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Dogecoin’s Volatile Movements Amidst Rumors and Speculations


リリース: 2024/01/10 20:04 読む: 911



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin’s Volatile Movements Amidst Rumors and Speculations

このニュースは COINTURK NEWS でも読むことができます: 噂と憶測の中でのドージコインの不安定な動き

Since its inception, Dogecoin (DOGE) has maintained its presence as the most popular meme coin in the crypto industry. In the last 24 hours, Dogecoin’s price caught the attention of investors with incredible volatility following a series of news on social media.


Dogecoin Rumors


Yesterday might have been the day of fake news in the cryptocurrency market. Incredible movements in the price occurred after a fake social media post about the death of the beloved mascot that underpins the emergence of DOGE.

昨日は仮想通貨市場でフェイクニュースが飛び交った日だったかもしれない。 DOGEの出現を支えた最愛のマスコットの死に関する偽のソーシャルメディア投稿の後、価格の信じられないほどの動きが起こりました。

An unidentified user X shared a screenshot claiming the death of Kabuso, considered the mascot of DOGE, which led to a 9% price increase to $0.083. However, this false news received backlash from investors and X users.

身元不明のユーザー X が、DOGE のマスコットであるカブソの死を主張するスクリーンショットを共有したため、価格が 9% 上昇して 0.083 ドルになりました。しかし、この誤報は投資家やXユーザーから反発を受けた。

Later, the user himself admitted that the screenshot he shared was fake and then removed the post. Not stopping there, the user went into hiding by concealing his account but eventually disappeared by deleting the entire account.


This incident was a clear example of sharp price movements in the crypto market due to misinformation. The news about DOGE was not the only fake news of the night. On the other hand, another shocking news related to Bitcoin spot ETFs in the market was shared from the SEC’s X account by hackers.


Following the emergence of the news, the high volatility in the price of DOGE caused many addresses to profit, which in turn triggered DOGE sales by these addresses.

このニュースの出現後、DOGE の価格変動の高さにより多くのアドレスが利益を上げ、これらのアドレスによる DOGE の販売が引き起こされました。

After the rise, DOGE erased most of its gains in the later hours of the day and was trading at $0.7923 at the time of writing. Despite the rise in DOGE’s price, the overall outlook continued to maintain a downward trend.

上昇後、DOGEはその日の遅い時間に上昇分のほとんどを消し去り、執筆時点では0.7923ドルで取引されていた。 DOGE価格の上昇にも関わらず、全体的な見通しは引き続き下降傾向を維持した。

The Future of Dogecoin


Considering that DOGE is a meme coin, it is important to remember that a large part of its price movement is driven by news flow and the resulting excitement.

DOGE がミームコインであることを考えると、その価格変動の大部分がニュースの流れとその結果としての興奮によって動かされていることを覚えておくことが重要です。

According to social activity analysis by Santiment, DOGE’s social volume appears to have a stable structure despite market fluctuations.

Santiment によるソーシャル アクティビティ分析によると、DOGE のソーシャル ボリュームは、市場の変動にもかかわらず安定した構造を持っているようです。

Moreover, it would be beneficial for investors to note that the weighted sentiment around DOGE has visibly declined over the last few days.


The reason for the decline in weighted sentiment is due to the higher number of negative comments about DOGE on social media compared to positive ones.


Despite the increase in negative comments about DOGE, there has been an increase in the total number of addresses investing in DOGE. This suggests that many addresses have been investing in DOGE.

DOGE に対する否定的なコメントが増加しているにもかかわらず、DOGE に投資しているアドレスの総数は増加しています。これは、多くのアドレスが DOGE に投資していることを示唆しています。

If this trend continues, investors may soon see an increase in the price of Dogecoin.


The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin’s Volatile Movements Amidst Rumors and Speculations

この投稿は COINTURK NEWS に最初に掲載されました: 噂と憶測の中でのドージコインの不安定な動き


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