in line with Musk’s “everything app” vision. Although there is anticipation in the crypto community regarding Dogecoin’s potential involvement in Musk’s ventures, no official statement has been made.


In a recent statement, Musk reiterated his support for Dogecoin by emphasizing that he has not sold any of his DOGE holdings. Despite Musk’s vocal support for Dogecoin, there is no indication that X plans to launch its own cryptocurrency.


Last year, Musk introduced enhancements to the X app that expanded tools for content creators, including long posts and live video streams. The platform offers monetization options that allow content creators to offer subscriptions for a monthly fee or to earn revenue by sharing in advertising earnings.


The Future Trajectory of Altcoin Dogecoin


As Dogecoin whales make significant moves amidst market fluctuations, the crypto community is forced to speculate about the factors driving these transactions. The dynamics of Dogecoin becoming closely aligned with Elon Musk’s ventures add extra complexity to the situation.


In conclusion, the recent Dogecoin transactions on Robinhood, combined with Musk’s ongoing support, create an atmosphere of anticipation in the crypto space. Navigating the uncertainties surrounding Dogecoin’s future trajectory requires closely following market trends, whale movements, and potential developments in Musk’s ventures.


The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Significant Dogecoin Transactions on Robinhood Spark Discussions

この投稿は COINTURK NEWS に最初に掲載されました: Robinhood Spark ディスカッションでの重大なドージコイン取引




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